Chapter 13: Get Out!

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Anita settled down the restaurant lady boss before stepping out of the restaurant with Jack. By the time the two of them walked out of the restaurant, it was already dark. "Didn't expect it's already dark!" Anita let out a long sigh, with a somewhat cute appearance, she said: "A good meal was disrupted like this, handsome guy, isn't it?" Jack looked around and said: "Where's the handsome guy?" "Okay, don't pretend anymore, I'm talking about you!" Anita laughed. Jack rubbed his nose, what a pleasant chat. "Okay, let me take you home!" Anita gave a slight smile, her long hair swayed in the night breeze, her graceful figure walked in front, opening the car door. Jack obediently opened the car door and sat in the back of the car. This woman, Anita, didn't let him sit in front. "When you get up tomorrow, I'll take you to the University of Houston for registration, you remember your task, don't you?" Anita laughed. "Remember!" Jack nodded. He had to familiarize himself with the layout of the University of Houston. He really didn't know what this woman, Lucy, was up to, but she managed to make so many enemies. She had to be extremely cautious while attending a university. Thinking about it-- This woman must have had a tough time growing up. After all, a woman who is targeted by so many people must live in constant fear. But then again, he had no idea whether this woman had any fear at all. Such a-- Terrifying woman. "We're here!" Jack looked out of the window, this is where he resided. "See you, Anita sister!" Saying this, he got out of the car. "Bang Bang!" At this moment, two knocks sounded on the car window. Jack turned around. "I said, is it polite to leave without waiting for others to say goodbye?" Anita opened the window, stuck her head out, then laughed out loud, and said: "Alright, goodnight handsome, have sweet dreams!" Jack rubbed his nose. As he looked at Anita again, the car was already off into the distance. Somewhat late to the home,his sister was cleaning the house. He had already called his sister about not coming back for dinner today. "You're back!" Mary greeted. "Yes!" Each time he returned home, it was always clean, all credit to his sister. Home sweet home. A beautiful place and a beautiful person. His sister loved purple. But she didn't like to dress too revealingly. "How was the food outside? If you are still hungry, I can cook for you!" Mary looked up and smiled slightly. "No need!" Jack directly took off his shoes, deeply took in a breath, his eyes went straight to his sister Mary's chest. Very quickly, Mary noticed Jack's lingering gaze, a flash of amusement went across her face. This kid-- Jack gave an awkward smile, then said: "Sister, you're getting more and more beautiful!" A blush quickly passed over Mary's face, she put down the clothes she was folding in her hands and said: "You're such a chatterbox, daring to joke around with your sister? Alright, you've been out all day, go lie down on the sofa a bit, I'll go get some foot soaking water for you!" Jack's heart felt warm. "Sister, I can do it myself!" Jack rubbed his nose, feeling a little sour in his nose. His sister had been busy for a whole day, but she always thought of soaking his feet in water. "It's okay!" Saying this, Mary went into the bathroom. Jack was leaning against the bathroom door, watching his sister. After Mary had prepared the foot-soaking water, she intended to carry it to the living room. But as she turned, her feet slipped. Her delicate body stiffened up, some of the warm water from the basin had splashed out, and she was about to fall on the floor. "Ah!" "Sister!" Jack saw this and got a shock. He acted fast, seeing that his sister was about to slide, he quickly stepped forward. When Mary fell backwards, the water from the basin spread out, and as Jack stepped forward, the warm water splashed all over him. But Jack didn't have the time to care about it, he suppressed the burning sensation on his body, and quickly grabbed Mary's arm. Feeling that he was about to fall, Jack let out a sigh of relief, pulling Mary towards himself, he managed to get her up. But-- The warm water had made both of them wet, and the floor was covered with water. Just as he had able to catch Mary, his foot slipped. How could he fall? Feeling it, Jack made a quick turn around his body. Not caring about anything else, he hugged Mary's delicate body, the instant he held her, his hands felt a soft,slippery comfortable sensation. He wanted to feel it some more. The bathroom was very cooperative, providing a timely opportunity for him to fall. That's what Jack thought. The next moment, the entire bathroom fell into silence... Because-- The posture of the two seemed somewhat inappropriate. Jack held Mary tightly in his arms. Mary leaned against the wall, her crystal-clear eyes wide open, looking closely at Jack, her breathing becoming erratic. Both of their bodies were drenched and pressed closely together. The washroom was small, fitting only three or five people; at this moment, the two were so close that the drop of a pin could be heard clearly. Mary’s face turned red, her cheeks flushed beautifully, and her heart thumped wildly. Her two big dark eyes glared widely, looking very enticing. Meanwhile, Jack felt the softness of Mary’s protruding curves, not wanting to leave them for a moment. What a wonderful feeling. The two pressed against each other, their bodies, drenched by the warm water, showcased their beautiful figures in full, the contours clear and distinct. Temptation… Jack felt that Mary, at this moment, was a great temptation. “Does it feel good?” Mary asked in a sweet voice, though there was a hint of displeasure in her words. “Mmm, comfortable!” Jack responded instinctively, and indeed, pressing their bodies together felt really comfortable. But after answering, he realized he had said something wrong and quickly corrected himself: “Ah, sis, no, not comfortable at all!” “Wrong!” Jack realized he had misspoken again. How could he say it wasn’t comfortable? Wouldn’t that be questioning his sister's youthfulness, implying