Chapter 8

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Savy’s pov ~the next morning~ I awoke in a strange bed , Harry's bed Alone.. where was Harry? Downstairs maybe. My legs moved causing the rest of my body to shift off the bed, Walking downstairs checking around the living room he wasn't there. “Harry?” I asked, voice echoing through the kitchen . Nothing. Where is he? I decided to make myself something to eat, A small breakfast, nothing huge just some eggs,.bacon and toast Okay maybe with some pancakes. Jesus I'm starving . But my mind was also on something else, Harry. Taking out my phone seeing if he even texted me . No messages. Maybe I should call him? No Savannah Text ? I nodded at the subconscious, quickly texting Harry a small simple message. Hey, good morning -S I sighed, “Hey good morning, seriously Savannah” rolling my eyes, smooth I sat the phone down on the table , not giving me the urge to stare at it waiting for his reply. So instead I went ahead to make my breakfast. A couple glances at my phone here and there, causing me to not pay any attention to my food. Where is he ? Finally finishing my breakfast, I decided to do the dishes and clean up . Still checking my phone every once in a while . Yet still nothing . Suddenly I came up with the courage to dial Harry’s number before I even notice my cellphone was pressed against my ear. Way to look desperate Savannah. The phone continued to ring until a deep raspy British voice answered on the other end, causing me to smile . “Hi” I squealed Smooth. “Hi Savy .” I stood still, and in silence “Savy are you there?” “Oh yeah, Erm Where are you ?” Nice one Saunders, grill him why don't you ,He chuckled. “I'm out Savy, No worries “ Out....Out where with someone? Another girl maybe. “When will you be back hom-I mean here “ “Uh, Savy I got to go,” With that the line went dead. Tears began to flood my eyes Stop crying Savannah, don't worry about him worry about you ..Wiping my tears away I walked upstairs making myself right at home , enjoying Harry’s large bed which is very comfy yet something doesn't feel right . My hand gently touched Harry’s side of the bed. Its because he’s not in it. All of a sudden a vision of Harry pops into my head of him lying there watching t.v with that intense stare of his. Yet he wasn't there * About Five hours and ten episodes of some show i don’t even understand later. Still no sign of Harry, My patience ran thin, but I somehow keep it under control . I just wish I knew where he is at least . Checking my phone once more I see a text from Cara , that's strange Hey where did you go last night -C A smile formed on my lips , Last night . Oh yeah last night Harry The Harry Styles took me to his house to f**k me, but we ended up having a heart to heart conversation that led to me spending the night I quickly texted back Went with a friend, I'm okay . -S I threw my phone on the bed, throwing my head back on my pillow . I closed my eyes , thinking of the past events. Math class, The party, coming to Harry's house , then my dad . So much has been happening ,but the one thing I cant get my finger around is.. the Kiss. Me and Harry shared last night, The way our lips moved together , hungurly and Passionately . What Does it tell me, One half of me says its all a scam the other .. say its not . My eyelids suddenly began to fall , Putting me into a deep sleep . * "Savannah .." "I love you.." He whispered , I couldn't tell by his voice, it was hoarse and all choked up , His face was in the dark. then suddenly he appeared , revealing... "Harry .." I whispered, tears rolled down his cheek . Eyes blood shot. Why is he crying ? My heart ached. "You me .." , Harry wiped a tear from his face blinking his eyes preventing more to fall Walking towards me his hands cupped my face , looking into my eyes. "I'm a monster Savannah .. I'm no good for you ." I was lost for words, I was lost into his green bloodshot eyes . "But you make me feel like.. " He paused Like what "Harry ?" With that it became dark . * My eyes shot open , heart pounding "What the hell..." I sighed covering my face with my hands My mind began to race along with my heart .Get yourself together Saunders, my subconscious tells me, I agree . The dream I just had was only just a dream, Just a dream Savannah. I sighed, and she continued Harry only wanted you to f**k and Dump . Stop. He wanted you for s*x. Please stop. He could be screwing some blonde . "STOP! Please!" I screamed shoving my face into a pillow What has gotten into me. Why do I all of a sudden feel Jealous or Nervous about what Harry is doing. I shouldn't even think about him , although it doesn't help me lying here in his bed dreaming about him . I shut my subconscious up. Checking the time it read it was almost seven. My god I've been sleeping for almost two hours , Not only did i check my clock but I check my messages which of course says No New Messages. Letting out a loud groan, I decided to to walk downstairs and prepare some dinner I'm not a very good chef but I know one thing I can make really good pasta salad, which luckily Harry had the ingredients for to make it . As I began to cut up some veggies. I began to think . Your cooking for him Savannah , what's next your gonna clean his dirty laundry . I ignored the thoughts in my head and began to think of good thoughts , Like last night ... Yes I still cant get the kiss out of my mind. its glued into my brain , I want it out yet I don't , something about Harry is making me want more of him . Yes it could be his Bad boy image ,but the way .. he shows his passion. Like when he opened up to me about his mom, My heart ached for him . The sadness in his eyes show in my mind, "She inst like the others " "I wish you were here mum.." his words haunted me, in a way I wasn't frighten but in away of pain. Seeing Harry in pain brings me pain, sure I hate i think hate the guy but .. What am I saying , I don't hate him . Then what ? Like him. ..Like him enough for you two to be together .? "Im a monster Savannah ..." My dream flashbacks , A monster ..More like Like a .. A fallen angel, who just lost his wings , and gave up trying to get them back . I turned my attention back on cooking dinner, still wondering where the Hell Harry is, The clock read 8:01 . It will at least take a good hour for dinner to set itself, So in the mean time I might as well study for Finals in two weeks , Jesus I cant believe first semester is almost done. then We have winter break . Which makes me asks more questions. Will I be here that long ? Does Harry want me here that long? I shook off the questions knowing I should talk with Harry about them , So to distract myself I opened my math book. "Here I go. " I sighed I dreaded math * "What is 7(8+10-7) 8(1-2345) " I rolled my eyes, and groaned doing the problem , and of course I failed on it . I crumpled the paper up throwing it into my little paper mountain I've started .Slamming my book and placing it on the table, I laid back staring at the ceiling not even bother to check the clock. Suddenly I heard a key in the lock, I jolted up in excitement, Jesus Savannah desperate much. I am The door open, letting in cold air but i didn't even notice only staring at the curly haired boy. Harry, I smiled. "Hey!" I shirked. Harry hung up his book bag on the hanger then looked at me smiling. "Hey Beautiful." My heart pounded, He called me...beautiful .
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