Chapter 1: Betrayal Unveiled

1042 Words
Elizabeth's POV "This can't be happening to me," I said to myself loud enough for anyone waking by to know that I was crazy. My red face was streaked with tears. I couldn't even see properly. I wished my father would believe me for once. I just needed fatherly love. Was it too much to ask? Now, my heart was wretched, almost tearing out of my chest. I was in unimaginable pain. I was leaving the company like that. God. Why me? I stepped into my bedroom; exhaustion hugged closely to me like a heavy cloak. "Tony, are you here?" I called out, tired and pain lacing my voice. Tony was my Universe, my everything. I had headed home, hoping to find solace in his comforting presence, to see him wrap his arms around me and tell me soothingly that I was going to be okay. After the nightmare of a day I've had, I don't think I would put myself together for the rest of the day. Silence greeted me, welcoming me like a visitor, increasing the ache in my chest. With a heavy sigh, I dragged my feet further into the room, to collapse on the bed to continue crying, only to freeze in disbelief at the sight before me. Gracious Heavens. There they were, the two people who were supposed to be my comfort in a war zone, entwined in each other's arms. Their sweaty bodies rubbed against each other, and their cries of passion hit my ears like a drum. My heart leapt, shattering into a million irreplaceable pieces as I beheld the scene before me. My eyes bulging out of my sockets. There he was, Tony, the love of my life, my fiance and Tana, my step-sister, locked in the sins of the flesh. Lost in the throes of pleasure, if only I could pass out now, I would be so glad. Tears blurred my vision as I stumbled backwards. I covered my mouth from screaming. I must have stepped on something which made quite a noise, sending them feeling my presence in the room and disentangling. The weight of betrayal crushed me as the seconds rolled by. "Why?" The word escaped my lips even before I could stop it in a choked whisper. I could barely hear my own voice. Tony's gaze flickered like a bad bulb, and stared at me, his expression void of remorse. I could see his lips twitching in a smirk. "Liz, it's not what you think. It's not that big of a deal, Liz. Just relax," He said dismissively. His words trailed, and looking around him wildly like I was invincible. Relax? Did he just say I should relax? How would I relax when the two people I love the most had plunged a knife deep into my heart? My heart crumbed before my feet. Fury rumbled within me, my head rolled, and a tidal wave of pain mixed with anger waved through me. I felt a tingling sensation of the agony of betrayal. Then I heard Tana's voice, spiced with smug satisfaction and disgust. It cut through the tension, through my soul, shattering it. "You should have seen this coming, Liz. But I guess you were too blind. Blinded by the fact that you were trying to please Mom and Dad even when they don't love you." “What was that?” I tried to speak but couldn't. My words formed a bubble in my throat, which couldn't burst. "I've always had eyes for Tony. You were just too blind to notice. Besides, I met him first." Was that a smirk I saw dangling from the sides of her lips? Rage boiled within me, threatening to overflow, to spurt out. How could…? Standing there gloating over me, I felt a new kind of pain rush over me, and more tears stung my eyes, threatening to pour out. I didn't even know where the strength poured forth from, and before I could stop myself, I lunged at Tana, my fists clenching in fury. I held her hair, pulling with everything in me. Our screams filled the room as we grabbed each other, whirling round and round and knocking things over. "That's enough." Tony pulled us apart after minutes of fighting. He just stood there doing nothing, and I was quite sure the scene before him had gladdened his heart. My hair was disheveled, and blood ran onto my tongue, sending its saltiness. "How dare you?" I spat, my anger heating up, my voice trembling with pent-up tears and sadness. "What have I ever done to you for you to betray me like this?" Instead of an answer, her lips curled up in a mocking sneer. "He doesn't love you. Get that into your thick skull." "That's enough." Tony yelled to no one in particular." You shouldn't use that tone on your elder sister." Did he hear what she just said? Oh God, this wasn't happening to me. "Tell her, Tony. Tell her you love me." I recoiled as if struck by lightning, the realization sinking in like a sunken ship. With my father's hatred, Tony's betrayal, and now Tana's treachery, for the first time, I realize I was all alone. I'm this world. It was all too much for me to bear. "Shut up, you little slut." I retorted. In a blur of motion, like a flash of lightning, Tana lunged forward, her hand connecting with my cheek in a stinging slap. "You're nothing but a bastard child. You should learn not to ever drag anything with me because you are illegitimate. You are not a true Bach." She spat, her voice dripping with so much venom. I recoiled, unable to pull myself together. I couldn't react. I watched Tony step between us again. His voice was sharp with reproach. "Enough, Tana," he admonished, his gaze dancing with guilt. "She's your sister?" “Is she?” Tana taunted.”You know, don't you? So why can't you just tell the busyhead the truth.” “What is she talking about, Tony?” “How am I supposed to know ?” He retorted, looking away. As I stood there, I realized something was going on that I had failed to see.
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