No time to grieve

1599 Words

ASTRO My mates, Lily and Caleb, walk away from the group, and it is one of the hardest things I have ever done. The five of us link our hands, giving and receiving strength and comfort. Once we are out of sight of the others, Asher pulls us to a stop. "Pheonix has suggested our wolves take over for a while, so we can take a step back and take the time we need to pull ourselves together." I nodded my head, "that sounds like a great idea. Indigo agrees as well." Lily gives me a hug, and we all let our wolves take control. ................. INDIGO i feel my brloved girl recede to the depths of my mind, I know what she really needs is to curl up with our mates and cry, but right now, we have a job to do. Turning to my best friend, her sad eyes blinked at me, I opened my arms to her, "

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