Part One ~ 32 - Message from the Other Side

937 Words

Krystal sobbed uncontrollably as she walked in their apartment together empty, broken and alone. Jocelyn had been alive and well the night before. The time they shared alone with a single candle, bottle of wine and naked bodies entwined played over and over in her mind.  How could one so young just drop dead like that? No warning, no signs. Although Krystal could have sworn that morning she heard Jocelyn in her head screaming something, there were no words to recall. Krystal had awoken from a deep sleep earlier, after what seemed a dream to hear the phone ringing with the news.  “May I please speak with Khrystyn Pavlov please?” “This is she, call me Krystal please.'' Suddenly her heart sank and seemed to be caught in a loop of palpitations and grief. “This is the Harris County Sheriff'

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