Chapter 14

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Harry's POV Its dark and the air smells of skunk. I make my way down the hall looking for apartment 9B. Normally I meet my clients at a local pub or at their work place. Weird I know but I hate going to their home because most of them have kids. Its just not something I would allow my kids to see. But this client is an exception. Her name is Jill. She has no kids, she was once married but her husband passed two years ago in a horrible car crash, he died on impact. I knock lightly on the door, and as if she was waiting, the door swings open. There in front of me stands a short brown haired woman. Her clothes tattered, her face pale and looks like she hasn't slept in days. This is what I call withdraw. Jill here is addicted to meth. If you haven't caught on already, yes, I am drug dealer. It pays the bills sue me. "Do y-you have t-the stuff?" She stutters outi in a whisper. I slide my backpack down my arm and unzip the first pocket pulling out a zip lock baggie. "Do you have the money?" She nods, reaching into her shirt pulling out a wad of cash. We exchange the money and the drugs. This is when she asks me to come in and have a drink, smoke a boat. But tonight I'm going to have to decline and every time after that. Now that I'm with Savannah I can't be coming home high. I've only tried meth once, let's just say I woke up outside my home butt ass naked. I send her a smile and a wave and head on to my next stop. The pub. Now here in Glasgow we have a wide range of pubs, and I've been to just about all of them. Blackfrias Pub. Right on the corner of Bell St. This is where I meet my favorite client. Bobby. He is an older man but he is a f*****g joy to be around. He isn't into to the hard, nasty, face picking drugs. Weed, pot, dubage as John Bender would say. That's what he prefers. It calms him. Plus he has arthritis so it numbs the pain. Finally after four blocks and three hookers stopping me on my way to the pub. I making my way threw the crowd of people. Its Sunday, so a local band is playing, Wild Delinquents...I think its the name. More like wild dildos they suck. I laugh at my own joke. I spot Bobby and his long dreads in the corner talking to the bar tender. "Yo, Harry the man of the hour. I was just taking about you to Tom here." He gestures to the tall slender guy behind the bar. "I was just telling him how you were quiet the business man. And could possibly hook him up?" I sigh deeply closing my eyes pinching the bridge of my nose. "Bobby, you know I don't carry around anything more then what I need to." I turn to Tom. "I'm sorry mate, no can do tonight." I send him an apologetic smile and he just nods walking away. Okay? "So what's the damage tonight Harry." He spins he drinks around causing it to splash a little on the counter. "One hundred pounds, mate." He nods reaching into the front pocket of his shirt pulling out a mound of cash. I always wandered why he did so but never asked. Once again I reached into my backpack and pulled out a zip lock baggie handing it to him as he handed me the money. He pouts the bag up to guys nose and inhales deeply. "Harry you always get the best mate!" he stuffs the bag in front pocket. I chuckle. "Because I am the best Bobby." He shakes his head laughing. "So you going to stay for a few maybe, roll a splif with me." Now this i will do. I nod and just like that he moves of his stool and I follow him out the back door. Savy'sPOV Two days. Is been to long days alone in Harry's house. Where the hell is he? He hasn't returned any of my calls or texts. I've been worried sick. Friday night after Harry...well to be blunt here..after he fingered me and I feel asleep I woke up in the dead of the night to him gone. No note, no nothing telling me where he was or when he would be back. I push myself of the couch and make my way to the kitchen to my phone. Maybe Harry had called. Once I look at my phone, nothing, not a damn this. I'm staring to get pissed. He could have at least told me. I slump down onto the kitchen still and stare at my phone hoping he will call, text, something. I have this feeling it has to do with his job. Which I still know nothing about. That's f*****g it. I'm sick of waiting around. My thumb scrolls through my contacts and I click his name and hold the phone up to my ear. To my surprise he answers on the second ring. "Hello baby." On no do not try to sweet talk me. Its not going to with this time. "What the f**k Harry!" "Whoa, Savannah calm down, what's wrong?" Oh, like you don't already know. My subconscious is telling me to just hang up and leave. But I won't. She just shakes her head. "What's wrong? Hmmm, let's see, well Friday night after our..well you know. I write up in the middle if the night to you gone Harry! And you've been give got two f*****g days. No calls, texts, nothing. I'm surprised I'm still even here. I was about to just pack up and go back to my dads!" I scream at him. I'm furiated now. My fist are in s ball. My teeth are clenched. "Harry! f*****g answer me!" I hear and sigh deeply and tell someone he had to go. Must be his other f**k buddy. Jessica. What if he's with Jessica? "Be there soon in on my way." Then the line goes dead..i threw my phone on the couch causing it to bounce off, not giving a care in the world . I walked into the kitchen taking out a bottle of water and leaning on the counter . Where the hell was he ? Why didn't he at least tell me where he was going . I understand that .. some changes has happened here at his house with me now staying here and with us being .. A "Couple" Maybe I'm being hard on him, He did say he doesn't know how to manage a relationship. Yet .. I just cant ignore it either. I know what its like for someone to walk out on you , and the feeling of it strikes my heart . The one thing to come to mind is my father, He walked out on me years ago once he began drinking then laid his hand on me . But Harry is not like my dad, no Harry is the one who has taken me in his home, and who has taken my heart. Which is why maybe I'm so weird with him leaving all the time without telling me. The sound of the front door opened, showing a tall figure walking in. Harry. I quickly walked into the living room His eyes landed on mine. "Look before you begin to yell at me..I'm s-" I shook my head, causing him to stop, should I let him explain . ? No don't back down . "Where the hell Have you been! Two days without any calls?! Couldn't you at least have told me you were leaving that night after we.. " I paused , my face began to feel hot from the anger rising and also from the vision in my head from two nights ago . "Savannah.. I'm sorry okay!" Harry said raising his voice then taking a deep breath. "No Harry you cant just do that! Say your sorry, and think that everything will be okay." I yelled, pushing my hair back in frustration. "Savannah.. I was working " Working.. I need more than that. "Working !? for two days straight .. " He nodded "Yes Savannah I was working, You know I have a job that keeps the bills paid and food in this house for .. well now us !" His voice slightly raised with anger. I looked at Harry, feeling like a complete i***t. But I will still not let my guard down. "What did you think I was doing ?!" He asked... "I.. I dont know maybe.. with .." "With Jessica? " He said laughing , running his hands through his messy curls. Which I must say looks perfect to me . "Seriously Savannah? You f*****g think I would go out and cheat on you and with out off all people that slut Jessica?" He yelled causing me to jump a bit. So much for my guard . I was speechless. "Savannah.." He sighed "I wasn't with a girl, I wasn't with Jessica." Harry began to walk towards me, I stood still folding my arms around my chest . Harry's mood is switching back and forth, yelling the talking softly and I cant keep up. "You could've at least called me, or a simple f*****g text!" I yelled. Harry rolled his eyes, walking past me to the kitchen. "Are we not going to talk about this ?" I asked following him . He was silent, of course . "Harry." "Jesus christ Savannah would you f*****g stop nagging me .." Harry yelled hitting his fist on the hard marble counter. I felt my guard suddenly break down, Tears prickled my eyes but quickly I blinked trying to convince them to stay back. Maybe Harry doesn't see how much I truly care for him. How much I think about him, and wondering day by day if he is safe when he's not in this house or at school. Harry tugged at his curls, shaking his head. "I just wanted to know if you were okay Harry .. " I said in a whisper. He lifted his head. "Savannah... My job is something I just .. " He groans. rubbing his eyes which are slightly bloodshot. "My job is something that I cant just share with you, Wait.. s**t that didn't make sense." He said jumbling his words. . "I don't want you to worry about me and my job. .. " He said glancing his eyes at me.."Yes.. I do leave unexpectedly but I have to , I maybe gone for a day or two . " I sighed, "You just .. could've at least texted me." He nodded as if he isn't paying attention to me. "I'm just gonna go upstairs" I said walking towards the staircase leaving Harry in the kitchen . Harry's POV Jessica...she really f*****g thought I was with her. I shake my head and make my way upstairs to our room. When I reach my door I see Savannah sitting on the corner of the bed with her face in her hands. She's crying. If anything I hate to see her cry. I find myself kneeling down in front of her resting my hands on her knees. Her face still unseen by her hands. "Harry, just go away." The lump in my throat is now two times bigger. My eyes drop to the ground, I take in a deep breath and speak. "Baby, please promise me what I'm about to tell you. God, please promise me you won't leave me." I beg, she still doesn't look up from her hands. "God damn it Savannah, f*****g look at me!" She slightly jumps but her eyes meet mine, dark and filled with worry, tears, and pain. "What do you want Harry?" Her eyes drop from mine but she recovers and meets my gaze once more. "I'm just going to cut to the chance and straight up tell you, just please promise me..." I grab her hands and intertwine or fingers together. I feel her relax from my touch. Good. "Please promise you won't leave me." "I promise Harry." her voice cracks and its hardly audible. I take a deep breath and let it out slowly. She's going to leave you. My subconscious is sitting in his devil thrown grinning, devilish. I shake my head and he disappears. "Savy, I deal drugs." Her eyes search my face in a panic. In fear. "You what!" She screams. She pushes herself further back onto the bed and brings get knees up under her cub hugging her legs. My heart is now in my stomach. She's scared of me, or scared for me. I try to speak but, I feel like if I open my mouth I might puke. I'm scared my subconscious is back and telling me I told you so. He's laughing his devilish laugh. I try to make him go away but he won't leave he keeps repeating I told you so, I told you so. She's going to leave you. "No!" I scream and cover my ears. "She won't leave me! Leave me alone!" I cry out. Savannah is in my lap pulling at my arms wrapping them around her waist as hers wrap around my neck pulling me closer to her. I immediately relax. "I'm sorry I should have told you sooner baby. I just didn't want to bring you into it. Its already dangerous enough. But please don't leave." She pulls back, her eyes blood shot and puffy. She leans in and kisses me so softly. "I will never leave you Harry, I love you."
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