
1331 Words
I'm not entirely sure how we end up in the bedroom. I didn't even have time to answer, or think to answer. All I know is that I craved to kiss him, but he didn't allow me to. He moved his head out of my way when I turned to him, burying it into the side of my neck, his nose trailing over a pulse point. "Reserve your kisses for someone who deserves them -" he rasps, his words falling right against my skin, sending hot shivers through my whole body. I didn't really have time to think much of his words, but they have been definitely etched into my brain... With strong arms and enough confidence to move a mountain, he lifts me off the ground and he walks with me to the bedroom, keeping his lips on my neck, as my fingers dip into his hair and nails scrape against his scalp, my own head tilting backwards do I could give him enough space to do as he pleased. The little moment of sanity I had, was when he dropped me on the bed and he stopped for a brief moment, visibly reconsidering what he was doing. His eyes shone with clarity and his nostrils flared, and if it was just a little darker in the room, I would have missed the way the muscle in his jaw tremors as he grinds his teeth together. I suddenly become self concious and lift myself on my elbows, my eyes lowering themselves to my own feet. This was a mistake- No matter the fact that I wanted this mistake... Just as I am about to get up and walk away from all this, Alexander reaches out and grabs my ankle, pulling me right back on the bed. A short yelp escapes me as I fall on my back and my hair sprawls all over the pillows. The mattress shifts under his weight as one of his knees dips into it. The metal bed frame creaks lightly and only now that he looms over me, I come to understand the size difference between us. He was even bigger than Aaron and I could only wonderif he was going to do some serious damage or not- Of course, he doesn't allow me to kiss him and, after another failed attempt, I promise myself to never try again. His fingers wrap around my wrist and he slowly pulls me to stand up, the back of my thighs pressed against the bed frame. His hands skim over my body and mine press into his chest, tracing the smooth line of buttons from his shirt, blankly staring at his chest. "Do you hate me ?" he asks, and the question takes me by surprise. I look up at him, startled and uncertain if I heard him right. "Why would I hate you ?" I whisper. "Because I can never love you the way you want me to." he admits and I feel my heart skip a painful beat. For a moment, I thought he was joking, but his face was stern and he seemed to be waiting for a serious answer. My brows come together as I try to make up a good answer. "Why would I want you to love me ?" I huff and roll my eyes, lowering my gaze to his chest, my fingers brushing slowly over his abdomen, aiming for his belt. "I thought it was obvious what I want from you-" I rasp and offer him a smirk, slowly raising my head to meet his gaze. Alexander's lips press together in a thin line and his head tilts to the side, his eyes scanning my face. I wondered if he could tell the truth from the lie - But it seemed it didn't matter to him ... We lose our clothing rather fast, and I don't think I have ever felt more naked in my life before. He didn't oogle. He didn't just stare at me and maybe the fact that he avoided to look at my body was what made me so self concious. It made me self conscious about the way my breasts were smaller than they could have been. It makes me doubt myself for not being tan, it makes me wonder if I was properly shaved, it makes me overthink the way my belly was slightly puffy and definitely made me afraid he'd see the stretch marks on my inner thighs. I was far from being perfect and I seriously wished he could notice all that. That he wouldn't notice the random little moles that were scattered over my body... I wondered if he compared me to other women. Did he find me lacking? We face each other, still standing beside the bed. My hair falls over my shoulders, hiding my chest, while his erection presses against my belly. The heat of his body was scorching and I wouldn't have expected his perfume to be even stronger with his clothes off. It intoxicated me ... it filled my lungs and drowned out all sanity. Alexander pinches my chin and he slowly lifts my head, but I don't feel too confident about myself, so I don't look at him. "You can stop me anytime you want ." he rasps and he leans in, brushing his nose over my temple. "I promise I will stop if you tell me to ." He adds, his voice soft, a whisper only meant for me to hear. His beard brushes against my cheek and I shudder before I feel his other hand trail down my spine, all the way from between my shoulder blades to my ass, his hand cupping one of my ass cheeks slowly and giving it a generous squeeze. I feel frozen in my spot and I don't really know what to do, but the way he slides my hair away from my shoulder, makes me want to touch him back. His fingers are still cold, but his touch is gentle. Even if greedy, there was a certain gentleness and, despite the whole thing, I find myself trusting him. The hand on my back slowly guides me to turn around and face away from him. He presses a kiss on my shoulder and he slowly pulls his face away from my neck, as I turn around. I can feel the tip of his member brush against my lower back... Curious fingers move between the valley of my breasts, his other hand resting on my hip. With a little growl in his chest, he presses my ass into his pelvis, his erection tucking right between my ass cheeks, the length of it pressing into my lower back. I am painfully aware of our size difference once more, but I say nothing. I want to enjoy this. I want him to enjoy this. His hand reached between my legs, and he slowly dips his fingers between my folds, making me suck in a sharp breath. "Do not hold back -" he rasps right against my ear and I bite the tip of my tongue as I shudder against him. His teeth bite into my ear lobe as his fingers find my clit and start circling it teasingly slow. Gods! The urge to grind into his hand makes me almost lose it- I muffle another sound that bubbles in my chest, but it never gets past my lips. He chuckles, a dark sound, like a rumble that started deep within his chest. I could almost feel it reverberate into my body from the way our bodies were pressed together. "Talia -" he rasps as a warning and I wished I had the strength to pull away in this very moment. But he forces my head to turn around and before I could say something about calling me by his dead wife's name, his lips press harshly against mine and his tongue invades my mouth, making it far too late to say anything.
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