Chapter 1

2264 Words

1 Piper Dare My head lolled when the stage lurched in a particularly large rut and I woke with a start. Drool dotted the corner of my mouth and I wiped it with my fingers. I glanced up to make sure the woman across from me hadn’t seen my less than ladylike spit, but she—thankfully—was asleep, her head tilted back so her chin was angled up toward me. It was quite warm and even with the flaps over the windows open, there wasn’t much breeze. I tugged at my bodice, the fabric damp and clinging to my skin. I had a mighty thirst and longed for a cool glass of lemonade. I blinked once, then rubbed my eyes. Time passed slowly in the stage and I had no idea how long I had rested. Even with a crook in my neck and a sore back… and bottom from the hard and uncomfortable seat, it couldn’t have been f

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