chapter 15

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katelynn. we make our way into the kitchen and it smells amazing. everyone is gathered in there and they all turn to us when we walk in. the a little boy launches his self at luca " uncle luca" the little guy says and Luca picks him up and throws him in the air a few times making his laugh. when he stops he holds him in his arms. I just smile at him. I look around the room and I see his dad basically he's an older version on luca minus all the tattoos. I see where luca got his dark skin from. his younger brother looks more like his mom a little shorter than luca and not as many muscles. and a beautiful lady I'm assuming his fiance. luca says " lane buddy this is my girl katelynn" I smile at him in lucas are and he sends me a small wave. luca says " okay everyone this is katelynn, katelynn this is my dad Jamal, my brother landon and his poor fiance maddy" I smile at them all and say nice to meet them and his dad walks over to hug luca and he looks me over and pulls me in for a hug which I return. he says " it's nice to meet you katelynn" I say the same and he tells me to just call him jamal because I'm family which makes me smile. his brother comes over and they do a hand shake and greet then he looks at me and says " she's pretty brother, sure she isn't blind because why else is she dating you?" which makes us all laugh. little lane runs off into the next room and the guys leave leaving me with Maddy and Lucas mom who has started back on dinner. " can I help" " oh dear don't bother getting all dirty" " it's really no problem. what are you making?" she smiles " well ham, potatoes, mac and cheese, bread and a salad. I wasn't sure what you'd like" I smile "well it smells amazing in here! and I eat just about anything but steak" she pulls out some potatoes and hands then to me and maddy we sit at the bar and start cutting. I say " so maddy luca says you have a wedding soon?" she smiles at me " yeah in the spring I can't wait" lucas mom then says " me either it's about time y'all stop putting it off" making us laugh. we all chat about little things until we're done. we decided to go find the guys they are gathered in the living room with lane on the floor playing with toys. I go and sit next to luca which makes him smile and put his arm around the back of the couch around my shoulders and I snuggle in. landon says so tell us about yourself and I shrug " um well I'm in my last year of university and I'll be teaching somewhere next year I hope. my dad's in oil and I have a best friend who is basically a sister. not much to me" I say laughing but landon's eyes go wide as he pulls out his phone then he looks around the room and quirks and eye brow at luca " dude do you know who you are dating? I mean the town, the name on your f*******: page and the look but I wasn't really sure until she said oil!" he says with wide eyes luca chuckles and sighs " yes katelynn is the katelynn miller daughter of charles miller oil tycoon from mayberry" landon coughs and I stiffen because he's still searching his phone like a detective he jumps up " she's a cheerleader!' which causes me to blush and Luca and I both laugh he's showing the phone to their mom and dad " yes landon I'm aware of that" luca says then landon must fall on the mud fest pictures oh lord those are embarrassing and his mom and dad are looking when landon says" y'all went to mud fest?" " yes we did had a pretty good time. her God father actually owns the land" he smiles looking at me his dad says " y'all look like y'all had a good time in the pictures. are you shot gunning beers?" and I blush and squirm " um yes sir" and he and his mom laugh " at least she can have fun luca I like her!" his dad says which calms me back down his mom then says " be careful that's how I ended up with luca his dad bet me I couldn't beat him and I refused to lose. I lost a few times and one thing lead to another and 9 months later we had him" we all laugh at that. little lane comes over and bring me his car he's playing with when maddy says" oh no don't bother the guest lane" I just smile at her " he's fine really" lane crawls up in my lap with his toy and starts playing with my necklace in a baby voice says " pretty" I smile " thank you uncle luca got it for me" his eyes go wide " are you and uncle luca gonna wedding like mommy and daddy?" he asks and Luca stiffens and everyone in the room laughs. I think for a minute " hmm maybe one day but he's gotta be really nice first" the little guy nods his head. so katelynn tell us honest is luca paying you? because he hasn't brought a girl home in forever and you seem a little to good to be true. plus he's an old man and you are way to pretty for him" his brother asks and playfully hits lucas shoulder and moves quick so be can't hit him back which makes luca throw a pillow at him. we laugh and I say " nope no payment. all though I have probably cost in a pretty penny in food and coffee" I lean over and kiss lucas cheek which makes him smile and pull me closer and I see everyone with wide eyes. luca. the evening is going great besides my