chapter 18

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when had an amazing time on a our trip. seeing new things, the amusement park, where we actually made friends with a couple that was visiting from louisiana we had dinner with them one night and exchanged information hoping we'd be able to stay in touch with out busy lives. they have two kids that we haven't meet because they were on vacation for their anniversary but we hope to be able to get together soon. we made it through the holidays. our first together as a couple, I really enjoyed being around his family and at Christmas it was nice to have us all together, I love the fact that they include luna in things since she's basically my sister. dad was able to come in for a few days for Christmas but he left a couple days after, he's always worked alot but seems like he's away more. but he promised after the new year and things calmed down we'd have dinner together. I've been staying at lucas and I've moved most of my clothes there but I haven't actually moved in a lot of things. I don't really know why I'm holding back, he's made it very clear that he wants me to make it my home too but I'm just nervous of doing to much too fast I guess. luna has had many dinners with us and we've had lunch a few times just us girls because this is the first time we've actually loved apart. when we were in middle and high school she basically lived in my house. I've also made really good friends with Maddy. she has a wedding dress fitting in a week and she's asked me to come along to give an honest opinion on it. I think she's starting to get nervous because the wedding is in March. I will officially be finished with school by April and I couldn't be more excited about that. it's currently new years eve and we're gonna have some people over tonight to celebrate, luca is gonna have a few guys from his unit I haven't met yet along with nate and Dane. of course luna will be here. we've decided to do a brisket with all the side along with peas and cabbage because you have to have it, even though luca says he doesn't understand it. we've got the backyard ready for a massive bon fire and there's a large cement pad close by ( used to hold an old shed but luca tore it down when he moved it and hasn't decided what he's gonna put there yet) in case people want to dance. it should be an amazing night. katelynn. I just got out of the shower. I'm feeling much better today. the last week has been ugh since it was my time of the month and I haven't been feeling great. so tonight I've decided to wear some sexy underwear to tease luca later. as I pull on my black lace thong and matching bra I slip my silk robe on so I can do my hair and make up. luca is downstairs checking on the brisket and putting lights around outside. I've hing streamers and balloons in the living room. I'm nervous about meeting the rest of his unit, he says they are all nice guys that I shouldn't worry but I'm scared if they think negative of me then so will luca. it will be cool tonight so as I look through the closet I land on a black dress it has long sleeves and a lace back. it dips in the front just enough to tease luca but not enough to look bad. I pull on my panty hose after I put lotion on and I lay my dress out and grab my red high heeled wedges and set it beside the dress. I sit down and do my make up a little darker tonight since it's a party and tame my hair a little. I make my way down stairs to grab a drink before I get dressed. luca isn't in here so he must be outside still. I open the fridge and grab my water but before I turn around I feel luna come up behind me and grab my hips, I giggle. " hands off mr you can't mess up my make up" he ignores me and pulls my body against him and starts kissing my neck. I rest my head back on his chest enjoying the moment. " you don't need it you look beautiful without it" he says between kisses. I pull out of his embrace and make my way around the bar and take him in. dark maroon long sleeve shirt and jeans. damn he looks good in anything. he sees my eyes him and smirks " see we could have a little fun before the guest arrive" I think it over and squeeze my thighs together become the idea has me thinking dirty things. but we really have to finish up and we don't know when people will arrive. I shake my head more to clear it " no no no we've gotta finish up" he groans " I like my idea better" I laugh " so do it but we don't have time" he slowly makes his way towards me" but you haven't let me touch you all week and I really really need to see what is under that robe" he slowly starts pulling on the tie and I'm just caught up in the moment watching his every move when he gets it undo he sees my underwear and his eyes dilate and he groans I bite my lip because his eyes all over my body is making me hot. " luca we have no idea when people will show up" " it'll be quick I just