Chapter 2: Betrayal

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Elizabeth's POV Leaving the room with a deep feeling of betrayal, I rushed out. Tears stained my eyesight as I made my way to my room. Not even in my most fantastical dreams could I believe it. I fought the need to turn around and give Tana the heaviest slap ever as I made my way down the stairs. I walked down the well-lit hall, a cold rage building in me, disbelief haunting my very soul. I could never have believed it. It was all too much for me, happening all at once just that day. A voice interrupted the fog of my thoughts, coming from behind me. I resisted looking up into his face. I could not handle it all—all of this was happening in a single day. The final words Tana said pierced my thoughts and tore my psyche apart. I was curious to know what she meant by that. Illegitimate, the word tastes so sour, making me to almost throw up. Our parents had a lot of explaining to do, so I couldn't wait for them to return. "Please wait, Liz," called the fool who had broken my heart, stabbing me in my back. So much for love. I didn't want to see him. The thought of punching him in the guts filled my mind. I turned to find Tony running after me, his countenance confused. "What do you want?" With my rage still fresh, I lost my temper. He extended his hand, holding it there for a moment before lowering it to his sides again. "I apologize sincerely. All of this was not what I intended to happen. We've gone a long way ." His voice beseeched, "s**t, I feel like the most hated and stupid person right now." I shook my head, finding it intolerable to see him. "You really ought to feel so despised. How would you feel if I had done that to you?" He added, as if he hadn't heard me, "I need to explain something to you." "There's nothing to clarify. Tony, you have done something to me that I would never recover from. My heart is broken." He broke into a sad expression, and I briefly noticed regret flashing in his eyes. He mutely responded, "I know. I shouldn't have talked to you the way I did." I scoffed, my tone tinged with malice. "Tony, what possible excuse could you give for what you did? Did you sleep with my sister? He exhaled and looked away, preparing himself for the nonsense he was about to say. "I am aware that my acts are not justified. Even though I'm a jerk, I really apologize. Please accept my deepest apologies for the way this has to happen." I was hurting more and more the longer I looked at him. With tears running down my cheeks, I sat on my room's floor. I could sense the weight of many tunnels inside me pulling me apart. “How could she… how could they both betray me in this manner?” My hair was knotted, and I looked unkempt. I immediately started crying and threw away the paperwork I was holding. I was completely shattered when each sob tore through my body. Abruptly, the door sprang open, and Tana hurried in, her disgusted gaze taking in my agitated state. "Well, well, well, what do we have here?" Her voice was full of derision as she scoffed. "The crybaby herself." She questioned in a feigned, surprised tone, "Wait, are you really crying over a guy? Pathetic." I gulped back tears as I attempted to speak up to defend myself against her hurtful remarks. My entire world seemed to crumble around me. “The man I loved. God, it hurt so much.” I saw her approach the dressing mirror and examine herself, and I sniffed. She turned to face herself, giving me a wicked smile. "How do I look now? Nice, huh? Magnificent, stunning." she scoffed. As sisters, we were expected to support one another. But I wound up with a knife in my back instead. She laughed once more, more loudly. "Why do you act in this way? You did this to me. Why? Tony loves me. We were supposed to get married three months from now." As I watched Tana copy my emotions, her harsh laughter reverberated in my ears, and new tears welled up in my eyes, blinding me. How could she? How could my anguish bring her such joy? We were sisters for crying out loud. But in the middle of the tears and laughing, something changed in me, making rage replace the overpowering sadness and fear. I couldn't let her see me in this state of weakness and defeat any longer. I took a shaky breath to stabilize myself and wiped my cheeks from the tears. "You believe you're so smart? "I uttered those words, a little shaky but determined. "But you don't know." Immediately after saying those words, I felt like a complete i***t. Tana looked at me as if I was crazy. With a powerful chuckle, she flung back her head. Tana's delight flickered across her face as her laughter wavered for a brief period. With a more determined and doubtful tone, she asked, "What are you talking about? You sound so stupid and delusional." I breathed deeply, collecting my thoughts and temporarily putting the discomfort aside. I responded, maintaining a calm voice despite my internal agony, "Tony didn't leave me for you. When he realized he had never truly loved me, he left. Just as he's using you now, he was using me too." Tana seemed shocked, and her eyes widened, her face changing from derision to surprise. "That's not true," she muttered, but I could see uncertainty beginning to seep into her eyes. "That's not what Tony can do to me. He adores me. He was the one who first loved me.” "It is true," I said, becoming louder as I spoke. Wanting for her to accept my story, as I knew that's what Tony was up.
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