Chapter 7

1038 Words
Harry's POV I ended up laying on the couch for and hour before i finally fell asleep. But I was quickly woke up by cold fingers running across my lips. My eyes immediately shot open I watched as Savannah jumped back a few inches looking down at her hands. "Sorry i didn't mean to wake you.' she whispered I sat up running my hand over my hair. "No, its okay I needed to wake up soon anyways I...I have to work." I mentally slap myself for hesitating because i know she is going to ask what I do this late at night. "Oh.." I guess I thought wrong. "Savy please look at me." she lifts hers gaze to meet mine and she smiles slightly but it slowly disappears. "Harry..why..why are you being so nice to me?" Just tell her Harry. I push my annoying conscience to the back of my mind and sigh deeply. "I..I...' I stutter. Spit it out Styles. "SHUT THE f**k UP!" I quickly slap my hand over my mouth and look at Sav her eyes are brimming in tears. No No No. "Sav I wasn't telling you to shut up..I"m sorry..oh f**k it!" I grab her waist and pull her into my lap I waste no time bringing our lips together. I need this. I need her. At first she doesn't kiss back she seems shocked but soon enough our lips are moving in perfect harmony. Her hands rest around my neck while mine rest on the small of her back. The kiss is a little heated but soon stops when she breaks the kiss and rests her forehead on mine. "W-what was that for?" her eyes searched mine for answers. I couldn't seem to find the words to tell her that I want more than just a f**k buddy from her. I heard her whisper a me too as if she was reading my mind. I could help but smile like a damn fool. After about ten minutes of silence which to my surprise was not awkward at all we are broke from it by her stomach growling. A small giggle escapes from her lips and I cant help but want to hear that again. "I'm guessing your hungry?" I ask her and she quickly nods. I grab her thighs and wrap them around my waist receiving a gasp form her. I just chuckles and get up of the couch and walk to the kitchen setting her down on the counter. "What are you in the mood for love?" I ask her lets still wrapped around my torso. I watch as she searches for and answer and I cant help but notice her little beauty mark on the top ride side of her lip. It was cute and fit her perfectly. "Harry...Did you hear me?" I really need to stop getting distracted. "Uh yeah...No what did you say?" god she is so beautiful. "I said how about grilled cheese and tomato soup." I smile and kiss her cheek lightly. "I think i can manage that." i step out from between her legs and pull everything out and begin to cook. Savy's POV I couldn't help but notice Harry dazed and confused, Actually he's dazed and I'm confused. Confused on my feelings for him, But right now I feel something for him . Something I don't think anyone maybe his mother has ever given him. I noticed a slight change in Harry after he kissed me ... He kissed me.. not in a bad and s****l way but In a romantic sincere way. A way that made me want to kiss back, and I did. Harry sat me down on the counter and took out all the stuff for tomato soup and grilled cheese . I couldn't help but watch him. But also couldn't help but think of that kiss, I touched my lips lightly still feeling the hunger of his , the movements so soft, so ... perfect. My cheeks began to feel rosey, giving me a sign that I'm blushing . "How many grill cheese Savy?" Harry asked breaking my thoughts "One please, Oh and please cut it in little triangles, Like how my mom use-" I stopped in mid sentence , Looking away from Harry, My mom.... I shook my head, get out of that place Savannah, Not now. Harry looked at me with concern, I gave him a simple smile hoping easing his stare. "Alright Savy One grilled cheese with tomato soup !" He said sliding it towards me, then standing in between my legs once again. I couldn't help but study his face , How could someone look so beautiful but.. look evil . "What are you staring at Savannah?" Harry questioned "You.." He smiled, then leans down to kiss me, when suddenly a ring tone rang between us, Causing Harry to sigh . "I gotta take this" He said looking down at his phone, "Hello...Yeah....Now....But.." He said looking up at me, as I take small bites of my grilled cheese "I'm kinda... Okay Fine f**k!" He yelled into the phone then slamming it on the counter . "I'm sorry,I have to go..." He said, Kissing me on my cheek , the rushing over to the front door grabbing a backpack then flings it over his shoulders, "s**t !" He yelled, running back into the kitchen , standing in front of me "Harry what is i-" i was cut off by a pair of familiar lips pressing against mine, This time was different.. As if he didn't want to leave as if he was kissing me like its the end of the world. "Stay here , okay...don't leave this is your home now " He said pressing his forehead against mine , then we both hear a familiar ring tone. "I gotta go Savy, ..." He said pecking my lips once more then running out the door. Leaving me alone, in his house.. Well.. I guess its my house too I sat in silence for awhile... so much has happened within the last twelve hours . But so many questions are running through my head... But the main one was, Where did Harry go in such a hurry ?
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