
1555 Words
"You like to abuse women. That's a new sport you took on-" I commented, my voice low and gruff, gesturing for him to swing right back at me. "Women. Those dainty things that make life a little more bearable by just being there-" I continue, rage filling my every thought. "And not just any woman. You beat, Selena?" The audacity! "Your betrothed? The one who stands your tantrums?! The one who cleans for you, does the dishes, cooks and has the heart to stand a charlatan like you?!" "I don't ask her to do any of those-" he starts commenting, and that is when I snap. When I lose all touch with reality. With myself. "You have no right to raise your hand to strike a woman!" I barked, my head pounding, accompanied by my heart. "Do I need to show you how it feels to be helpless?! Do I need to show you how it feels to not have the power to even bark back?!" I scream and, for the love of everything that is holy, I am happy no one is around to stop me. I don't give him the chance to even lift a finger. Blow after blow, until my knuckles are bruised, I am sweaty, my coat rips at the seams from the straining of my body. I can't stop. I don't want to. If he screams, if he begs for me to stop, I can't hear him. Only the pounding of my heart rings in my ear. "Oh my God!" a faint, dainty voice rings, but that doesn't make me stop. Max was now on the floor, covering his head with his arms, voiceless, and I lifted my arm to strike again, but two smaller ones wrapped around it, forcing me to stop. I pause and turn my head to the side and what I see makes me want to throw up, while my heart feels squeezed by an unseen hand. Selena's face was smeared with blood, her lips busted, her nose ever so slightly crooked, her brow split open, and even her eye was swollen, and it seemed to be bruising rather fast. She tells me something and I don't really register it because my anger reaches a new peak I have never even explored before. I lowered my arm and glared at Max, who started to get himself together. "Get out-" I grunt, panting for air, taking a sharp step back, brushing the back of my hand over my forehead. There's blood staining the floors as Max glares at me. "What do you mean get out?" he rasps, his eyes switching from me, to Selena who tried her best to get the both of us to settle. "What the hell do you mean get out?! This is my goddamn house!" Max barks as he pushes himself on his feet and gets ready to swing at me, but Selena steps in front of him and stops him before his fist lowered. "Your house?!" I huff and get hold of the woman that separated us, my hands gripping her upper arms and slowly guiding her to step away. "This house belongs to the Callahan family and starting right now, you are no longer one!" I spit my words, my fingers sinking into Selena's arms, who tenses almost immediately. Max falls silent, his eyes pinned on me, his mouth agape as he processed what I had just told him. Every breath I take is painful and my heart squeezes to the point I might consider that I am having a heart attack. "You can't be serious..." Max mutters and I feel sick that I have to repeat myself. "You heard me-" I grunt and give the little woman's arms another squeeze as the room spins around me for a brief moment. "When have I not been serious?" I add, just as serious. - SELENA'S POV - I am mortified as I watched the whole scene unfold right in front of my eyes. Max's face is stained with blood and so is his shirt, but the damage to his face is not as bad as I expected it to be. His nose is broken, and I feel some relief at that. But as Alexander throws him out of the house, I feel unworthy. Especially when Max expects me to follow after him, wordlessly commanding me to do so, with his eyes. But Alexander doesn't let go of me, and I am too afraid to move right now. So I lowered my gaze to the ground and waited for the silence to settle over all of this. When the front door closes with a loud bang, I flinch and only then does Alexander let go of me. I want to run, and I pray for the ground to split and swallow me whole. I never took him as a violent man, but right now, I feared for my own safety. I get ready to step away, but Alexander stops me again. "Let me look at you-" he rasps, his voice uneven. My vision is clouded and at this point I'm not sure if it was because of the swelling of my eye or because I was on the verge of tears once more. My whole face was numb and there was pain all over my body. Even standing was a little difficult, but I don't protest. As I turn, I feel his fingers on my chin as he studies the damage and lets out a disgusted grunt. "Let's get you to the ER." he mutters in a low voice, a little more steady. I freeze in my spot and my stomach squeezes with nausea. "Take me to the hospital? Like this?!" I whined and pulled away in a bit of a rush. "No... no , no, no!" I huff, panic rising a little more. No one could see me walk out of the house like this! if the media found out, the Callahan family would be dragged through mud and... and I couldn't be responsible for that. "Alright-" Alexander rushes to speak, reaching for me again, brushing my head and tucking a strand of my hair behind my ear. "Alright. I understand." he whispers as he allows himself to scan me again. A little broken sob escapes me, as the gentle touch makes me want to crawl on the floor and lie there until I've forgotten everything. Stinging hot tears roll down my cheeks and I feel inappropriate. My clothes were a mess, stained with blood, my hair was just as much of a mess and I couldn't even comprehend how my face might have looked right now. "Do you need me to call someone to co-" "No! No! I can handle myself-" I rushed to interrupt him, my words broken by my sobs. I allow the tears to flow, because right now, I am afraid to touch my own face. Alexander's lips press in a thin line and I hate myself all over again. He didn't seem thrilled with my decisions, but he wasn't eager to fight me for them. He had to leave and I didn't mind it. I wouldn't mind the silence of an empty house or the fact that I was to care for myself, alone, once more. "I'll make sure he doesn't come back." he reassures me, his voice stern, low, raspy, making my skin turn to goosebumps. "I'll come check on you a little later." he mutters and I really wished he wouldn't, but my emotions choke me before I get to say anything. So I just nodded and waited for him to pull away. The man is hesitant for a few more moments, before he lets out a sigh and he walks away. I hear the front door open and close and I remain rooted in my spot for a while, crying, bawling my eyes out, because I'm not sure what was the worst out of this situation. The fact that I was beaten to the point I couldn't walk out of the house, the fact that Alexander witnessed it all, or the fact that Max was being disowned and knowing him, it would be me who will suffer because of it. I'm not sure how much time I spent crying in the living room, but by the time I had cried all the tears I had to cry, my eye was swollen to the point I couldn't see anything. The extra effort needed to stich myself up and clean up the bedroom and the living room made me feel even more miserable and by the time the sun had set, I was numb, lost and lying on the sofa in the living room. Suddenly, the sound of the front door breaks through the silence of the house, and I jump up to my feet, the bag of ice that I held over my face dropping to the floor. My heart sinks into the pits of my stomach and I slowly step back, hoping to hide myself in the little office room before Max would find me. "Selena?" A low, gruff voice calls out and the relief I feel makes my knees give in. I let out a loud sigh and crumble back on the sofa, covering my face with my arms and crying with relief.
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