
1280 Words
The whole house was bathed in an eerie darkness, only a few watch lights turned on that cast a warm glow over the whole setting. As Alexander steps into the living room and the sound of his footsteps fill in the silence, I realize he was not alone. A cold creeping feeling takes hold of my heart once more and the relief I felt at the sound of his voice, now dissipates. I look up, and I immediately spot another silhouette right behind Alexander. It stood almost as tall as Alexander and walked right behind him, like a shadow. the only person who had ever dared to get this close to Alexander, was his brother and the thought of him, now makes me want to disappear. But the other person gets a good look at me and my state before I can wrap my head around the fact that Alexander did not come back with Max, but with his friend, Aaron. When Alexander stops at a safe distance from me, Aaron pushes right past him and rushes towards me. By instinct, my whole body tenses, and I tear my gaze away from my savior, to the one who now dropped to the same level as me and was taking in the state I was into. The man had a striking beauty to him. He was not as masculine and rough looking as Alexander, but his eyes, an almost emerald green, were deep, and I could stare into them forever... His nose was ever so slightly curved downwards, and he was clean shaven. his brows were thick and just as black as his hair and the tone of his skin reminded me of a healthy summer tan. Aaron Levy. For the longest time I struggled to know which one was his actual name and which was the same he shared with his sister, Alexander's late wife. I knew very little of him. Very little of his sister. But I knew Aaron was Alexander's best friend. His right hand ever since the dawn of time. And I was certain that Aaron was the one who kept Alexander sane after the passing of Talia. Beside being all this, Aaron was a great medic as well. He was the one who helped Alexander with his project: the opening of a hospital in memory of Talia. "Oh, my f*****g God-" Aaron mutters under his breath, holding back from touching me, his hand inches away from my face when he understood I was not so very comfortable about this whole interaction. "How do you feel? Do you feel dizzy? Does the lights bother you? is that why-" "I'm fine!" I rush to say as I sluggishly get away from him and push myself up. My legs feel heavy and I feel like my strength had been drained a while ago and I had to make due with whatever little was left for me. But nonetheless. I didn't want them to fuss over me. I didn't want more people involved in this. I just didn't want anyone's help. I was not worth it... Just as I think this, my eyes trail to Alexander. He had never been welcoming of me. He had never given his /permission/ or /blessing/ of me... and even if I have never said anything about it, it bothered me deeply and made me conclude that I was not worthy of being offered any help. Alexander's lips were pressed in a thin line, his fox like eyes pinned on me, his jaw tense and his hands: fists at his sides. He seemed awfully tense for a moment, before his eyes trail to Aaron, who was looking right back at him. "This is why I told you to get everything you think you need in the car and not ask questions." Alexander mutters and Aaron turns his head towards me once more, his green eyes widened with what feels to be pity and shock blended together. My heart dips into my stomach and I feel like a doe in the headlights. I didn't want all this attention. I didn't want anyone to bother with me. I was fine! Why was no one taking me seriously?! "I'm not sure I took everything I need, but I'll make due-" Aaron starts talking as he pushes himself up. "I told you I am fine! Why is that so hard to understand?!" I blurt out, my voice uneven. I felt like an oditty. I felt out of place. These two looked like flawless statues. These two wore three piece suits and perfectly ironed shirts and shoes that cost as much as half of my art studio, and I was standing in front of them barefoot, in a damn bathrobe and pink pajamas, with my hair pinned in a gross bun, as I didn't have the energy or will to put more effort into my looks. I was swollen, disfigured and feeling like I was nothing but a hideous creature, and they were staring at me because they pitied me for the state I was into, and- I let out a shaky breath and I realize I had started crying. Hot stinging tears rolled down my cheeks as I remained silent, frozen in my spot, uncertain if I was allowed to even sob right now. They were both looking at me as if I was speaking in a different damn language. Aaron's lips part and he seems to be ready to offer some comfort, but with a quick gesture of his hand, a mere flick of his fingers, right at his side, Alexander dismisses any kind of intention the other man had. These two had a special way of communicating. A sign language of some sorts, that I wished I could decipher. I've seen them use it plenty of times, but I had never been offered the opportunity to get a good look at it. As Aaron walks out of the house, Alexander steps aside, slowly removing his coat and setting it aside, while I dry my tears with the sleeves of the bathrobe I was wearing. Shame had taken root in my heart, but I was uncertain of the reason. I felt improper. Small... And it almost felt as if he was a stalking beast and I was being stalked and preyed upon. "Did Maxwell reach out to you?" the stiffness in his voice makes me certain of the fact that he was still bothered by everything that happened. Did he regret being witness to such a thing? A slow, shaky breath leaves my throat as I dare to look in his direction. "He did." I confess as I lay eyes on him again. The man had poured himself a sip of whisky from the crystal bottle and he had downed in a fraction of a second, right under my eyes. His nose wrinkled lightly from the alcohol kick before his gaze drifts to me. The intensity of his gaze makes me feel like times spots for a moment. Unlike Max, Alexander was a truly terrifying figure. From the way his sanpaku eyes almost burnt a whole into your soul, to the way his jaw clenched each time he swallowed. "Did he reach you?" he asks, his voice a tune lower, making my skin turn to goosebumps. A hint of shame grips my stomach and my gaze lowers to the floor. Did he reach me? I did not have the strength to answer any of Max's threats. Or half assed apologies... But I was ashamed of the fact that I wished I did. I wished I could forgive him. I wished I could forget. I wished that he'd change...
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