
3438 Words
    "Crime rates are at an all-time low," the Incubus King addressed the entire counsel. Every General and Major General is present from every house. "Each region has completed the first three steps of our reformation as a united household,"      "You can go check on your sisters," the General looked over at me as the King continued to inform everyone about the changes that were made.      There are others with abilities like my own here. I can feel the dominating chaos that comes with them. It's making my flames flare. I know he feels how warm I am. It's probably why he's telling me to get lost. I'm getting dirty looks from others. I stood up and began to walk out of the building.      "You are hot," the Queen's voice stopped me. Now everyone really is staring at me. I turned around to face her with a smile on my face.      "My Queen," I bowed.      "You can stay. You might be the most dangerous of all at the moment," she dismissed the onlookers who were appalled by her statement. It's true. None of them are fireproof.      "It's alright. I have business outside of this," I bowed.      "Say hello to your sisters for me. Ash is a very good substitute clan leader. She has my respect,"      "Thank you, your grace," I bowed.      "I hope you enjoy your visit, Marchioness Darius," she acknowledged my title with a courteous bow. "I love your new markings,"      "Me too," I excused myself one last time. The others are staring at me with anger. I smiled at her and excused myself. Charlie followed me back to the house.      "This is your home?" she asked. When the gate was opened for me.      "Ours," I corrected her. She smiled looking it over.      "Spoiled. Didn't peg you to be," she shrugged.      "Welcome home Lady Adaliegh. Lady Charliegh," the guard greeted her. She looked at me with excitement dancing in her eyes.      My sisters are both standing at the bottom of the massive staircase with some of their closest staff members. They look like a painting. The staff all took a knee. My sisters are both looking at Charlie with contempt. Charlie is completely oblivious to the hostility they're sending her way. She doesn't care as long as they're not physically threatening her.      "Sisters," I greeted them. They briefly looked over at me.      "Ada," Dana made her way down the stairs intercepting this awkward encounter. She greeted me with an embrace before turning her attention to Charlie. "You must be Charlie,"      "I am," Charlie nodded. "You are?"      "This is my aunt Danaliegh Darius. She's my father's sister," I introduced them. "These are my sisters. Ashleigh and Analiegh. Everyone this is Charleigh. Father's former. She's earned her place in the ranks. Queen Millianne has granted her citizenship in all of Darkness,"      "Why?" Ash asked. "What did you do?"      "I killed a r****t," Charlie smiled proudly. "A bunch of them actually,"      "In the camps?" Ana asked.      "Mhm and in Aleksander. You guys should visit. It's so much fun there," Charlie beamed.      "What's wrong with her?" Ash asked.      "Nothing. She was medium as a mortal. Her mind is a bit underdeveloped. It will stay that way for the rest of her life but she makes up for it in everything else. Just don't ask her questions about the killing. She will talk your ear off for hours nonstop," I warned. Charlie giggled.      "You all look alike. It's crazy how many of you there are. You look like quadruplets," Charlie nodded. "You're scary looking like her," she pointed at Ash and then to me. "You look like the nice one," she pointed at Ana. "You look like you're going to betray everyone in our sleep,"      "Excuse me," Dana looked over at me. I laughed.      "She calls it as she sees it," I shrugged.      "Welcome home, Lady Darius," she rolled her eyes and walked out of the house.      "That wasn't very nice," Ash interjected. "She's been a big help,"      "Run everything by me. What's been going on?" I motioned her to take lead. She turned to the staircase. Charlie and I followed her. She took us straight to my room.      "Ana remodeled your room. The entire structure of it," she began. Ana looks better. She's smiling and has actually gained a little weight and got rid of that disgusting hairstyle she had. She reached for the double doors and pushed them open. There's a lot of natural light in the room. I smiled at her as I stepped inside.      "Wow," I mused.      The entire front wall was torn down and replaced by glass doors that lead to the balcony in the front of the house. The walls are a soft yellow. Right in the center is a massive canopy bed with white tulle draped over it. There are plants all over the place. My things are all neatly organized around the room. At the far left is a writing desk. My books are all adorning that entire wall. On the right side is a door and metal bathtub.      "Do you like it?" Ana asked.      "I love it," I grinned. "Thank you. How are you feeling?"      "I haven't changed my mind but I figured if we're ever going to change anything it starts here," she shrugged.      "Okay," I chuckled. "You haven't been causing trouble have you?"      "Not anymore," Ash nudged her. She pointed at the door. "That leads to Charlie's quarters,"      "I want to see," Charlie rushed into the room. "I love it!"      I walked over to her see that her room is darker than mine. It's smaller but similar to my room. Enough room for her to add whatever she wants. Right in the middle is a white coffin. Charlie lifted the lid with her head and crawled inside. She shouted that she loves the pink from inside.      "She's not coming out of that," I laughed. They smiled at me.      "I wanted to hate her," Ash shook her head. Charlie pushed the lid up with her head and looked between us. Her eyes are drowsy.      "You can sleep," I nodded. Slowly she dropped back inside without saying a word again.      "Is it true?" Ash asked when we shut the door. I yawned feeling a little tired myself.      "Is what true?" I asked.      "That the Queen made you the Marchioness of Aleksander," Ana blurted.      "It's true," I nodded. I removed my cloak to show them my new markings. The ink covers my arms from my wrists up to my neck. They both looked them over with disbelief.      "So you're never coming home," Ana lowered her gaze.      "I can go where I please now. For a while, I have to remain in Aleksander. Our work isn't finished. We're just getting outside of the capital and they're starting to fight back. Once everything settles, I can come to stay here most nights. However, the Queen asked me to mention something to you two,"      "What?" Ash asked bitterly.      "Since half the coven is already in Aleksander, she said we can relocate there. All of us. The Darius temple there is massive and expanding now that I've been named the Marchioness. Daegon assured me that she can move our entire estate to Aleksander. Place it wherever you want,"      "And just leave the Heart of Darkness like this isn't our home?" Ana bit out angrily. "Like our roots didn't originate here?"      "It was a suggestion and you're not the only ones to who this offer is extended to. You can think about it and let me know what you think whenever you want. I can't take you back with me now. Charlie and I are being personally targeted but once the General and I have control, you can come to take a look for yourselves. It's beautiful there. Different. Better. The Heart of Darkness has never really been kind to us. I want you both to see that there is more to our world than this,"      "Bold of you to assume we want that," Ash mumbled under her breath before walking out. I followed them out. She went to her room after having one of her workers catch me up on everything going on.      I have so many things to sign. She makes all the decisions and lets me finalize the financial stuff. This is how she found me. I looked up from my desk to see the princess standing in the doorway covered in blood. To say it's a shock is an understatement. I stood up going over to her. Without asking her permission, I began to inspect her for wounds. There are none. The blood doesn't belong to her.      "What happened?" I whispered so I wouldn't startle her.      "There were two men watching your house," she extended two bloodied scrolls to me. I took them and opened them up. Bounties on both me and Charlie.      "Did you kill them?" I asked her. She nodded. "Okay, come with me,"      I took her up to my room and walked her over to the bathtub. I removed the bloodied clothes and put her in the tub. She sat still looking up at me with her big crimson eyes. I washed the blood away and wrapped her in a towel.      "Are you going to tell my mom?" she asked when I placed her on my bed.      "I kind of have to," I nodded. She looked away from me and let out a heavy sigh. "Stay here. I'm going to get you something to wear,"      "Very well," she nodded and began to look around my room.      I walked over to my brother's room. I took a deep breath before walking in to get some of his old clothes. She's about his size when we left Darius manor. I got something comfortable for her and walked out. She killed two trained assassins with a bounty out for me and Charlie. She's not a very big nine-year-old. I can feel the succubus allure around her but even then, it's just the beginning of her awakening.      "I have some of my brother's clothes here. He won't need them anymore. These are still new," I offered them to her. She dropped the towel and put her hands up letting me know it was okay for me to dress her. I chuckled and did as she asked. "What are you doing here, princess?"      "I want to know more about you," she answered simply. "You have both my General's and my mother's attention. I want to see what's so great about you, dragon flame,"      "Nothing great. I just have talents they need right now,"      "Right now? Not always?" she asked. I shook my head.      "No, not always. I am expendable. There are others who can have my talents. I just happen to be the one in front of them now,"     "I see and you're alright with this arrangement?" she asked. Her little hand reached for my hair. She twirled it around her wrist. "You smell really nice,"      "Thank you," I smiled at her. She is ridiculously beautiful. "I am perfectly fine with this arrangement,"      "Why?" she asked meeting my eyes again.      "I'm a soldier. I answer to my instincts and this arrangement allows me to give into them," I shrugged. She smiled approvingly. "Why did you kill those men?"      "You seem to be important to my General and my mother. I'd hate for them to miss you and your former," she explained. "I want to thank you for taking care of them,"     "Let's take you home," I extended my hand to her.      She gripped my hand tightly and jumped off the bed. We began the walk towards Duke Manor. I can smell the distress coming off of her. A sort of sadness. I picked her up into my arms. She instantly wrapped her arms around my neck and rested her head on my shoulder.      "I like your long hair. I will grow my hair like this," she began to twirl my hair around her tiny fingers.      "It will look amazing on you," I nodded. "Do you want to talk about anything? What's on your mind?"      "That's a very invasive question," she giggled but then tucked herself into my shoulder. I warmed my skin to make her more comfortable. The people out and about are looking at the two of us fondly. "My succubus powers are strong. I can feel everyone. It's how I found you. You feel the way I do inside," I tightened my hold on her. "How do you remain so calm?"      "It takes practice," I answered honestly.      "No one likes me because I'm not just a vampire," she mumbled into my shoulder. "And because I'm not a boy,"      "That bounty is on me because I'm not a boy," I scoffed. "Not a lot of people like that I am as powerful as I am. Men can be petty when it comes to strength. It doesn't feel good at first. Especially when you are as young as you are. However, when you're older. They will all still bow for you. The ones who spit in your direction will bow their heads the lowest. That I can assure you of, my princess,"      "I don't have any friends, Lady Darius. Not like my brother,"      "Friends are just a means to an end, princess. They come and go. He can have his friends now and tomorrow he'll have new ones,"      "Will you be my friend?" she asked.      "Better, I will be your General. You can call on me when you please. Ask whatever you want of me and I will do everything in my power to ensure that your wish comes true," I swore. Her little hands tightened around me again. I can feel the warmth of her tears in my dress. Her sadness is changing.      "Edwardian," the Queen called out to us when I walked through the front door of her home. Everyone came over to me. She put her little hand up stopping them.      "I am with my Major General. Leave me," she growled. The Queen was visibly hurt but she stepped away.      "Third floor. Second door on the right," she nodded.      The princess once again made herself comfortable in my arms as I made my way up to her room. As soon as I walked inside she straightened up and wiggled her little legs letting me know she wants to get down. I carefully set her down. She took my hand and led me to her clothes. She picked out some sleeping attire and handed it to me. I once again changed her. When I was done she handed me a brush. Her hair is short like her mother's. I brushed out the tangles.      "My mom would say that if you braid it, the hair will grow longer, thicker, and stronger" I informed her.      "Alright," she nodded. I parted her hair, braiding each side before tying it with a couple of ribbons from my dress. "Every night?"     "Yes, every night. Make sure your hair isn't wet before it's braided,"      "How did it get dry so fast?" she asked. I lifted my hands and placed them on hers letting them warm up. She smiled. "I want to be able to do that,"      "You may or may not have it when you transition," I chuckled. "Would you like me to tuck you in?"     "Yes, please," she nodded going over to her coffin. I opened the lid and placed her into it. The inside is lined with red silk. I covered her and tucked her in while she continued to play with my hair.      "I'd like to make a request," I looked down at her before closing the coffin lid.      "Already?" she asked making me laugh. She smiled.      "Send for me when you want to see me. Never go out there on your own. I know very well that you can take care of yourself. I need to interrogate those coming after me and we can't have you killing them all,"      "Oh, I didn't think of that. You are very smart. Very well. I will send for you. I don't know how to hold back my instincts yet but like you. I don't want to," she nodded.      "Sweet dream, princess," I smiled.      "They will be," she nodded. "I don't feel so alone anymore. I have my first General," I walked down to her expecting parents. They looked up at me worriedly.      "What happened? That's not the clothes she was in," the King growled at me. The General looked up at me expectantly. I pulled the scrolls she had given me out and handed them to the King. "Bounties,"      "On her?" the General growled.      "No," I smiled at him. "On me and Charlie. She came looking for me and she stumbled onto them. I took her a bath to calm her down and let her borrow some of my brother's kid clothes,"      "Thank you," the Queen sighed. "She killed them?"      "Yes, I can trace the scent to where she took them out,"      "Do that. Bring back any information you find. Armad go with her," she demanded. We both bowed to them and excused ourselves.      There's a hut a couple of houses away from my own. She ripped them limb from limb. There's blood and body parts all over the place. Armad looked over at me and chuckled. I am equally amused. Not that I approve a child her age should be doing things like this but because she can and she didn't even bat an eye. She wasn't scared or in shock. She just wanted to show me what she was capable of.      "She wanted them to suffer," he sighed. "What did she want?"      "To know why you and her mother are so infatuated with me?"      "And?"      "I told her the truth. I'm needed right now. Nothing more. She's a lonely kid. She has trouble making friends. She's too formal,"      "That she is," he agreed. "Did you check to see if she was hurt?"     "She paralyzed them with her succubus abilities. I can smell their arousal. She's learning how to play with her prey. She knows she's dangerous. Look at this,"      I pointed at the paperwork on the table. He brushed pieces of meat off and looked over the lists and the prices on the head of most of the generals in all houses. Someone is going out of their way to get rid of us. We die and the compulsion dies with them. Armad began to gather everything. There's one list with three names scratched off of them. There's a bag with a hefty amount of gold in it.       "She might have saved one of you," he sighed.      "Let's get the word out," I nodded.      "Where's Charlie?" he asked.      "Asleep. They won't make it inside the manor. Ash is just as paranoid as I am. The guards let the princess in,"      "Take a bath. You smell like her," he glared at me.      "I'll go wake her," I nodded.      "Ada," he stopped me from walking away. I looked back at him.      "Thank you for taking care of her. She doesn't let many too close after what happened with her brother. She growls at me when I'm around,"      "You don't have to thank me. It's part of my job. Like I said. Whatever she needs me to be,"      "You sound like you're in love with her," he scoffed.      "Maybe. She's beautiful. Her scent is mesmerizing. Look at all of this," I motioned the mess she made. "She's kind of perfect and she's tiny still. I can't wait to see the mess she makes of us when she's all grown up. I think you can relate to that,"      "Oh, yeah," he chuckled. "If she's a handful now, I can't imagine how dominating she's going to be when she's older. I prefer not to. I don't want to create an idea of her in my head. When our time comes, I want to meet her as if it were the first time. I want her to look at me and see more than this," he looked himself over. "I don't want to disappoint,"      "She won't be. She responds to aggressive stimuli. It's why she let me close. You treat her like the child she is now. There's a certain warmth to you when you see her. She doesn't like it,"      "Did you meet her with hostility?"      "She walked into my home covered in blood, Armad. I have sisters and servants whose blood that could have been. What do you think?" I glared at him.      "She scared you?" he chuckled.     "Yes, she scared the hell out of me," I admitted. "I thought she went crazy," 
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