Walk me home

1108 Words
*** Selena's POV *** Of course, Alexander decides against actually going out for dinner, since a public appearance of the both of us together could have been disastrous. So I find myself in his car, in the backseat, right beside him. Of course, he never went anywhere without his driver, and this might have been the first time in a long while he had company on the back seat. I never took Alexander as someone with an inclination to feeling awkward because of long silences. But right now, the man seems a little out of his element. He keeps tapping his fingers on his knee, while his other hand covers half of his face, while he is facing away from me, his attention pinned on the bright lights from outside. Couldn't say I felt very comfortable either. I lose myself in all the possible ways this night could go- but none really seems ideal. Suddenly, the car comes to an abrupt stop and my heart almost jumps out of my chest. Alexander pauses as well. We exchange a pensive look before Alexander opens the little privacy screen between us and the driver. "I'm sorry, your majesty-" I hear the voice of the man dimmed by the sounds surrounding us. Your majesty.... i don't remember ever using such ways to address myself to either Max or Alexander himself. Or maybe I did, once or twice but then... it somehow rubbed off of me. My skin turns too goosebumps and I suddenly feel improper. I lacked etiquette. I lacked proper education... only now has it downed on me why Alexander never really agreed with my relationship with Max. "Looks like we are going to be stuck here for a bit -" Alexander's low voice pulls me out of my own thoughts and I almost flinch at the sound of it. A painful lump blocks me from saying anything and I sit in silence a few more moments, looking outside. "Actually-" I muster the courage to speak. "I think it has gotten a little late." Alexander's attention turns to me, one of his brows coming up in a questioning way. "We are quite close to my place. I'll just get off, and maybe we can reschedule this." I say as I unlock my door and offer him a faint smile. I could feel each and every single cell in my body tremble with energy and anxiety. it was like a faint buzz that made me even more uncomfortable than I was. It made me ever more aware of how awkward this whole night had been- His brows come together in a soft frown and as I open the door. "Good ni-" I start but I am immediately interrupted as the man leans over me , grabs the handle fo the door and slams in closed, remaining in that position a while longer, trapping me in my seat, leaned over me like a goddamn lion- A muffled yelp escapes me, my back pressing harshly against the seat, my hands coming up in a strange position, in front of me, almost as if I tried to protect myself. It all happened so fast that the only way my body knew how to react was to protect myself. He is so close than I feel the warmth of his body radiate through his clothes and for some reasons I have to hold my breath to not burst into tears. Slowly, Alexander turns his head towards me and our eyes meet. But for entire moments, he says nothing and I feel my heart sink into the pits of my stomach. "You live in this neighborhood?" he asks, his tune rather plain and monotone and I feel the very hair on my scalp stand up. I nod slowly, unable to look away from him, still startled like a doe in the headlights. "I do-" I whisper, uncontrollably nodding my head, my voice shaky. His eyes trail to the tinted window and he seems truly displeased about what he had just learned. I was well aware when I rented the place that this was not the best neighborhood in town, but it was something I could afford easily and did not have to worry over rent money. Slowly, Alexander pulls away, only after locking my door again. He straightens himself and looks at me again. "I thought you moved out to find something better, more suited for you-" he speaks and I think I am dumb. Did he just say what I heard he said? I blink, the first reaction slowly replaced by a deep confusion. "What do you mean?' I ask but he eyes me without giving me an answer. "This is more suited for me!" I blurt out, my voice pitched. "It's smaller, it- it's cozy! It's a place I can easily afford-" I continue talking, with each words growing even more agitated. "I was not charging you rent for-" "This is not what this all is about!" I spit out, my cheeks tinting from my frustration, my heart beating a mile a minute. His eyes widen ever so slightly and he is visibly taken aback by my attitude and sudden outburst. "I don't need your pity, Mister Callahan!" I hum, the voice feeling rather strange on my tongue as I speak it. "I can handle myself. Whatever mess Max left behind, it's not your duty to care for." my voice grows a little steadier and stern and I give him another fugitive glance before I decide I was done with him. So I unlock my door once more and get out without missing a beat. This time, he doesn't lean in to stop me, and when I turn around to close the door, I realize he had walked out of the car as well and before I got to snap out of the initial shock, he is already beside me, closing the door for me. "Let me at least walk you home." he offers and I look at him a little insecure. Walk me home? What kind of princess treatment was this? I don't remember the last time someone walked me home... The man stands beside me, with patience. The distance within his eyes feels not as wide, but there were still entire miles separating us... the intensity of his gaze makes my knees almost go weak and I find myself regretting not wearing higher heels. Even with the ones I had on, the man was towering above me, making me feel like a child... "Alright-" I mutter and I clutch my purse a little tighter, looking away from him and starting to walk.
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