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Inside the carriage, Jennifer was staring at Alex, as she was curious about his element, but she couldn't ask due to their dispute. "Ahem, Alex what type of mana core did you awaken?" Jennifer asked. "How will I know that, please don't ask me a stupid question" Alex snorted. "Jeez, you could just ask your familiar, or Sejaru when you were still with him" "You dumb ass! I just awakened my powers, I haven't seen what my familiar looks like, heck I don't even know the meaning of mana core" Alex gritted his teeth as he cursed Jennifer. "Ok fine I will explain and you will tell me your element, we have seven types of mana core: Yellow core Green core Cyan core Blue core Purple core White core Golden core. Normal humans like mom have a red core, but it can't be classified as mana core because it's resistant to mana, if you try to save mana with the red core you will explode. Now that I have told you the most important things to know, can you tell me the element you awaken?" Jennifer asked. "f**k off b*tch" Alex replied. "Alex, let this be the last time I will hear a vulgar word from you, or else you would hate me," Dorcas said in a low voice. "Yes mom" Alex swallowed the lump of saliva in his mouth. Jennifer was giving a mockery expression on her face. Dorcas shook her head as her children won't stop cursing themselves. Then the carriage suddenly came to a halt, they arrived at their house. It was a large bungalow, with a beautiful garden, the house was worth calling a noble house as Dorcas had renovated it over the years. When the trio was about to enter the house, a chubby-looking dog suddenly came out and ran towards Alex. "Woof, woof, woof, the dog barked and it began to lick Alex's body. " Ewwww" Jennifer felt disgusted and she hastened her footsteps. "Easy Rino I got some chickens for ya," Alex said as he patted Rino's belly. Rino rubs its chubby stomach with its paws and licks its mouth as he hears Chicken, Rino was a smart dog. Then Alex entered his room when he realized that he was busy playing with Rino all the while his mom and Jennifer has entered. Alex took off his clothes and sat on his bed "Why does my body feel weird, mom suddenly looks so beautiful and amazing to me, Dang!! What am I even thinking" Suddenly Alex felt his head turn very light like it was weightless and a male tiny boy with wings appeared in the air. He could be considered a fairy if he didn't have little sharp horns on his head. [Tadaa, wow! it has been over ten thousand years I have been summoned last] the familiar was mumbling to itself as he was checking his body. "Hey, do you even see me here?" Alex asked [Eh, I am sorry master, I was just too excited to come out and play after ten thousand years that I have been sealed, fufufufu] the familiar laughed. " Ain't you going to tell me about yourself and teach me what I am supposed to know, instead of you laughing like a maniac?" Alex asked. [Ok, Ahem I am the familiar of lust, my name is Ivor, and am here to accompany you and grant you power, till death do us apart, in return you will also fulfill my desires, it a win-win relationship] Ivor grinned at Alex. "Please be specific, what type of desires are you talking about" Alex asked [Tsk...Lust, you will have fun with any girl I tell you to play with] Ivor replied, grinning from ear to ear. "Oh, I get it now I just have to play with girls, that's pretty simple," Alex said innocently. [Ahhh, you fool I mean you will f*ck them] "Whaaaaaat, that crazy, and what do I even get in return,?" [Dark magic] Ivor replied "What, we don't even have a dark mage in our kingdom, I feel like I am going crazy with all this power and I heard I have two familiars" [Yes, just think of the second familiar to come out] Ivor replied. Then Alex thinks of something coming out from his body, and suddenly a small muscular humanoid bird that he has never seen before appeared in his front, it was brown, it looked like a banished demon with razors, sharp wings, and talons. " Wow, what is your name"? Alex asked (chirp chirp) [He is still a kid, he can't talk yet but you can command him through mental connection] Ivor said. "From now I shall call you Imani," Alex said. (Chirp chirp chirp) Imani nods his head and stares daggers at Ivor. Ivor gulped hard as he saw Imani bulging muscles. [Don't intimidate me you little kid] Ivor shivered. Alex immediately told Imani to enter his body as he was about to pounce on Ivor. Imani gave Ivor one last look before it entered Alex's body. [Phew, I guess this little guy hates my guts, it is a warlock familiar which signifies strength, you are just such a lucky boy] Ivor said. "I guess if you make unreasonable demands, I will just call Imani for you" Alex smirked. [Are you threatening me, when Imani also starts talking he might tell you to kill the whole kingdom if pissed off, you better learn how to manipulate him] Ivor said, while still shivering. Alex gulped at Ivor's words. "I guess you are right he is somewhat aggressive" Alex replied. [Ok back to our conversation, I noticed you developed a deep green mana core, which will evolve to the cyan core in the next few months if you work hard. All these powers you have will be useless if you don't have a strong mana core, one darkness magic will drain 30% of the mana stored in your core, you should learn some combat skills, and you should look for a teacher who would teach you how to use both of your elements . one last thing as from now onward you will become a horny fella, that all I have to say for today, you can talk to me through mental connection bye] Then Ivor entered Alex's body with a wide grin on his face. Alex sighed as Ivor told him he would become a lustful person. Alex went out of his room and went to the living room, when he reached there he was surprised by what he saw. ============================== Hello, my fellow men of culture, this novel is slow-paced. The Mc is still naive. I decided to make him naive because I plan to make this novel a long story. The fun is still attaining, pls leave a review for me and vote with power Stones. Thank you. CULTURE.
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