he felt nothing towards his sister? “Sister…” Mary glanced at Jack, clearly annoyed, but her words remained gentle: “Alright, I’ll prepare some water for you to wash your feet! You go out first.” Jack hesitated. “Get out!” Mary was utterly furious. She pointed at the door, commanding, "Get out! Just go." Jack, in a state of panic, fled from the restroom. Mary, meanwhile, grabbed the door of the restroom and slammed it shut. She leaned against it, her breathing noticeably faster. She patted her chest with her fair, soft hand, her heart still pounding fiercely within. "This kid..." "Is getting bolder." ... Upon leaving the restroom, Jack's face was also flushed red, his heart beating fast, a wave of heat overwhelming him. The touch they shared, for a man as normal and pure as one could be, not to mention chaste, he couldn't possibly not feel anything. He felt an uncontrollable burning all over his body. Jack slapped his head. After drinking several glasses of cold water, he managed to calm down somewhat. He was almost in need of an "Amitabha" to suppress the burgeoning thoughts in his heart. The next day dawned bright and sunny. Jack got up early and ran several laps around the neighborhood. The neighborhood's scenery was beautiful, and he greeted the familiar neighbors he encountered. The morning breeze was cool and refreshing on his skin. After running a few laps and having breakfast, he left home. Upon arriving outside the community, a black sports car stopped right in front of him. "Beep beep—" The head that popped out from the car was Anita's. Anita stretched her arms, yawned, and said, "What are you standing there for? Get in!" Jack hurriedly got into the car. Anita was dressed in her usual black business attire, a skirt that tightly wrapped her long legs. She had a unique charm today, with a black leather hat added to her attire. You think you're admiring the scenery, unaware that the scenery is appreciating a beauty. Jack didn’t see either the beauty or the scenery. His thoughts were elsewhere. To be honest, Jack was feeling a bit anxious inside. After all these years, he hadn't really seen much of the world. For a primary school student to go to university felt like a dream. "Sister Wang, what if I blow my cover?" "You won’t blow your cover!" "But what if I do?" "There is no 'what if'!" "University of Houston is a sight, buzzing with people. It's obvious that most of them are students coming and going, with men and women alike. Some even stopped to share a kiss right at the university's entrance. These young men and women are blossoms of our nation, always at the peak of fashion trends. Some of the beauties flaunt branded clothing while dangling a LV bag, their charm striking in the crowd. As Jack looked around, he felt a feast for his eyes. So many beautiful women! University of Houston is renowned, and right before its gates, numerous vehicles were parked. At this moment, Anita parked her car into a spot. She noticed Jack's gaze lingering outside the window and shot him an annoyed glance, her voice slightly chilly, "Had enough?" "No... Ah, yes! Yes, I've had enough," Jack corrected quickly. "Then get out of the car!" Jack got the impression Anita was a little angry. Well, he could understand why Anita would be upset. Standing before her was a beautiful woman, yet his eyes strayed elsewhere. Wouldn't this make any woman angry? As if implying she was not as attractive? "A great car!" "That woman is so beautiful. Man, If I could marry a woman like that in this lifetime!" "Didn't you see the guy next to her? I've heard about older women keeping young boy toys nowadays!" Jack overheard these comments, finding them amusing. How did he come across as a sugar baby? "Hand me your admission notice and ID! I'll help you with the registration, " Anita reached out without paying attention to the murmurs around them. Jack was a little surprised but handed his documents over, "You're going to help me register?" "Yes. And I'll also help you out with the mandatory on-campus living rule. I'll arrange it so you won't have to live on campus," Anita brushed her long hair to a side, her tall figure striking in the crowd, attracting many gazes. "Wait for me here!" Having said that, Anita disappeared somewhere. Jack waited on the spot for about seven to eight minutes before Anita returned once again. "Follow me!" Anita said simply upon her return. She led Jack to the front of a classroom, pointing at it, she said, "This is the teaching building for the Department of Chinese Studies. There's a class at 10 o'clock today, the first class for the Chinese Studies department. Just attend this class. With the time you have now, familiarize yourself with the University of Houston. Remember your mission!" "Understood!" Jack nodded. "See that building over there?" Anita pointed effortlessly. Jack followed her pointing hand. "That building is where you'll find Miss later on," Anita's voice was soft and melodic. "Got it!" "I'll be going then!" With those words, Anita turned and left. Jack turned his head to watch her go. He muttered to himself, genuinely. This woman is quite tall. Jack pulled out his phone to check the time; there was half an hour left until ten o'clock. This half an hour was ample for him to take some rounds around the University of Houston. His task was to understand the place. At the very least, to understand— Wherein lies the dangers of the University of Houston. With these thoughts in mind, Jack turned and walked towards other places. "This place..." Jack suddenly halted, looking up at a tall building and muttered, "If I were up there with a sniper rifle in my hands, killing would be effortless. If there really is someone up there wanting to kill Miss, saving her wouldn’t be easy!" Jack frowned. He continued walking forward, though, he occasionally glanced at the attractive female students passing by. Just occasionally. "This place is another potential spot!" "And over here too!" Jack's frown deepened. "The University of Houston truly is a prime spot for murder and mayhem!" Jack took a deep breath. This was his conclusion.
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