Before dawn

1657 Words
To my utter surprise, Alexander allows himself to relax to the point he drifts off to sleep with his head buried into my pillows. Lying on his back, he seems completely out of touch with anything surrounding him. His face, for the first time I have ever known him, seems relaxed. There is a faint, barely there smile on his lips as he sleeps and I find myself too fascinated by it to fall asleep. So I spent a good chunk of the night watching him. The tip of my fingers brush over his chest slowly, tracing the shape of his muscles. The blanket comes all the way up to his stomach and I don't dare to be indecent and slip my hand underneath it, despite the fact that we spend half the night f*****g like animals. I don't think I would ever have the confidence to say we did that out loud. No one would believe me. No one would believe someone like him would ever look in my direction. And yet, Alexander was in my bed tonight. Never once has he looked in my eyes again after he used his wife's name, but he seemed to have been very present at what happened last night. As my fingers brush over my collarbone, the man stirs and I pause, my hand midair, right above his chest, my whole body freezing as if I had been caught in the middle of something wrong. Hazy eyes open and Alexander looks at me for a moment, before he drapes one of his arms over his eyes and falls right back asleep. Honestly, I wasn't even sure if he had been awake at all. A smile dances on my lips as I try to ignore the stinging feeling of the realization that the man didn't want to see me once he woke up. I don't have time to dwell in my thoughts as I hear my phone ring from the living room. I crawl out of bed and rush to grab it before Alexander could fully wake up. When I look at the caller it, all color drains from my cheeks and I suck in a sharp breath. Aaron. I didn't want to answer- I look around and spot my reflection in the mirror from the living room. My body was clean of any signs of tonight, but one, the mark on my neck. I touch it and shudder at how warm the skin there was. I wonder if Alexander did it on purpose- "You should answer that -" a low voice calls from the bedroom and I flinch when I realize Alexander was wide awake and scolding me from making too much noise. I look down at the phone in my hand and eventually take the call. "Hey! Didn't think you would still be awake." Aaron hums from the other end and a stupid smile curls on my lips. He seemed rather happy to get to hear me. Who knew anyone would ever be happy to hear me? A warm and fuzzy feeling fills my belly and I slowly tuck a strand of hair behind my ear. "Couldn't really sleep ." I hum, my voice low as I make my way to the bathroom, so that I wouldn't bother the other man. "That I can understand. It's been an exciting day for you ." Aaron chuckles and for a moment I wondered if he knew- "How was it? A lot of people? Maybe we can go together when it quiets down and you can give me a tour of the gallery ..." He seemed genuinely interested in seeing the art expo and I wondered if I should chase him away. The thing between us wasn't at all official. I was free to do whatever I wanted, and yet, why was I feeling guilty? "Yeah, maybe we can do that ..." "I'm sorry for not being there with you tonight. An emergency showed up at the hospital and I couldn't leave, but I know Alexander wanted to be there. Did he make it ?" "It's nothing to apologize for-" I rush to say, trying to ignore the last part of his question. "You can see it any other time for the next month. It's not going anywhere." I add, looking at myself in the mirror above the sink. I slowly comb my disheveled hair with my fingers and wash my face Aaron eventually hangs up. He seemed thrilled to hear me, but he also seemed very eager to send me to sleep. He did ask me to lunch and I couldn't help myself. I accepted his offer without thinking such of the man that was asleep in my bed. The kind of attention Aaron offered me was something I craved deeply and haven't received in way too long to simply just deny it. I pull on the bath robe that hung on the door of the bathroom and walk out after I take a short cold shower, so I could wash off the guilt and not only. When I walk out of the bathroom I come face to face with Alexander. He was already dressed, his hair neatly slicked back. He eyes me as he fixes the cuffs of his shirt and I feel exposed. Far too exposed, so my arms wrap around myself slowly and the smile on my lips dies and is replaced by a frown and a tight smile. "Was that Aaron ?" he asks and I immediately look down at my own bare feet. When I don't answer, he huffs, lightly amused, as if he had just told a stupid pun. When I look at him with one raised eyebrow, he nears me again and slowly tilts his head to the side, as he thinks of what to say. "He really likes you. I have never seen him this genuinely happy to talk about a woman as I have seen him talk about you." he confesses, and I want to slap him. But I can't do that. He was royal blood. It would be an affront brought to the whole damn nation- wouldn't it? Oh, but he deserved it! My fingers tingled with the need to, but instead, I press my nails into my palm and hold back from moving any muscle as I gawk at him in disbelief and distrust. When he understands I wasn't going to say anything, one of the corner of his lips comes up in a half amused smile. He still seemed rather tired and there was still sleep laced in his eyes, but I doubted he didn't carefully pick each and every word he said. "He's a good guy -" he hums and reaches his hand out to me, pinching my chin. His eyes trail to my lips and I want to spit right into his face. "Maybe you should consider giving him a chance." he rasps, his voice low, his tone uneven, his thumb brushing right underneath my lower lip, before his eyes trail up again to meet my gaze. I can't hold back anymore. I slap his hand away and bite into the tip of my tongue as I try not to say any sort of blasphemy right now. "What I choose too do is none of your concerns ." I hiss through gritted teeth, my eyes narrowed on him. A sly smile curls on his lips and I feel like he was mocking me. Anger bubbles underneath my skin and eventually gets the best of me. "Who do you even think you are ?" I huff and walk away from him. But I don't manage to get too far away from him. He reaches out and grabs my arms, pulling me right back. My back presses into his chest and he wraps one of his arms around me, while his other hand forces me to tilt my head backwards and look at him. "Do not act as if I mean nothing to you." he growls and I feel a cold shiver rush down my spine, settling into the pits of my stomach and making it knot with anxiety. "Do not act as if I mean anything to you!" I rasp , trying not to allow my emotions to get the best of me in front of him. "Do not act as if everything you did so far was out of genuine compassion towards me-" I continue talking despite the little crease between his brows that happens because of his frown. For a few moments, we sit in silence, and his hold on me eases. I pull away and fix my robe around myself before looking at him again. "I know you looked at me one day and decided I am nothing but a fragile girl who doesn't deserve your respect -" I hiss as I straighten my back and cross my arms on my chest, looking up at him from under furrowed brows. "- but nothing about what we did tonight gives you the right to treat me this way." I add with a smidgen of pride and a shitload of pain. Alexander's posture slowly changes, the sly expression on his face vanishing, slowly replaced with his usual coldness and aloofness I was used to. "My apologies." he eventually grunts, bowing his head lightly, in a semi formal gesture. "I might have made a mistake." he add before looking at me again. He was here, a few steps away from me. But it felt as if there were miles between us and, somehow, I felt responsible for the sudden distance. My arms drop around me alongside a little sigh that escapes me. "Alexan-" I start talking but the man isn't having any of it. "Good night, Selena." ... Well... At least he got my name right this time. Before the first rays of sun peer through the curtains, my apartment is once again empty and silent...

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