Another Brother

1412 Words
{Lilith’s POV} I had been cheated on, lied to, abused, and all to end up broken. Once Levi and Sebastian left I cleaned myself off, finally taking my shower. When I got out I realized I had no clothes. I wrapped my towel around me and opened up the door looking at Levi and Sebastian who were talking to one another in the bedroom. “I-I don’t have any clothes..” I said nervously. My head peered around the door trying to draw as little attention as possible, I could hear Levi step out of the room and dial something on his phone. Sebastian walked over bringing me one of his white t-shirts and a clean pair of underwear. He also brought me a pair of grey sweat pants with a tie string around it. “Here you go, if you want I can send someone to go pick up your stuff at your apartment and bring it here. We can put it in your room if you like.” He said smiling softly. His demeanor seeming sweeter than usual. I nodded, “Tell them to just pack everything in the house up and bring it. I’ll go through it once it’s here, I just.. I can’t go back there.” I said breathing in, my breath hitching in my throat.He nodded, turning to walk away, he pulled out his phone and began making a call. “Sebastian..” I peeped out. He turned to face me, “Thank you.” I said softly. He smiled, “Don’t thank me yet darling, I’m not the only one making calls, something tells me when Levi finishes making his calls you won’t be as happy.” He said turning and walking out of the bedroom. I closed the door and began drying off, my body cold from the freezing water that dripped from me. Once I was dry, I quickly pulled on the clothes that he brought for me. I smiled looking at the large shirt and how it draped off of me much like an oversized dress. I laughed at the state of myself and decided to roll and tuck the t-shirt turning it into a crop top. I pulled up the grey sweat pants and tied them up high on my waist. Once I was satisfied with that I towel dried my hair slightly and brushed it out, the loose curls already beginning to form in my long auburn hair. I had on no makeup which made my freckles more noticeable against my pale skin. My deep green eyes popping against the auburn color of my hair. Loose curls flowed by my face, and across my cheek. I walked back out into the bedroom, seeing Levi and Sebastian sitting there on the bed. They both looked over as I entered the room. “Okay..” Sebastian clapped his hands together. “I’ve got some good news and some bad news.” He said. “What’s the good news?” I asked, afraid to hear what bad news he could have. “The good news is, we have a moving team heading to your apartment right now!” He said smiling. “And the bad news?” I asked.. afraid of what he could possibly say. “Levi was able to get a hold of our brother Lucas.. he’s on his way home to meet you. He’s a little hateful and aggressive.. and a little pervy.” He said an odd expression on his face. “If you’re saying he’s pervy, maybe I am in trouble.” I said giggling a little. Levi gave a short chuckle too, and looked over to me. “Our brother will be home soon, I’m going to fair warn you that he can be a little much at times.. like Sebastian said he can be a little aggressive. He’d never hurt you, at least not on purpose, but he does enjoy throwing others around..” he said looking down a slight blush creeping across his face. His hair was shaggy, and wavy his bangs were hanging in his face. I walked over to where he sat on the bed and brushed his bangs out of his eyes. Even with him sitting he was still taller than me, now that I didn’t have my heels to help me. “Now that I’m looking at you.” Sebastian began, a wicked smirk spread across his face. “You’re awfully small..” he said laughing slightly. “Do you think she’d be able to handle us at the same time Levi?” He asked. A blush crept across Levi’s face, his eyes going dark for a moment. Suddenly I was pinned under him on the bed. My face burned, as the sparks flew through my body. “L-Levi?” His eyes a solid black color. He leaned down in the crook of my neck, inhaling my scent. He nibbled my neck and ear as he held my wrists above my head with one hand and began exploring my body with the other. He was behaving completely different that he was before. His movements became sporadic and his breathing ragged. “Mine!” A deep guttural voice left his lips. Honestly, reliving my past trauma today was too much, I did the only thing I could think of. I looked over to Sebastian who seemed to be shocked. “S-Sebastian.. please.. help..” I panted out. Sebastian’s eyes went wide, and before I knew what was happening a tall dark figure burst into the room throwing Levi across the room, picking me up and running out down the hall. He ran into a bedroom, then closed the door behind us locking it. He sat me down on the bed looking me over, his eyes trailing my body that was covered up with Sebastian’s oversized clothes. He shook his head looking down, “No, no, no! This won’t do at all!” He said running into his closet and bringing out a white button up shirt. “Put this on, and I think I have..” he said walking over to a store bag he had on the floor and rummaging through it. “Aha! Here it is!” He said pulling out a pair of short shorts. “These should fit you!” He said tossing them to me. He walked to a door opening it up, another bathroom. “You can go change in there!” He said with a smirk. “W-Who.. what.. huh?” I asked not truly able to speak any words. My wolf however filling in at least one blank. “Mate!” She spoke in my head once again, “But we already have two!” I said back, “we can’t have another one!” I shouted out loud. “I’m Lucas, your best mate I can assure you. To answer your other question I saved you from getting uncontrollable love from my little brothers wolf! His eyes going black was his wolf coming out.” He said a devilish smile creeping across his lips. “Now that we’ve established that my love, go change for me. I want to cover you in my scent not Sebastian’s!” He finished, almost like an order. His pale green eyes holding me captive before him. He had light brown hair that was scruffy, long on top and shaved on the sides. His beard was scruffy and not as well maintained as Sebastian and Levi’s, but it still looked nice and groomed. He was the same height as Sebastian, around 6’4 and his body was also muscular and bulky, he was a little leaner than Sebastian, but not as lean as Levi. I slightly ogled him before snapping out of it and deciding to go change like he asked. I walked into the bathroom and closed the door behind me, I could hear knocks on the bedroom door, I didn’t even have to ask, I knew it was Sebastian and Levi. As I changed my clothes I noticed the shorts fit snugly to my curves, they still had the tag on them as well. I pulled off the tag placing it in the garbage, then opened the door to the bedroom, I could see all three brothers looking in my direction as I walked out buttoning the buttons on my shirt. They all three freely roamed their eyes upon my body, and my heart skipped a beat.
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