brother and his 21 questions about kate like I wouldn't know who I was bringing home. after she kisses my cheek I see everyone get wide eyes. they definitely aren't used to it my ex would hardly touch me and if I tried she'd pull away which caused me to be a little messed up about affection for a while so I know they are shocked. but with katelynn it's just natural. like she belongs in my arms. I can't help but shake my head and smile at them " okay. what have you done to luca?" my dad asks playfully and katelynn lets out a beautiful laugh. before anyone can reply my mama ask her and maddy to help bring out the food so she sets lane in my lap and gets up to help. I instantly miss her body being close to mine. landon speaks up " okay dude explain" " explain what?" I shake my head " I don't know what to say she's different. trust me I'm still getting used to the affection but she does it so natural I don't notice much" my dad pats my back and asks " so she knows?" I shake my head" one thing about that girl is she has made me be an open book. she knows all of it and she's seen it. she didnt look at me in like I was nasty or run" I shrug my shoulders and landon is smiling " oh boy dad he's in love! not like with that tramp when he thought he was happy. he's actually truly happy!" be says like he's cracked the code and I just laugh " yes I'm happy Landon, what do y'all think of her honest?" my dad answers " well from what your mom has showed me on the f*******: y'all seem to be happy. she seems to be bringing some fun into your life and she seems like a sweet girl. and if y'all are honest with each other have you told her how hard it is gonna be with some to date a black man?" I shake my head " yes dad I've tried explaining things to her even went as far as to let her know about the deployment. told her I didn't want her waiting around for me. I meet her dad and he said as long as she's happy he's happy. he may have money but that girl has him wrapped. the girl is stubborn refused to listen when I tell her she can do better" I shrug my shoulders and then my dad looks behind me and I follow his gaze and my eyes land on katelynn standing there with her hands on her hips looking mad but so cute " haven't I already told you you can't tell me who I can and can't have feelings for? get over it your my boyfriend and that's not going away until you find a better reason than those to end things" she says and my dad and landon bust out laughing and I turn red from being caught. I get up and go to her and wrap my arms around her waist and she wraps hers around my neck. I know by now everyone is watching but I don't care " I'm sorry babygirl. you know I don't want to break up but I also know the voice in my head still tells me you deserve better" I say looking in her eyes and she punches my shoulder " you are a great man luca! now stop and just enjoy me" I smile and kiss her lips lightly " yes ma'am." mama clears her throat and says dinner is ready I look over at her and see her wiping a tear. I know she thinks I'd never be dating again. we all sit down and I sit beside katelynn and lane demands to sit on her other side which she agrees to with a smile. pretty sure I'm losing my girlfriend to the little guy. we are all enjoying dinner and conversation and my dad says " thank God she actually eats the last one you had here wouldn't touch food" he says in half anger towards my ex kate looks at me and I just smile. " yeah dad if you don't feed her or give her coffee just about every hour she turns mean" I say jokingly and she takes my roll and bites it and then says " watch it mr because I have yet to have the coffee" I laugh at her and we seems to be in our own bubble I lean down and kiss her and she kisses back and then lane says " eww" I smirk at her because she's blushing and we go back to eating but she doesn't return my roll so I get a new one. after dinner kate and maddy take lane into the living room and me landon and my dad help mama in the kitchen. katelynn offered but we told her to go which made her roll her eyes. only reason my mama is in here is to talk to me and I know it. we start cleaning up and mama comes up and hugs me it's unexpected so it takes me a minute to respond " you okay mama? she released me and smiles " yes baby just happy you've found the one" I smile and kiss her forehead" me too mama she's a breath of fresh air" she nods " yes that she is!" we continue cleaning when Katelynn's phone that's on the bar keeps chiming " baby girl your phone is going nuts" I holler towards her " can you grab it it maybe dad" she hollers back. I freeze not knowing how to handle this. if I would've touched my ex's phone she would yell at me then stormed out. I pick it up and see it's luna and I chuckle at the text luna- how are the in laws? luna- okay I'm assuming good since you haven't asked me to save you. luna- got a date. probably won't be back tonight luna- ( picture and name of the guy) in case he tries to kill me. luna- let me know when you make it safe. love you tell the in laws hi! I holler back to katelynn " luna has a date and wants you to tell your inlaw hi for her." I