You Have To Draw A Line ... Somewhere

2110 Words

Dear Diary, I know I’ve been really inconsistent with writing in here lately, but I’m so busy that I can barely find the time to go to the toilet. Weird, Perrie, why would you write that in a diary? Anyway, I’m in a slightly better place than I was during my last entry. I’m not such a crier anymore. It’s almost November, imagine that. I suppose I should be happy that I’m managing so well. But I’m just worried that the sadness will come back unexpectedly and burst out when I need it the least. Okay, I’ve got to stop, before I spiral. I have work to do. My life gets so busy after the holidays, that I can barely find any time to breathe. In my spare time, I’m making the school projects that are coming up and studying for the exams. Apart from that, I’m still attending therapy three times

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