Three years – No Communication

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In 2017, Ronnie and his younger sister, Geraldine started at their High School as Year 9 students. They both loved their new school especially since 80% of their Year 8 classmates were all going to the new school. After the first week of High School, Ronnie was selected to be in the Athletics squad and he enjoyed it very much. He was expected to go and board in school so we packed his stuff and went to school to drop him off in school so he could attend early morning and late afternoon training. Geraldine, however, travelled from home daily and would take Ronnie’s well-balanced lunch daily to help supplement his diet. Athletics was an activity during the first term of school and Ronnie looked forward and trained hard for it. Hs Trainer and coach trained him well and taught him the pacing in running middle distance runs as he was a short distance runner. The day came and it was time for Ronnie to compete in the High School Island championships where all the 4 high schools came together and competed at one of the big grounds. Ronnie was all trained to run in the 100 metres, 200 metres and 4 x 100 metres relay. He was well trained physically but one thing Ronnie was a very shy person always so mentally he was crushed with the sight of a lot of people. He’s turn came to run and everyone stood on the side cheering him on, Ronnie came first in the heats of all his races. Then in the finals, he was training on the side to warm himself up and out of nowhere a lady walked up to him and asked, “Hello you must be Ronnie,” “Yes,” he replied. “Oh you just look like your father boy,” she chimed in with teary eyes. “Yes that’s what everyone says I look like my Dad Toby,” he said. The woman realizing that something was wrong, she waved to him and wished him well and walked on. Meanwhile, I was seated under a big shade of a Raintree when that woman walked up to me to say hello. It was one of Sam’s sisters who had been my classmate at Elementary School. She told me that she had spoken to Ronnie and he talked about Toby being his Dad, and I told her that Ronnie still didn’t really know who his father was. For three years I never heard from Sam again, not even a text message or a f*******: message so I just told myself it was for the best. Then one day in 2019 he sent me a friend request and I gladly accepted it. Every now and again I would see him like or love my posts but he would never comment on my photos. Even the likes for me was enough because then I knew he was seeing the posts. Then during the lockdown period of this year one day, I saw him post something about scolding his son about playing pubg and I wanted to give him my fifty cents advice so instead of commenting on his post I sent him a private message. His first response was “are we really talking again after three long years, and thanks for that advice regarding my son, and meanwhile how is our son. My response “Ronnie is very good thanks, he’s 18 years old and will be turning 19 this month, you welcome about the advice about your son, I guess I'm experienced as I have four sons, and yes why shouldn't we keep talking to each other. I just realized it that it was such a stupid idea that we never spoke to each other provided the fact that we have a child together and you have every right as well as me to this child.” “Wow thanks for being such an understanding woman MJ, and yes I would love to stay in touch but MJ please know something and this is from the bottom of my heart, I still love you and am still in love with you,” Sam responded. I read and re-read his message and then replied: “Sam babe I know I still love you and miss you so much but what can I do Toby has been good to Ronnie and I and I told you for that I will always be faithful to him.” Sam responded, “MJ I am not asking you to leave Toby all I am asking you is firstly Ronnie needs to know where he is originally from and that means knowing who his real father is and second of all I want to see you whenever I can so we can at least talk and catch up where we’ve left off and please can we stick to that arrangement. Whereby we can chat with each other and meet whenever possible but let’s not hurt either of our spouses”. I replied, “Ok Sam since I miss and love you so much I will stick to the arrangement but please you do not message me except I message you because Toby sometimes uses my fone. You might even message and he will read and know that we have been talking to each other again. That arrangement worked well for a week we chatted every day via f*******: messenger and I was very careful to delete all messages after we conversed then the following week because I had to top-up his phone he gave me his phone number and then after that, I called to talk to him again. We spoke in person after three years and it was just like yesterday as I felt butterflies in my stomach, when I heard his voice I swear I could have had an orgasm. His husky voice and I could almost see the expression on his voice very loving, I cried just listening to him talk. The week that followed I got a friend request from one of his sisters and she asked me that they were wanting to come and see Ronnie. I told Sam that I had spoken to his sister asking me about Ronnie and he said: “MJ please don’t let my sisters pressure you about him, because after all, we should respect Toby because he has been there for Ronnie since he was an infant.” It was funny how some nights all we would do is share Youtube love songs with each other and just enjoy listening to the songs that he would send me, some nights I cried just listening to the songs. On a Thursday night, he messaged me saying “MJ tonight I'm missing so badly and only wished I had wings and could fly over.” The next morning I called my niece at the Airport to see if there were any empty seats and yes there was so I booked a seat for myself, so I spoke to my cousin Catherine if she could pick me up from home. I told Toby that I had a very important meeting to attend at the Capital City that afternoon and would return on Saturday morning if there were any seats available. So whilst on my way to the Airport I messaged my cousin at the Radisson Resort and booked for a Villa for the nights of Friday, Saturday and Sunday and I would check out on Monday morning. “Sam, I have sent you a package you will need to pick it up on the evening flight from the City, it will be there till the 5.30 pm flight to the Jetset town.” “Oh ok sure what is it, oh you didn’t have to babe,” he responded. Meanwhile little did he know that I was already on the flight. I arrived at the City Airport at 1 pm but my connecting flight was at 5.30 pm so I took a Rental car and drove into town, went for lunch then booked an appointment at a hair salon for a hair makeover, did some shopping and then by 4 pm I was on the road again driving back to the Airport. I messaged him at 4 pm and told him his package was due to catch the 5.30 pm flight out of the City Airport. I strictly instructed him to come alone to the Airport and not bring any other family member. He understood me but never ever realized that I was actually travelling in person.  
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