Miles Apart

415 Words
After my exams finished, every night he came home and spent the nights with me for about two weeks. This continued until it was time for me to go travel to the Burning West for the Christmas and New Year holidays. Holidays spent away from my love was not fun at all. I missed him badly and would even cry at night thinking of him and the passion that we shared. I returned home after the breaks and upon learning that I hadn’t done well in my exams, my mum suggested that I return to the Burning West to attend a new school there to resit the 6th form exams. That was our separation. Occassionaly I would call him and we would chat over the phone, but I missed him dearly. The new school was good and I soon began to blend in and it sort of healed me off my wounds. Time flew by quickly and before I knew it was second term school break again. As I sat in the kitchen one day  the phone rang and I quickly stood up to answer it. “Can I speak with MJ please, the caller said. This is she,” I replied. “Oh how are you my Babe, this is me Samuel”. I almost dropped the phone so we spoke and agreed to meet in town the following day. It was 10am and as I got off the bus at the bus stand and walked towards him, I couldn’t believe it. We hugged for about 2 minutes and then he kissed me several times on my forehead before we decided to walk around town. We walked around town and did some shopping where I bought him some clothes from the department store and then we decided to go watch a movie together. It was so dark in the theatre that all throughout the movie we just kissed and were just all over each other I swear that when the movie ended we only wished it could have continued forever. We walked out of the cinema happy that we had gone to see the movie together. We walked to a Restaurant to have some late lunch before we held hands and walked to the bus stand to catch our respective buses home. I missed him as he again hugged and kissed me infront of my bus, yet our love reminded us that we will see each other again and that we would spend the rest of our lives together.      
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