know that'll get her attention. soon she walks into the kitchen with lane hanging on her back laughing. such a beautiful sight she then says " the girl has got to stop trying to marry me off. did she send pictures of the guy and a full name?" I nod and grab lane to tickle him " yes she did said she doesn't want to die" I laugh " yeah that's the only way I can keep up with her. she kept dane around the longest" I smile " yeah hes the same way" lane then sees the pie " can I have some kate?" he asks so sweetly she bends down to him " of course but let's go ask mama first k? they head off and landon says " okay so no one is gonna say anything?" looking at mom and dad dad says with a smile " means she's honest I like it" mama nods and starts cutting the pie. and I make katelynn some coffee when we walk back in to the living room katelynn jumps up excited for her coffee and kisses my cheek " thank you thank you" I smile " anytime" we all eat our pie and everyone is saying how great it is and it really is amazing all made from scratch. mama says " the way to a man's heart is through his stomach and I believe you have it down" katelynn blushes and says thank you. soon katelynn is getting tired I can tell because she's got her body squished to mine her head on my shoulder tracing my tattoos on my arm. I smile down at her and kiss her forehead. " let's get you home baby girl we've got a busy week" she agrees we all say our goodbyes and I have to promise to bring her around more and katelynn then hugs my mama and says" even if he doesn't come I will" making everyone laugh. shes had me wrapped since day one and the same with my family. we make our way back to her apartment, I don't really want to part with her but I don't want to push this. as I walk her to her door I'm sad. " my family really loves you ya know?" I ask her " I really love them too. so don't break my heart because I'm already attached" I smile at her and pull her in for an amazing kiss when we part we're both breathless. " I'm gonna let you get some rest text me in the morning babygirl" I move some hair out of her face " let me know when you make it home please" " of course" one more kiss and she goes in as I head home I can't get the smile off my face katelynn. I had an amazing time with luca and his family his mama makes me feel so loved like a mama should. I could tell they were a little shocked that he's let me be so close to him and honestly I am too. I strip down and crawl in bed in just my panties because that's the way I sleep. luca let's me know he's made it home and we tell each other goodnight. I'm laying here trying to sleep but I just can't I groan and look at the clock again for like the 7th time 1 in the morning ugh! I pick up my phone and decide to look at f*******:. I see his mama posted a picture of us cuddled up on the couch and the caption says - finally met the girlfriend and they are perfect together- I smile at this I'm so glad they approve! I see luca comments - I knew you'd like her mama-. so that means he's awake. would it be odd if I called? will he think I'm crazy? ugh screw it! luca. I'm laying in bed and can't fall asleep for anything so I'm scrolling through f*******: and see the picture mama posted. I instantly save it to my phone. I love it. then my phone starts ringing. katelynn at one in the morning? I answer scared something is wrong. luca- hey baby girl everything okay?? katelynn- giggles yes just can't seem to sleep. think I got used to being with you luca- I sigh in relief and I can't believe she's feeling the same as me right now. kind of thought I was crazy. " me too babe" screw it I take the chance " want me to come sleep there tonight" katelynn- yes please! as long as you don't think I'm crazy she giggles. luca- let me put some clothes on and grab my work clothes and I'll be there. leave the door unlocked for me incase you fall asleep Katelynn- okay drive safe! luca- I will. see you in a minute. I love you! fuck f**k f**k. I hang up before she says anything because I'm sure she's officially freaked out. I continue with the plan of going over there. as I'm driving I think to myself. maybe she didn't hear me? yeah maybe not so we will be okay. I pull into the driveway and my heart is pounding. it's like I'm on autopilot as I'm walking to her door. time to face the music. I open the door and go in and lock it. I make my way to her room and quietly set my things down incase she fell asleep. maybe she fell asleep and I can hold her one more night before she decides I'm to much I think to myself as I pull my clothes off. I crawl into bed and under the covers. I can smell her body wash and my body instantly relaxes. her back is to me so I reach out to pull her close and find nothing no damn clothes on this little minx! " damnit" I say under my breath and pull her into me. then I freeze because she then rolls over eyes wide open and smiles as she wraps her legs around my leg and her arms across my body " I love you too luca daniel watts" she says in the softest voice my heart is about to explode. I crash my lips into hers
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