Sam & his wife

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I sat outside after speaking to my long lost love and tried to take in all we had talked about. It was about thirty minutes later then I climbed into bed beside my wife. She was turned to my side of the bed, eyes closed, I on the other hand just climbed in with my back to her and tried to slowly erase MJ from my thoughts. “Sam so you're in love with someone else,” Grace asked me. “No why do you say that,” I tried to sound convincing. “Sam I just heard you talking to someone, remember somebody called your phone and you quickly turned it off, Sam I'm not a little kid anymore I have been seeing things and noticing that you haven’t been yourself lately. What did something happen to you in Suva,” my wife blurted out? I seemed I didn’t want to hide it any longer, it was unfair on Ronnie that MJ and I kept keeping him a secret. So I sat up and started “Gracie you remember a few backs one day my old man called me and told me that I had a Son on the Island from my High School Lover,” “yes I remember, so what does that bastard son of yours have to do with us,” she screamed out. “Grace I do not expect you to call my Son a bastard, because I loved his mother and I was the one who betrayed them and didn’t go back for them because I had brought you home. So don’t you call my son a bastard? And that was his mother I was talking to and if you want to know, yes I met her at a club in Suva and we went back to the Hotel and spent the night together and I miss her. Is that what you heard or what you wanted to hear,” I yelled back at her. Grace didn’t expect what she heard. In the process of us yelling at each other she had gotten out of bed and was standing against the wall of our bedroom. I could see the tears well in her eyes as she slowly leaned against the wall and slowly slid to the floor. “You have no right to call my son a bastard because you don’t know either him or his mother, and you forced yourself into my life when I was trying so hard to collect myself together to go see them, so from today onwards you must remember that if Ronnie’s mother ever asked me back I will gladly go back to her because I love her. As for you and our children, I love you all too but I had chemistry with MJ,” I added and meant every single word I said. I didn’t wait to hear anything else from I just picked up my packet of cigarettes and lighter and walked outside. I sat and started smoking one roll and then another. After the second roll, I messaged MJ “pssst”, just to see if she was still awake. “Psssst, I'm awake,” came her reply. I quickly dialed her number and told her everything that happened. She was shocked and surprised and felt sorry for my wife Gracie so this was her advice to me “Sam, my love, no one will ever take your place in my heart but one thing you must remember, I have moved on and I have a husband and children and so do you so please go right back to your wife Grace and please ask her to forgive you for what you’ve blurted out at her just because you didn’t like her calling your son a bastard”. “Please do that and I will never stop loving you,” she added. Text me once you’ve done that. I lit another roll then walked into the house and into our bedroom to check on my wife. As if she was in a trance she just sat on the floor not even knowing what to do. I walked over to her, pulled her to her feet and kissed her and hugged her and pulled her close to me and on to our bed, and then with the sweetest voice, I told her, “Grace you’re my wife, you belong in my home, you’re the mother of our children and for that I love you. I said what I said because you called my son a bastard and you must remember he is the innocent one here. He didn’t want to be born without me by their side and again if I had been with his mother then I wouldn’t have met you and we wouldn’t have had children together so look at it this way,  you're still on the winning end you have me here. I met MJ yes but she’s not the woman you think she is. I have pursued her all these years after learning and seeing my son’s pictures posted on f*******: but she has always decline me. They even moved here to the Jetset town where she was transferred to work 2 years ago and we met a couple of times for lunch but she’s always told me that she has her husband and children and that I should come home to you and the kids. So you see after what happened tonight I called her and you know what she told me, Sam you have to go back and ask your wife to forgive you for what’s happened,” I told her and as she wept in my arms I hugged her and kissed her forehead. Grace dried her tears and looked me in the eye “Sam so her name is MJ, that’s Ronnie’s mother, wow there’s something so familiar about that name,” she added. “She went to the College for one year in 1998, you might recall her Mary-Jane Smith is her name but for short she’s always referred to as MJ,” I told her. “Grace MJ is such an understanding woman filled with love, she would even meet you and the children if you wanted to and shes also waiting for the right time before she tells Ronnie about me and then she will arrange for a meeting,” I told her. Grace looked at me and then she said, “Sam I remember she was in my Biology and Chemistry class in 1998. She used to wear spectacles and she used to have a lot of money, I never really knew her but later I realized she seemed to come from a wealthy family because she always had lots of spending money and most days she would come late because she had to go to the bank.” Sam she was smart in her own way, she used to even help me with Maths and I heard the boys always liked her because she was smart in Physics, but Sam how did she fail her exams in 1997’” she asked. “Grace was a smart woman but in 1997 she used to party a lot before I met her. When I first entered the school I asked my friend John who would be the best choice for a girlfriend for me and he said if he had a choice it would be MJ and I asked him why and he told me shes’s not only pretty, she comes from a good family but she doesn’t show it, very down to earth and polite and shes a party freak. So after we started dating she then stopped drinking and smoking and hanging out with her friends not because I told her to stop but because every time we dated she had her wine and cigarettes and I never had a glass of wine or a roll. I would always watch her drink with her friends and then we would go spend time together in her room which was so romantic because she was tipsy and I wasn’t.” “Ronnie is just the spitting image of you Sam,” Grace chipped in. I took out my phone and showed her some pictures of MJ at the Club on Thursday night. “Sam, how come you're standing from behind her as if you're her man, and who are all these women trying to each sit on your lap”, Grace asked. “Well MJ loves to party and drink so when I saw her there that night I knew I owed it to her husband to help protect her from other men and those women are her friends just having a good time. Meanwhile, they're jealous of MJ about me, but MJ is just that pretty woman that takes her word when she says she's married, then married she is. She loves her wine more than her man,” I told her. “Sam you speak so highly of MJ,” Grace added. “Well, Gracie dear I loved her at one stage and knew that if she was going to be my wife, but you are here and she doesn’t even want anything or anywhere near me, so you are blessed,” trying to make feel secured. After a tender lovemaking session with my wife, that sealed the deal for us and as she lay asleep in our bed, I walked outside and sent MJ a text message saying “she's sound asleep and she bought all the stories that I told her about you”, then the reply came “good for you see you just need to add jam to the butter and then the bread will taste alright after all”, was her reply.
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