need a taste babygirl" his voice is deep and send s a shiver down my body. I know the only way I'm getting out of this is if I make a run for it so I do, I take off towards the living room and stand on the other side when I hear him coming in behind me laughing" you know baby girl I kind of like the chase, makes the reward that much better" I giggle " you are dirty! and you know you will mess up my hair and make up" he's standing on the other side of the couch smirking at me his eyes haven't left my boobs. " baby girl you better stop running because when I catch you I'm gonna spank that nice little ass of yours then I'm gonna bury myself in that tight little p***y" I close my eyes and moan at his words when I open them I my body has made up it's mind no matter what my brain is saying I start to make my way around the couch " that's it babygirl" I shiver again then I hear someone clearing their throat and my eyes widen at the site of nate and I'm assuming 2 guys from lucas unit. nate laughs and the other guys are trying to look any where but me since my robe is open and I'm standing here in a bra and panties. nate says " you guys sound like two honry kids in here" luca is quick to jump in front of me and I'm trying to pull my robe together blushing like crazy. " you don't know how to knock?!" luca yells and Nate and the other guys laugh one of the speaks up " we did knock sergeant but you didn't answer. now we see why" I can tell he's trying not to laugh. this is definitely not how I wanted to meet them. luca asks if I've got myself covered and I say yes and giggle. " katelynn this is lee and Sam, guys this is katelynn" I send them a smile and a wave I'm still blushing like crazy luca puts his had around my waist to help calm me. lee then says " hey don't be shy now if I was luca I'd definitely be chasing you around the house like that" luca sends him a glare and I just laugh while he shrugs I can tell he's just winding luca up and not actually trying to flirt. " alrighty guys I'm gonna go officially get dressed when luna gets here send her up please" I kiss luca on the cheek and as I hurry up the stairs I hear the guys being guys and trying to wind luca up more I just shake my head and head to our room. I get dressed and as I'm pulling on my shoes luna walks in " damn girl you didn't tell me the house would be full of hot soldiers tonight" I laugh at her " I told you a few of his buddies were coming" shes got on right jeans and a nice red top with some knee high boots " you look beautiful as always luna!" she smiles " not so bad yourself there ms miller, any chance you are trying to kill lover boy?" we laugh " not kill just tease a little" I shrug we talk for a few before we head to meet with everyone else then she stops " oh yeah I forgot to tell you, dylan is coming with a few friends I didn't want to be rude when he asked about tonight" I nod " that's fine I'm just hoping he cools it a little he's really had an attitude towards luca lately" she looks at me and shakes her head. I continue walking because I'm not sure what she is trying to tell me. we make our way through the back patio doors and I instantly smile at scene. luca is chatting away with his buddies and dylan apparently brought a couple girls I don't know but everyone seems to be having a good time. luca. my buddies had to ruin my fun earlier I was just about to have her until they f****d it up. they haven't stopped teasing me since they got here. we're now out back, all the food should be done soon and Nate is gonna light the fire it's starting to get dark. I'm excited for my first of hopefully many new years with my girl. luna showed up as peppy as ever ready for some fun with dylan not far behind her, he brought a few girls I'm assuming are his friends but dressed the way they are they seem to be out looking for one thing tonight. one is eyeing me and hard. I really hope he isn't trying to cause trouble, ever since we got back from our little trip and katelynn has been staying at mine he acts like I don't exist or like I'm forcing something of her. after everyone is introduced luna makes her way to get kate. we're all standing around talking about the new year when my girl steps out with a smile on her face beautiful face but damn the dress she choose to wear is gonna be killing me all night. I run my eyes over her body then when I meet her eyes she smirking at me. little minx knows exactly what she's doing. I smile back at her. I watch as she makes her way towards us and lee let's out a whistle. " damnit boy, I'm gonna need to know the secret" I can't help but feel with pride when he says it because I know the girl is to good for me but yet here she is choosing me. she makes her way through the crowd and loops her hands around my waist and says " what secret?" I'm so lost in my own thoughts I don't even know how to respond I just wrap my arm around her and