Chapter 25: You Can Come Anytime!

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If Jack hadn't intervened, his classmate would have been hit by the dark-faced man. He couldn't just stand by and let his classmates get hit. The attack from the dark-faced man came unexpectedly, suggesting he had some training. "What are you doing?" Jack asked in a deep voice. The dark-faced man squinted and said, "Are you Jack from the Chinese Literature Department?" "Yes!" Jack smiled. It seemed he was quite well-known. Or perhaps, these people came specifically for him? "I heard you’re tough, today I want to see for myself!" The dark-faced man suddenly swung another slap. Jack frowned, and the next moment, he threw a punch that hit the dark-faced man squarely. Too many openings. In his attack, he left his own chest too exposed to someone not much further away — Jack. Bang. A punch landed. The dark-faced man felt his chest erupt with turmoil. His pupils shrank in an instant as his body stumbled backward several steps. Jack had held back. Had he not, and had the punch landed on the man's head instead, the dark-faced man would have been knocked out cold. "I’ll kill you!" The dark-faced man bit down on his teeth and roared in anger. The dozen or so guys standing by saw that a fight had broken between the dark-faced man and Jack, and they didn’t just stand there; they rushed forward, each of a burly stature — intimidating just by their appearance. When Jack saw the one leading the pack, he didn’t waste words and instantly threw a punch. His fist was unstoppable for these students. The male students from the Chinese Literature Department glanced at each other. They weren't just going to watch Jack fight alone against so many. "Damn it!" They cursed as they too prepared to join the fray. The insults had been flung in their face! Why stand there dazed? Young men are often hot-blooded, and even if the dark-faced man hadn't cursed at them, they would have supported their classmate who was being bullied. But the dark-faced man had insulted them, told them to scram, and was the first to make a move; they couldn't just let this man bully them without consequence, could they? However— Before a real brawl could break out, a loud shout suddenly rang out. "What are you doing?" "What are you doing?" A middle-aged man with glasses came over, angrily saying, "Instead of studying well, you've learned how to fight, have you? I'm telling you, if you fight, you will all be disciplined. The serious offenders will be expelled directly. Stand properly for me!" "Teacher——" "Teacher!" Upon seeing the middle-aged man, the group of boys quickly gathered themselves and stood properly, except for the dark-faced man, who seemed completely unbothered. The middle-aged man was the appointed supervisor of this place. Brawls were not uncommon on the basketball court. Thus, there was a teacher specifically assigned to manage the area. He looked at Jack and said, "So, it was you who started the fight?" "Teacher, he started it!" one of the students pointed out. "Shut up!" said the teacher coldly. "I was watching from over there, and saw how this boy forced the other to take several steps back. Do you think I'm blind?" Indeed, from a distance, it was not easy to see who initiated the fight. It was more apparent that Jack was the first to retaliate. "Did you start the fight?" The teacher squinted, asking Jack. "He started it!" Jack explained calmly. "Regardless of who made the first move, I saw it all. You, come with me!" the disciplinarian said gruffly, pointing at Jack. "Teacher, he started it!" another student hollered. "Fool, it was you who started it!" Jack didn't want to cause more trouble. As for the fight, he really wasn't worried. He was there to protect Lucy, so what did it matter to him whether he attended university or not? When Jack was led away by the teacher, the other boys from the Chinese Literature Department also left the basketball court. Back at the university president’s house, Smith sat on the sofa, amusingly noted, "You bring me trouble as soon as you come. If the teacher hadn't called me, I would have had no idea." Jack sat across Smith on the couch. Not long after being taken to the office by the teacher, his professor from the Chinese Literature Department arrived knowing his close relationship with Smith and decided to hand Jack over to the president of Houston University, as the incident didn’t warrant much significance. "But, on that note, since you're here, today I want to have a good discussion with you!" Smith said with a wide grin. Clearly, the incident was no big issue to him. Jack was slightly taken aback and said, "Smith, you're overestimating me." "Overestimating?" Smith chuckled, "If I really overestimated you, I wouldn't be helping you sort this matter out. Come on, at my age, still dealing with these trifles for you, you gotta spar with me, cheer me up a bit!" In cases like Jack's, a scuffle without any serious incident could indeed only be considered a minor issue. As for who would be at a disadvantage? Smith could easily figure that out even without thinking hard. "Alright!" Jack stood up. Smith was already eager to start. With his left hand behind his back, using only his right hand, he said, "Let's fight with our right hands only. Whoever steps out of this circle first loses!" "Alright." Jack nodded and entered the circle Smith had drawn with his foot. "Come on!" Smith made a lightning-fast move. Jack lightly blocked with his right hand. "Fighting this way really hones the agility of one hand, ha-ha!" Smith laughed loudly. Indeed. Fighting with only the right hand, it's easy for the left hand to accidentally come into play, and the body won’t be as nimble as usual. To make the right hand independently agile is not easy. "Have you specifically trained like this before?" Smith was slightly stunned, watching Jack effortlessly trading moves with him with the right hand, how could he not be surprised. After about half an hour, Smith seemed a bit tired and sat down on the sofa, taking out a bottle of juice from the fridge. "Younger people should like this. I, an old man, don't fancy it much, you take it. I'll just have my tea!" Smith said, lifting his tea, smiling broadly. Jack nodded and took the juice. "By the way, what have you thought about my suggestion for you to become a teacher?" Smith suddenly asked. "That!" Jack took a deep breath, "I haven't considered becoming a teacher." He felt it was better to be clear with Smith. "Have no plans to be a teacher?" Smith gave a wry smile, "Such a fine teacher material you are, wouldn't it be a waste if you didn't teach?" Jack shook his head. It's not that he was refusing. If it had been before he became Lucy's personal bodyguard, and Smith offered him a salary to teach, it wouldn't have been impossible. But now, being Lucy's bodyguard, how could he possibly become a teacher? "Alright, I won't press this matter on you! Just give it some thought. If you ever feel like it, let me know anytime. After all, the profession of a teacher in Chinese literature, there’s always a shortage, never an excess!" Smith said.
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