Little Mermaid My As*

1010 Words

ASTRO My whole body is frozen, a wave of fear rushed through me, Indigo scoffs in my mind. "Puuuleeese, like some fish can stop us, don't worry sweetness, I've got this." She pushed me to the back of my mind, giving me a front row seat to her amazingness, her word, not mine. I rolled my eyes at her. She pushed us to our feet and turned to face the creature, hands on our hips, she tapped our foot and angled our head to the side. "is that supposed to scare me fish? You have no idea who you are fu.cking with." The Siren roared at us, causing our wet hair to flap around like a strong gust of wind. Indi flapped her hand infront of our nose, "EEEEWWWWW, fish breath." She pushed our aura towards the Siren, pushing it back from the yacht, its eyes widened in shock, its mouth opened, and I kno

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