kiss her lee says " how'd he talk you into being his girl? dude used to act like he didn't believe in dating then one day he came into work smiling like a little kid" we all laugh and katelynn says " pretty sure I'm the lucky one" looking straight into my eyes. then dylan ruins our little moment by saying" alright guys time for drinks" everyone who doesn't have one agrees" what are you drinking tonight gorgeous?" I ask her " just a beer. I have a feeling it's going to be a long night" I wink at her and make my way to the coolers then I head back with us both a beer when I hear dylan tell her " you still haven't let me take you to lunch yet" she just smiles and I go stand next to her and hand her her beer and she takes a drink. seems she doesn't want to answer his question so I say " well let us know where you'd like to have lunch and we will meet you" he just looks at me and one of the girls he brought with him says " oh D that'd be fun a double date" while grabbing on too his arm which he pulls away and says " I told you we aren't dating you aren't my type" she rolls her eyes" oh but you can sleep with me" I see it's our time to leave so kate and I slowly turn and make our way to my buddies leaving the two to work out whatever that is all the guys are sitting around the fire so I find a spot and sit pulling kate onto my lap. she smiles and cuddles into me. we're all enjoying our drinks kate and I have each had a few and just enjoying being around our friends. katelynn and Sam race to see who can win at s**t gunning a beer and she wins of course leaving everyone laughing. she is def liked with my friends which I'm glad because just about everyone hated my last girlfriend. it's nice to watch her talk crap with them and just have fun. luna pulls dane to dance not long after he got here, I personally think there's still feelings there but not my business. I put my hand out to katelynn she she puts her small one in mine as I lead the way to go dance with her. I've never been much on dancing but I know she enjoys it. the song isn't exactly slow but I still pull her into my arms and she doesn't argue just rest her head on my chest and I breathe her in. " I hope your having a good time tonight" I say " I really am, besides our little moment being interrupted earlier" she says and I nod agreeing " I definitely can't wait to have you some alone time with you" she smiles and kisses me. we get lost in the kiss and Sam comes over stepping in asking her to dance I smile at him and let them go because I trust him and I'm sure he just wants to talk. they start doing a line dance as a few others join. I stand back and watch my girl " hey nate wanna help me set all this food in the kitchen" he nods and we get to work. while in the kitchen he says " how are things going? you know living together?" I smile " pretty good, she hasn't brought much just clothes but I'm just happy to have her here when I get off" he nods then smirks at me " so you putting a ring on it before we deploy or what?" I laugh at him" you know I'm not doing that. I don't want her to feel like she's stuck with me when I leave" he pats my shoulders " don't really think she's gonna feel that way but whatever" I just shrug and the doorbell rings I look at him and he shrugs so we go together to answer since we aren't expecting anyone else but when I open the door it wasn't at all what I was expecting. there she was standing in a really short skirt and half a shirt with mile high shoes on and her face covered in makeup. my ex amber. what was I ever even thinking dating this girl? before me or nate can say anything she says " hey luca I was hoping you'd be home" and trys to rub her hand up my arm but I pull in away and cross them " what are you doing here?" nate asks her and she send him a dirty look. the two never got along. " well I'm here to see my luca so if you don't mind" she says rolling her eyes. I speak up now " I'm not your luca and if your here looking for drama you can just leave" she pouts. and I roll my eyes " what is it amber? the guy is finally happy what could you possibly need" nate says annoyed. " well if he was so happy than where is she huh? not by his side that I can see" she states " that's because she's out back with our friends celebrating" she sighs " I just really need to talk okay?" I nod my head and Nate stares at me. I lead her into the living room where she sits and her skirts rides up even more and she doesn't bother to fix it. nate looks at me then her and before he leaves says to me " don't f**k up a good thing for this slut" he walks away angry that I even let her in. I stay standing because it seems safest. " okay what is it you need?" she smiles and bats her eyes " well you could ask how I've been ya know" I groan " okay how have you been since f*****g up my mind and then cheating on me?" I ask she gets up and stands in front of me " you know I