There may be trouble ahead

1080 Words

ARCHER We have been at sea for three days and let me tell you, it has been rough. Our route took us around the top of Scotland, past Orkney and down the North Sea. We made fairly good time that day and dropped anchor off the coast of Cornwall at about two AM. Day two started off okay. We had a bit of bad weather but for the first few hours we made good time, until we hit the North Atlantic, then all hell broke loose. The waves were so high we were thrown around like a rag doll in a washing machine. Rory and Liv had a better time than we did, being so much bigger, our poor little yacht was hammered. Both captains decided at about half eleven that we needed to seek some shelter, so they took us into a little cove. It was a natural harbor and the cliff walls gave us some much-needed shelt

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