Tokyo, Japan. Hagiya Residence. "Sister Clarissa! Kaori is pulling my hair!" a five-year old girl suddenly screamed. "Give me back my doll first!" the other twin said in return. Clarissa switched off the electric stove and took a deep breath. Afterwards, she quickly walk towards the room where the twin sisters are currently having a fight. "What's going on here?" Clarissa asked the twin girls, as she's trying to become a referee between them. "Kaori pulled my hair and it hurts so much!" Kaoru immediately complained, while crying. "But she stole my doll from me!" Kaori complained as well. Clarissa tenderly smiled at the twin girls. "Kaoru, will you please give the doll back to Kaori? You have your own beautiful doll, right?" she told the girls. "I am sorry for hurting you, Kaori.