can't take that back and I'm truly sorry but I need you to give us another chance" I laugh. hard. when I finally get myself together I look her over " I have a beautiful girlfriend and I'm happy even if I wasn't in a relationship I wouldn't get back with you" she grabs my hands " you don't mind I need you! I just found out I'm pregnant and I'm all alone and scared" I shake my head and pull my hands from her sitting down and she sits next to me waiting " I can't help you. not this time I cannot keep being your fall back guy" " I know it seems that way but it isn't I swear to you, I know I messed up but we could be a family the way you always wanted I love you!" I sigh and take her hands " I know you are scared and I understand that. but the baby isn't mine and I don't want to blow my relationship up for you I'm sorry but I can't help you" she's angry now " you know you've changed! you said you'd always be there to help me but here you are telling me no because if some fat slut?!" now I'm angry " look I know you are hurt but watch your mouth I have forgiven you so yeah I've changed because I don't think of myself as worthless anymore but I refuse to get sucked back into.." I don't finish when she lands her lips on mine and I try to pull away quickly but she just smirks last me and I turn to see kate standing there looking like she's about to blow. well f**k me! katelynn. the night is going great besides flashing his friends at the beginning. everyone seems to be having a lot of fun, I was dancing with luca but Sam cut in and Luca didn't say anything we danced to a few songs with everyone else. when we stop to find a drink he pulls me into a hug I'm surprised at first but then I hug him back. it's a short friendly hug when we pull back I say " what was that for?" he smiles " I've known luca for a lot of years. nate and I saw how unhappy he was in his last relationship but then he got hurt we thought maybe she'd change her attitude but things only got worse, anyways I'm just glad he's finally happy and I'm glad I'm here to see it" I smile at him " he's not the only one who had a bad relationship, I also did he's definitely made me happier just by being around" Sam nods and smiles " come on sammy I need a drink!" he agrees and we find the cooler and nates close by " hey nate where did luca go?" he kind of looks at me funny then nods his head towards the house before saying" he said he'd be right back" I nod and grab my drink and make my way by nate, dane, luna, lee, and Sam is behind me. dylan and his friends walk up and we're all talking about doing the fireworks soon " well I'm gonna go grab some food first anyone else hungry?" nates eyes get real big but luna, lee and dylan agree so we start headed towards the house. when I open the patio doors I see her sitting there with luca and my heart feel like it stops. then they kiss. luca soon notices I'm there and luna and dylan are pulling me towards the kitchen. all I can say is " you've got to be kidding me" I hear lee tell her to get out and I hear her respond with she's not done talking to luca I pull free from my friends and make my way back in there and yell " this is now also my house so you can either leave or I'll drag you out. if luca chooses he can go also" luca looks at me with wide eyes and tries to get me in his arms but I pull away " it's not what it looked like baby girl I swear it just let me explain" I roll my eyes but the b***h speaks up " you don't have to explain anything luca!" " get the hell out of my house amber!" luca yells and I lunge at her but luca grabs hold of me quickly" really luca your gonna protect her?!" he shakes his head " no kate but she did say she's pregnant I know you'd never want to hurt a baby" I just nod my head by this point nate and sam are walking her to the door when she yells " luca baby call me when you are ready for our family" I look over at him pissed off. he tries to say something but I grab some food and make my way around him " I'm not ready to talk" I go outside and sit down to eat. the baby can't be his right? I mean there's no way because he wouldn't cheat he wouldn't do that luna is sitting with me not saying a word because neither of us know what to say. after I finish I bring me trash back into the kitchen and he's still standing there. I walk past him and he comes up and boxes my body against the counter I turn around and see his sad eyes " I'm still not ready to talk" I say he nods " okay then just listen" I nod agreeing " what you saw was not us kissing, she kissed me and I pulled away as soon as she did. I know I should have listened to nate and not even let her in the house but she said she needed to talk to me so I figured the fastest way to get her to leave was listen to what she had to say. yes she told me she's pregnant by some dude and wants me to help her with it." he signs " I don't want anything to do with her