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Unlike me, Alexander doesn't seem bothered by the whole cheap charade Max was putting up. there is nothing but detachment written on his face and I wished to know if it was real. Was he really unbothered by the fact that all this was because of his own brother? I'm not sure he'd ever tell me if it were so... "Max-" Alexander sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose, his eyes closing for a short moment, his shoulder slightly slouched, breaking his composure. "This is enough." he continues, opening his eyes. They were cold and despite what I had thought, he didn't give a single f*****g damn about Max at all right now. He seemed extremely pissed off that he had to repeat himself. Max pauses, his whole demeanor changing as well. From an angry ox, he turned into a strangely docile man, his eyes focused on Alexander, widening with each passing moment. I was certain Max knew Alexander better than anyone else in the room, but it was so obvious that even I could see it. Feel it. The authority and power that Alexander had been born with was ever present in everything he did. It made me unsure of whom to fear right now. I could almost see the aura of power that surrounded Alexander- How could I ever portray it in my work? The more I looked at him, the more fascinated I found myself. "You can't be serious..." Max's voice trails off, into a wordless plea. "You know I am not someone who likes to joke around." the other man replies, as he opens the door leisurely, one of his hands still in his pocket. With a simple tilt of his head, Alexander simply gestures for Max to take his leave. But the man doesn't react at first. Pale blue eyes trail back to me and I finally realize I was not as invisible as I had hoped to be. I suck in a sharp breath and wrap my arms around myself, looking towards Alexander, hoping he'd interfere before it was not too late. But Alexander did not look at me. His eyes were focused on Max, and despite the calmness on the surface, I wanted to believe that he was struggling. Because I really wanted to believe Alexander was just a human. Just like me. Not some almighty God. Or some God-like being I could never even dream of comprehending. "If you don't leave now, there will be consequences." Alexander breaks the silence that had settled between all of us and I can see Max flexing his fingers, as if they itched to pick a fight. It feels as if a bucket of cold water has been dumped over my head and I forget how to breathe for a moment, because if these two started throwing hands, I could do nothing to stop it. But Max doesn't act on his impulses. Instead, he grabs the bouquet of flowers from the ground and pauses for a moment longer, before he walks out of the house. He drops the flowers on the ground in front of the doorway. His eyes search for me again, but Alexander doesn't give him the chance to say anything else. The door closes and Alexander twists the key within the lock. And only now, I release a breath I didn't even realize I was holding. A wave of relief washes over me and my whole body shuddered from the tension I had held on for so long. Tears flood my eyes and I hold back from bursting into tears in front of Alexander. I'm not sure if he hears the broken sob that leaves my lips without my will, but before he can say anything, I start walking away, trying to not break down right now. I had so many other things to do- And he was here. I did not afford to break down now. I could not. I didn't want to show my true colors. I didn't want anyone to know how broken and hollow I actually felt. Because no one cared. Because everything Alexander did was not for me. It was for himself. For his name. I was a mere passenger on this whole ride. *** Alexander's POV *** The sound of the door locking echoes in my head and drowns out the cacophony of thoughts that run through my mind right now. I feel - Actually, I wasn't very sure of what I felt. I haven't allowed myself to feel a lot of things in the past years. I have been far too busy, far too concentrated, far too trapped in my grief ever since my parents departed from this world and I- A soft, almost whispered sound brings me back to reality. A sob. I don't turn my head, but with the corner of my eyes, I spot Selena. Her whole body shudders and she immediately turns away, her lips pressing into a thigh line, holding back any other sound that might have given away what was going on. And as I get hold of myself, she is already walking away. I doubt I had anything good to say, so I let her slip away. I watch as she disappears, with tears streaming down her face, as I remain rooted in my spot, right beside the front door. After a few more minutes and a couple of short phone calls, I make my way back to the workshop, where I find Selena. The room was bathed in a strange, uneasy and unsettling silence. Her back was turned towards the door, and she was pinned in her stool, in front of her easel. She seemed stiff. As I step in, I notice how she flinches. Her head turns to me. Her eyes were red, still watery, but her cheeks had no tear stain. The faint bruises that colored her pale skin, made me feel out of place. But, she is brave. She sucks it in and hides it from the world and if there was anyone who'd ever understand how it was to swallow your feelings just for the sake of your image... it was me. She says nothing, but I know her silence is an invitation to begin our project. So I accept. I walk over to my designated spot and take a seat. I choose to face her fully, and for a moment, our gaze locked. A wordless agreement, a short nod of her head, and she starts sketching down the basic shapes and whatever, while my thoughts drift away. They drift off to simpler times. Where the silence did not mean someone was in pain. where the silence was not heavy and uncomfortable. Where the silence was actually rarely present, and if it was, it was because it was night time and we were asleep. My thoughts drift to Talia. And for a while, I don't see Selena. But Talia. And before I know it, grief resurfaces and my heart feels heavy once more. I'm not sure how much time passes. I only snap out of the trap of my memories, when Selena gets up and the movement almost startles me. She has this professional attitude that doesn't allow any emotion to slip through, and I have to say I admire it. "I think it's enough for today." she tells me as she takes a couple of steps back to look at the canvas and then at me again. "Let me know when you want to continue." she adds with a fake smile dancing on her lips. She was smiling. It even reached her eyes, but she didn't really fool me. I recognized myself in her eyes. I recognize the hidden pain... "Selena-" I rasp as I get up and slowly close the distance between us. "- Are you alright?"
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