
511 Words

Epilogue Eight months later Celia “Is that my wife taking those stairs by herself?” Walker’s voice boomed through the house and I stopped halfway down the steps. I couldn’t see my toes and my men were afraid I’d topple down and hurt myself. And the baby. “You know what happens when you disobey, doll.” Walker came up the steps to stand before me, a hand coming to rest on my very round belly. “I get spanked?” I asked hopefully. He grinned at my eagerness. “Needy, doll?” I nodded and bit my lip. Yes, I was very needy. “I just wanted a glass of water.” “You just had to call for me. You know we don’t want you to fall.” Both men had been very protective of me since we learned I was pregnant. It has only been a few weeks after the awful day when Carl had tried to kill me. It seemed that

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