or the baby. I swear it." I nod and he looks at me waiting for me to say something I finally say " okay" he just looks at me " okay?" he questions " yes okay. I don't know what you want me to say you let her in the house knowing she was gonna start something" he sighs " I know it was stupid and I shouldn't have let her in OUR house" he says stressing the word our " but I figured she just needed money or something not drop a baby bomb trying to get me to be with her. I roll my eyes " yeah well it doesn't surprise me, it worked the last time she did it" I can now see he's getting mad but hell so am I. " I didn't have you in my life last time and I wasn't in a good place mentally. I now can see that she's not worth my time" he growls out. " so answer this if I wasn't in the way would you be with her and the baby?" I question. he looks at me like I've got two heads. " baby girl you aren't understanding. you have shown me what its like to be in an actual relationship. hell if I was still with her this party wouldn't be happening all my friends wouldn't even want to be around me and honestly I didn't even like myself. so no even if you weren't in my life I couldn't go back to that. I can't go through that again" I wrap my arms around his neck and just let him hold me for a moment " please don't let her keep coming in and out of our lives" he kisses my check and runs his fingers across where he kissed " I can't promise she won't cause drama because that's who she is but I can promise she won't EVER be in our house again" I smile this time and kiss him. we take a moment and get lost in the kiss when nate walks in and clears his throat " okay good y'all have made up let's do fireworks" he says. I send him a glare and say " secrets don't make friends nathan I should still kick your ass because you knew we was in my house" I say some what playfully. he raises an eyebrow at me and says " you'll have a hard time catching me in those heels sweet pea" I roll my eyes at him and he says " I told dip s**t not to let her in I'm honestly just glad y'all aren't fighting anymore" luca wraps an arm around my waist and puts his head in my neck and I say " yeah well you could've warned me" he puts his hands up to surrender and we hear the sounds of the fire works starting " come on guys!" I say and start to make my way to the yard. sam and lee are doing the fireworks as we stand around and watch luca stands behind me and wraps me up in his arms. and I just relax my body into his. nate brings us both a beer and I take it as a piece offering. across the way I feel dylan staring at me like he's pissed off. guess I'll figure out why later. I just enjoy the fireworks we start counting down 10. 9.8.7. I turn in lucas arms and smile up at him when I see he's already looking at me. luca grabs ahold of the back of my head and wraps one arm around my waist with my arms around his neck and hands in his hair he pulls me in for an amazing heart stopping kiss. I'm not sure how long we kiss for but when we finally part our friends whistle and cheer as I blush and try to hide my face in lucas chest he just chuckles and kisses the top of my head. luca. after the drama with my ex we finally got to share an amazing new years kiss. I hope to spend many more with my girl in my arms. she goes over to talk with luna leaving me to with the guys sam says" I really thought I was gonna have to kick your ass tonight watts" I send him a glare " I know dude, if she wasn't who she is I'd definitely still be in trouble. and if I would've actually f****d up and listened to what amber was wanting I would've let you kick my ass" he pats my shoulder " don't f**k it up bro we like this one. she cool" I smile and nod as we watch her and luna dancing together. she must be a little tipsy by now. I put my hands in my hoodie jacket and just stand back and watch her. she's just enjoying herself along with luna and whoever the other chicks are I don't even think I got their names. dylan says" you just gonna let her shake her ass for everyone to see?" I can clearly tell the guy doesn't like me. I shrug " she's fully covered and enjoying herself whynt?" he rolls his eyes. me, nate, sam and lee all start talking about our plans for the new year. I'm trying to talk them into helping me with this mess of a pool but I already know they will. we're all laughing and having a good time as dylan walks away making his way to katelynn. I watch as he asks her to dance with him but she turns him down. he looks pissed as she turns and makes her way to the cooler. she looks at me and I send her a smile and she whispers something to luna who laughs then she makes her way towards me. oh boy I might be in trouble still. when she gets to us she wraps her arms around my waist and says " can we talk for a minute?" she looks around at the guys " alone?" she bluhes
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