Klempner - Twenty-Six Years Ago

631 Words

Klempner - Twenty-Six Years Ago A TV plays in the reception area. I’ve pretty much ignored it the last several days. Most of the time it displays ice-hockey but something on the screen catches my eye and I turn to see what. It’s displaying CNN. Christ! I watch the report, follow the ticker-tape headlines scrolling across the bottom…. Soviet empire collapsed…. Gorbachev resigned…. …. When the f**k did this happen? While I’ve been living in a bubble, the world has moved on and…. Opportunities…. The reception calls across. “Can I help you, sir?” “Do you have a newspaper?” ***** The usual morning buffet is laid out; cereals, fruit, yoghurt, Mitch’s favourite, the porridge, and of course the smörgåsbord of cheeses, herring, salmon and… hmmm…. I look closer… Eel? Not had that bef

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