chapter 20

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katelynn. this past week has been insane, luca and I haven't gotten much time together as I have been helping out joe with the late shift and Luca is working during the day. I don't start classes back until next week thankfully. but he's been acting odd lately even though we aren't around each other much I can tell by his text and when I get off from work he's asleep which I understand but he's been sleeping with a shirt on which is new. I talked to luna about it yesterday and she said I'm probably overreacting to just not over think things but Sunday afternoon he was working on something outside while I was sitting on the porch. he was in the yard all sweaty looking hot so I snapped a picture of him and posted it talking about how lucky I was. I didn't think he'd care but later that evening when he saw it he told me with no emotion in his eyes to take it down, so I did. and we haven't had a chance to talk about it because he went to bed soon after. it's finally Friday and I'm meeting lucas mom and maddy at the dress shop to look at her dress with her and see if anything needs changing we also decided on a late lunch. right now I'm packing up some cookies I made for luca and his unit I figured I'd bring them by just to say hi and hopefully we will spend some time together this evening since I'm officially off. I make my way up stairs and pull on some skinny jeans a sweat shirt and fix my hair, I add a little make up since my face still looks a little tired. and I throw on my vans and head out. hopefully he's happy to see me. when I arrive I give my information at the gate and they wave me through. when I get out arms full of containers holding cookies an older man in a uniform smiles at me and says " well looks like we've got a delivery, can I help you find anyone?' I smile " uh yes I'm looking for luca watts" his smile gets bigger " ah yes you must be the famous katelynn that has given my man a heart" I just laugh" that would be me" he nods and starts grabbing containers " here let me help you and I'll bring you to him. him and his men should be in from the field by now" I nod and follow behind him. he stops at the door and turns to me " I may be old but I know when I see a man I'm love and that's definitely watts. hes changed since he came into the picture. been happier" I smile at him and he continues " any idea why he's been pushing it so hard lately? seems he's running himself into the ground" my smile turns to a thin line and I shake my head " honestly I'm not sure what's going on. but dont worry I plan on getting to the bottom of it" he laughs " just like my wife" then he turns and enters the room it's full of tables and I recognize some of the guys including nate, lee and sam. everyone has their shirts off looking like they just had an intense work out. sam sees me first and smiles and runs over " hey sammy" and he laughs " what brings your pretty face to base today?" he asks and I nod my head to the containers " thought I'd bring luca some goodies and you guys to of course" he smiles at me but it doesn't quite reach his eyes. he knows something I don't. the older man hollers " hey luca! I found your lady" I look away from Sam and see luca come around the corner he quickly pulls his shirt over his head and makes his way to us. we smile at each other " hey babe what are you doing here?" I show him the cookies " thought y'all could use a snack before I meet with your mom and maddy" nate and sam quickly stick their hands in the containers grabbing cookies nate eats one and with his mouth still full says " there still warm and homemade!" I just laugh at him and turn my attention back to luca. " well these are for you guys I was hoping to get a moment alone" and Nate and sam start whistling loudly and the older man hits them in the back of the head causing me to laugh. everyone soon walks away and I smile and kiss luca on the cheek. " I have the night off I was hoping maybe dinner and a movie?" he smiles but it doesn't reach his eyes " uh yeah I maybe a little late I told the guys I'd meet them for beers" I nod " okay well just let me know when you are headed home and I'll order take out" " okay babe I gotta get back thanks for the cookies" he kisses my cheek. to say I'm disappointed is an understatement, I'm not sure what's going on but something definitely is. I wave at the guys and make my way out to my Jeep and head to meet the girls. trying to clear my head. luca. it's been a long week m not just because I haven't seen kate but because amber keeps messaging me. some say how she misses me and others are talking down on me. she's apparently been stalking katelynn social media and her mind games are f*****g with my head. earlier this week kate posted a picture of me and I was disgusted by the sight of me, so I guess amber had won she's right back to making me feel like s**t and I'm not even with her. her last text told me she needed money and she still wants me to give her a chance. I wasn't expecting Katelynn to bring by cookies. she obviously sees something is wrong with me I can see it all over her face. I've just got to get this s**t in my head figured out before I lose her. after she leaves I'm kicking myself in the ass for not kissing her properly. all the guys including captain are digging