Chapter 26: I'll Go Sort Them Out Myself!

1477 Words
Jack chatted with Smith for a while before leaving. In Smith’s words, why rush back to class? With his abilities, did he really need to attend classes? What could the Chinese Literature Department teach him? When he returned to the classroom, it was just in time for the break. "Hey!" "Jack!" "It's Jack, he's back!" Someone shouted. "Jack!" The other students, both male and female, came over as well. "What happened!" "Did Jack get into a fight?" "Are you hurt?" "Isn't that a silly question? If someone fights with Jack, who could possibly hurt him?" "I'm fine!" Jack touched his nose and smiled, "If you're fair and honest, what is there to be worried about?" After a few more questions from the students, which Jack shrugged off with some excuse, he didn't want to make a big deal out of it. After all, with Smith being the president, it wouldn't be great for a student like him to discuss being helped out with a small matter; it was also about maintaining Smith's dignity. "Good to hear you're okay!" everyone sighed in relief. Deeply looking at Jack, one said, "Jack, thank you!" When it was time to leave the University of Houston campus again, Anita's car was already waiting outside. He had called his sister to tell her that he would be working late and not coming home. "Get in the car." Jack got into Anita’s car. Anita, as always, was in her professional attire with a one-step skirt, and there was a faint scent emanating from her. Jack sniffed it but couldn't tell which perfume it was; he was no connoisseur of flowers, and unlike the masters in novels who could identify the brand of perfume just by a whiff, he couldn’t do that. However, the scent around Anita seemed not to be perfume. It was a light fragrance, barely noticeable unless paid attention to. Jack, with his unusually sensitive sense of smell, caught only a hint of it. Anita drove along the road, "Today, Miss Lucy wants to go out. You will have to accompany her." Jack, who had not had a chance to ask during the day, now needed to understand a bit more. Anita smiled and said, "Miss Lucy likes to visit the Meihu River, a habit she has maintained for seven years. She is twenty this year, one year older than you. Since she was thirteen, she has gone to the Meihu River once every month." "Every month, a visit to the Meihu River?" Jack wondered. That woman, who seemed almost mechanical – Liked to admire scenery? "On the way to the Meihu River, you are to ensure Miss Lucy's safety! However, once you're at the Meihu River, there shouldn't be any danger. Miss Lucy’s bodyguard team can completely seal off any accessible place at the Meihu River. Of course, you can't let your guard down either!" Anita reminded. "Does Miss Lucy plan to watch the river all night?" Jack asked. "Yes!" Anita nodded. This woman...watching a landscape for an entire evening? Lucy truly can't be understood by ordinary standards, Jack thought. However, he didn't know how Diana planned to deal with him. He was somewhat puzzled as to why Diana would give him a necklace, but after some thought, he categorized it as a rich person's eccentricity, or perhaps it was because Diana and Lucy were acquainted. When they arrived at Qiu Yan Terrace, Lucy and her team of bodyguards were already waiting outside. The sun had set, and long shadows stretched out in front of the building. Lucy was as usual. You wouldn't be concerned about what she was wearing because her charm was so captivating. That face, which seemed perfectly flawless at a glance, remained as mechanical and expressionless as ever. Today, she added a black hat decorated with two feathers. One look at her, and you'd think she was a noblewoman. This woman, with her every word and gesture, carried an invisible aura of authority, like a queen. It was clear to see that she was in control of much more than just Qiu Yan Terrace. "Let's go," Lucy said, heading towards the car. This time, Jack had learned his lesson. As Lucy approached the sleek black car, he suddenly pulled open the back door. If he hadn't gotten a bit smarter after all this time, wouldn't he just be asking to be fired? Lucy gave Jack a faint glance before entering the car. "You and Miss Lucy sit in the back; I'll be in the front. Remember, if anything happens, protect her first!" Anita instructed. "I know, that's my responsibility!" Jack nodded. "Responsibility?" Anita paused. The word 'responsibility.' It carried weight. Was this man really as he claimed, taking the job of protecting Lucy as his own responsibility? In her eyes, only a man with a sense of responsibility could pass the initial test of being a good man. But the reality was that in these times, people had forgotten what the word 'responsibility' meant. Lost it. Or perhaps lost it, and then found it again. A long procession of luxury cars drove ahead. Lucy's car was in the middle. There were bodyguards in the cars ahead and behind, all serving as protection. Yet, Jack felt an immense pressure. Indeed, it was substantial. "How can sitting next to such a beautiful woman be so uncomfortable!" Jack mused inwardly. He and Lucy sat in the back of the car. There was some distance between them. But— He just felt uncomfortable all over. The pressure was immense; he wondered if this woman might dock his salary again. This woman had an aura about her. But, it must be said. Lucy was the most beautiful woman Jack had ever seen. If there was truly such a thing as perfection in this world, then Lucy was the closest to it. Any adjectives placed upon her seemed only to gild the lily. If this woman were a celebrity, he couldn't imagine how many men would scream for her. "Stop thinking about these things!" Jack looked out the window. His mission was to protect Lucy. The scenery outside was beautiful. The car gradually made its way to the outskirts. Meihu River— It was Houston's ancient river. This ancient river had a long history but wasn't very famous. The only notable thing was that seven years ago, a young girl spent a lot of money to buy the area within ten miles of this ancient river. However, it wasn't developed, and Meihu River remained unpolluted. It remained the same as it was seven years ago, as always, with forests and a flowing stream within the woods. This stream was Meihu River. A simple name. Jack only learned today. This river was bought by Lucy when she was thirteen years old. The car reached the outskirts. The human flow decreased, and the car sped up considerably. Soon, after passing through the outskirts, They arrived at a dense grove. Jack, Lucy, and others got out of the car and stopped in this grove. Getting off the car, Jack looked around the grove in amazement. "So beautiful…" Jack murmured to himself, looking at the vibrant natural scene before him, expressing his genuine admiration. In this era, it was hard to find such beautifully natural places anymore. As times change. People forget too many things. "Miss!" The grove was purchased by Lucy, so naturally, there were people stationed here, and at this moment, a middle-aged man waiting in front of the grove greeted Lucy respectfully as she got out of the car. Lucy, unfazed, spoke emotionlessly, "Have you checked everything?" "Miss, we have checked everything thoroughly! We can ensure there are no dangers inside." The middle-aged man said. "You stay with the Miss!" Anita whispered to Jack. Jack nodded. At this moment— The sky had darkened. Lucy walked ahead, and Jack followed by her side. Guo Hao and the other bodyguards were spread around the perimeter of the grove, completely sealing off any possible points of entry, putting the grove in a state of isolation. In this way, anyone trying to assassinate Lucy would find it almost impossible. This also explained Anita's earlier comments about why there wasn't much to worry about once they arrived at Meihu River. You see, the grove was heavily cordoned off by a group of bodyguards. Even a fly entering would probably be thoroughly inspected. Inside, there was Jack as her personal bodyguard, offering multiple layers of protection. Not to mention others, to infiltrate the grove silently would require the skills of a master among masters. Jack felt a bit proud in his heart. Just look. While others could only wait outside, He could be at Lucy's side, protecting her at all times. What was this? This was called a personal bodyguard! A personal bodyguard, two words more than just 'guard'.
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