Part One ~ 31 - Finding Control

2443 Words

“ I have to go pick up my car...” Brian said flatly holding frozen peas to his right lower jaw.  “She better be there! I am not going to play this ‘find the keeper’ game much longer!!!” Sebastian bellowed loudly, his left eye starting to turn bruised already.  “Just give it a rest, Bas, she is going to do what she wants, when she wants, how she wants. We all know this. Bickering like children we let her slip away thinking we couldn’t handle this. How the hell are we supposed to tell  her it will all be ok and she can handle it, if we can’t even get along?” Jonathan said with airy breath holding his left middle rib cage. “ I think you broke my f*****g ribs by the way Brian.” They were all disheveled shitstorms because of her and Brian knew they were completely f****d without her.  “I am

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