into the cookies. nate gives me the we're talking later look and I just eat some cookies. damn they are good! everyone is enjoying them and the break, I've been running them hard this week since I'm torturing myself. they all know better than to say anything. well except for nate I'll get an earful later. we finished our the day and katelynn sent a picture of her, mom and maddy while they had lunch. that made me smile, mama really loves her. I'm pulling into the bar now when I get a message. katelynn- hey handsome, I'm home now had a blast. let me know when you head this way and I'll order the food. mexican okay? luca- I'll let you know. but yes mexican is fine just my usual. katelynn- okay I love you! luca- love you too I sign and out my phone in my pocket and make my way to where I see the guys. they've already ordered me a beer. I sit and join their conversation about cars then nate turns to me " okay I've let you have two beers now tell me what's going on before I kick your ass" that doesn't surprise me but I shrug I don't want to tell him because it's my problem and I'll figure it out. but I say " amber has been f*****g with my mind and I'm sure I'm gonna lose katelynn one way or the other" they all just look at me with wide eyes for what seems like forever I just mess with the beer bottle in front of me " what the f**k is she doing exactly? and keep in mind you tell me you cheated on katelynn I get up and walk out of here right now" well damn he's supposed to be my brother but I completely understand his protectiveness over kate. I shake my head and just unlock my phone and pass it to him so he can read all the messages that I haven't replied to. he takes a minute then looks me dead in my eyes " if you let katelynn slip through your fingers because of what this b***h has to say then you deserve to be miserable when kate finds someone else" I look at him in shock and honestly I'm kinda pissed but he's not finished " let me guess you are pushing her away and haven't even told her about this?" I just shake my head and go to speak " you don't under.." he cuts me off by raising his hand then says " your right I don't understand what it's like to have a beautiful woman at home waiting for me. waiting for me to show up and share my day and my problems. your right I also don't know what it's like to live with that scar but I do know you got it saving my ass. I've seen the way she looks at you and honestly I think your f*****g stupid to be sitting here with us drowning your problems when she's at y'all's house just waiting to be with you. she doesn't care about the scar ive seen her around you without a shirt on. I also seen her post the other day that magically disappeared" he sends me a pointed look " you need to go talk to her" I sigh and hang my head. " what if it's too late?" this makes him laugh and I look at him confused he just passes me my phone and says " I really don't think it is bro" I look down at my phone and see he's opened a message from katelynn. it's a picture of her legs in a bubble bath saying - really need a back rub sergeant- I smile at that I real smile. thank f**k the picture didn't actually show anything. I get up and throw some money down and the guys all laugh as I make my towards the door lee hollers " try to talk first sergeant" laughing I flip him off and rush home. hopefully she will still be in the bath. I hurry up the stairs and stop at the bathroom door my heart skips a beat when I hear a soft moan come from inside. but before I can overthink I slowly open the door, she has the lights dimmed her hair pulled up and the tub is full of bubbles. I see her small hand reach up and pull on her n****e I'm assuming her other is at her p***y. I let out a moan at the sight in front of me. and her eyes snap open and she jerks her hands away. I smirk at her and shake my head. I slowly make my way towards the edge of the tub. she's blushing like crazy I run a finger over her hard n****e causing her to bite her lip " don't stop now babygirl" she shakes her head" I didn't think you'd be home so soon " she says in a small voice I bend down by her ear and give her neck a kiss " finish I wanna watch" I let a little water out of the tub so I can see her body. I can tell she's not sure. I pull my pants down and let my hard c**k free her eyes go wide as I rub my hand up and down real slow " come on babygirl let me watch you pleasure that p***y" she shivers at my words and her hand slowly makes it back to her core. I watch closely as she runs her fingers over her lips and moans. my d**k gets even harder, she's looking at it as she slides two fingers in she pumps slowly so so do I. soon she picks up the pace and grabs her n****e again, she throws her head back " oh luca" she moans. f**k this is so hot! " that's it kate finger that tight little p***y for daddy" " oh I'm so close it's right there" she says as she pumps harder " me too babygirl, rub your clit and c*m for me" she lets out a loud moan and I jerk myself harder at the site of her coming undo. soon my load is shooting all over the floor. I close my eyes for a minute to catch my breath. when I look at her she's looking down blushing I tip her head with my fingers and kiss her deep. " that was amazing to watch" she just smiles. and I clean myself up and my mess. then I turn the warm water on for her " enjoy your bath, I'll order dinner and make a fire I'll be downstairs if you need me" I send her a wink and she says " thank you" before I close the door. katelynn. I was so embarrassed when he caught me but I was so stressed I thought I'd take the edge off. I had talked to his mom a little about what was going on and she said she's worried he's pulling away in hopes of not getting hurt. which I don't understand. so I was waiting for him to let me know he was headed home when I decided to tease him by sending that picture but I was expecting him home. but I'm glad he is I actually enjoyed that more than I thought I would with him watching well not only watching but jerking off. I enjoy my bath for a few then I get out and dry off, my cheeks are still flushed. I pull on some sexy underwear and my robe and make my way down stairs. luca is sitting on the couch in a pair of sweats, I guess he showered in the guest. I really want to sit beside him but I'm scared he's gonna pull away so I sit while grabbing a blanket and make myself comfortable " so how was drinks with the boys?" I ask and he looks at me and smiles then opens his arms as if asking me to come closer. so I do and he wraps both arms around me as I cuddle in. I feel like I'm home I sigh in relief because I've missed this. alot. I feel him kiss my head and I hear him sniff. I look up and see his eyes are red I grab his face with both hands " babe what's wrong??" he just shakes his head and wipes his eyes real fast then passes me his phone then says " drinks with the guys helped. but I need you to read this before I tell you how sorry I am for pushing you away for something you haven't even done." I just nod and look at the phone. I start reading and I'm seeing red this stupid little b***h just doesn't know how to chill. I jump to my feet. " I'm going to kick her ass! why did you keep this from me?" he grabs my hands and stops my pacing " I was just trying to get a handle on the situation. I thought maybe ignoring it she'd go away" he looks down luca. I definitely wasn't expecting that to happen when I got home but I'm sure in hell no complaining. now we're trying to talk and I can't tell if she's pissed at me or amber or both. I wouldn't be surprised if she walked away now. i look at her " I know I've been pushing you away this past week and I know now that I shouldn't have let it get this far into my head. she looks at me and I honestly can't tell what she's thinking. she finally sits down on the coffee table " you know your mama told me to be patient that's you'd come around. but you have to understand what this does to me. I'm used to being pushed away. but I'm just surprised that you did it. you did this because if her and I haven't even had a chance to understand any of it because you kept it from me" f**k f**k f**k! I really did mess this up. I sigh " I know." is all I can think to say " I'm sorry" she shakes her head " I'm in this with you. all in like living with you but if this is something you need to work through alone you need to tell me because I refuse to be the other chick while she's at the front of your mind" I quickly wrap my arms around her and pull her to me and I her her sniff. damnit! but she doesn't pull away so I say " babygirl it's not her that's in my mind it's the fact that I'm worried your gonna realize I'm no good for you." she laughs and jumps back to her feet " you know what I haven't ever given you a reason to think that. I haven't ever given you a reason to believe I don't like your body. hell I've done more with you that I've ever done with anyone else but yet here you are acting as if I'm her!" okay she's mad again. I shake my head and pull her to my lap " I know and I'm sorry. I'm working on it. I should've talked to you from the beginning and I see that now" she nods. " okay so we're moving on from this. we're done letting her play her mind games" she says and I nod and hold her tighter " yes I'll talk to you from now on babygirl" she smiles " told your captain I'd get to the bottom of this. no more running yourself or the team into the ground got it?" I groan of course he ratted on me. " of course the old man talked to you. he basically knocked me in the back of the head when you left today" she giggles and I smile. we just sit holding each other until the doorbell rings " that'd be the food I'll be right back" I pass her on the couch and kiss her cheek and whisper in her ear " so now that we've made up do I get to see under the robe?" her body shivers and she smirks at me " maybe" she says and I chuckle and make my way to the door. when I open it the dude looks familiar but I can't place it he hands me my food and I set it down trying to get his money and tip when he says " hey this is weird but you aren't by any chance dating katelynn Miller?" I look up at him and just nod then he says " is she here? I mean I know it's weird but I've been trying to get ahold of her I really need to talk to her" I look at him up and down. why can't I figure out who this is. then I hear kate come up behind me and run her small hands down my back " babe what's taking so long I'm starving" the guys eyes widen " kate?" he says and I hear her gasp as she comes around partly and grabs on to my arm. "zack?" she questions in a small voice
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