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    The hunters will become the hunted. There are wolves all over the place. They all have bounties on our heads and as we progress, they seem to be getting closer. The bounty hunters inside of Darkness were easily dispatched but the wolves are a different story. We need to stay on top of this. Think of a way to get behind them before they can get their filthy mongrel paws on us.      "They've killed four of my Generals. I didn't think the people would go this far. These are our own," The Fallen King is distraught. These are his brothers and sisters falling to these dogs. "They have the numbers we don't. We need more men,"      "Or less," I mumbled.      "You have something to say, Marchioness Darius?" Queen Millianne asked. The General motioned me to stand up.     "It's an idea," he nodded.      "I believe the reason why we make such easy targets at the time is that there are so many of us in one place. It's a matter of pride. Pride dogs lack. They attack in large groups because they know they can't take us alone.      "I was trained hand in hand. My father versus me. From the beginning. We all are. One of us can take whole groups of them and finish victorious. If we break apart. Split up as far away from one another as we can. So will they. They have the numbers but not the numbers to take on each of us away from their packs,"      "That's an interesting theory," Daegon stood up. "I have noticed that there are larger groups of them together since we started grouping with one another. Larger swarms. Recruitment from the mortal race is in high demand in the outside villages. It's very easy for them to just make more,"      "If they take more, Lucifer will have to get involved," the Fallen King reminded us all. "He will not stop with the lycans. He will not stop until father stops him, if ever,"      "My Queen, if I may?" I bowed.      "What is it, Ada?" she asked.     "Instead of sending generals, why don't we sent in the captors?"      "What would undead captors be able to do here?" Daegon scoffed.      "The captors catch the undead. Alive. They monitor and ensure that there aren't any unholy outbreaks among mortals. Bitten wolves are no different. Without an alpha to help them control their newborn beasts, they're dead," I explained. "Send in captors to reign them in as undead. As generals, we can take care of the alphas,"      "Now there's a plan," General Calian from the Incubus King's house stood up. "My King, the new girl is inexperienced but she has some fun ideas. We've lost three of our comrades. We all have casualties and we can't afford to lose more,"      "Agreed," General Azazael stood up. "Father, we have our differences but she's right. Your precious mortals are dying. There is nothing we can do for them after they are bitten. If my Lord is summoned to walk the earth again, you know he will show no mercy to any of us. Demons and Angels alike. We need to act quickly,"      "I'm in," Queen Millianne smiled.      "You aren't going to fight. You aren't fully recovered yet," the Incubus King rolled his eyes at her. She scoffed at him but didn't argue. "Very well. Armad, you have experience hunting Alphas. I leave it to you to gather intel on their whereabouts. Share it with the others. Let us know when we can start bringing in lost formers for the camps,"      "If this doesn't work-" the Fallen King began.      "It should work," Abaddon cut him off. "Azazael, why don't you join General Sterling and his underling?"      "Sir," she bowed to him. Me and underling? He's lucky I can't break his teeth in because of the alliance contracts I am now legally bound to with my new position.      "All those in favor?" the Fallen King asked. Everyone voted in favor of us. "Alright, General. You know what to do,"      As soon as we were outside, the General lifted his hand in the air releasing a few ice beams. This is the first time in over two hundred years since all the Kings have gathered in Aleksander. The last time they were all gathered here, they went to war and the capital was leveled. A lot of people died. Except for the Kings, of course.      "My formers should be here shortly," the General announced.      "The infamous Shadows of Darkness," Azazael teased. The demon General is a lot taller than me. She's slightly shorter than General and she's barefoot.      "Don't call them that," the General glared at her.      "Why not? That's what the people know your formers as. The best infiltration fangs in all of Darkness,"      I had heard about his formers. The people do call them that. I thought he named them that himself but my guess is that he rather not get too attached to them. After all, formers are supposed to be expendable. My relationship with Charlie is unique to the two of us. Masters don't show affection to their formers. They're supposed to be replaceable. Something Charlie will never be. She's the last piece of my father I'll ever have.      "Call them that at your own expense," he scoffed. Six groups of five appeared at the bottom of the council room staircase. I jumped up on the veranda to watch him interact with them. Charlie came over to my side and watched him with equal interest.      "Master," they all knelt down in front of him formally. Their heads bowed all the down nearly touching the ground. He has absolute power over them.      "Why are they bowing like that?" Charlie whispered.      "Because he's their master. They aren't like us, Charlie. I wasn't ready to take a former much less that many when I blooded you in the camps. It takes time and patience to be able to control formers from the time they're human to their transition into darkness. It's a different bond they have to the one we have. We're more like sisters. My father blooded you and I took over for him. These formers belong to him. Body and soul,"      "We have a new mission," the General began. The other Generals stood back, just watching. "I know you creeps have been lurking around. Watching. I need you to locate the dogs outside the gates for us. Find the Alphas. Report their location. The higher-ups are losing ground and those mutts are infecting humans. This once, I want you all to partner up. Whatever it takes to get what we need. Ensure that at least one of you can get back the information I want,"      "We already have four locations, Master Sterling," one of the older formers stepped forward. His eyes are glowing red as he stood up and exposed his neck to the General.      "What is he doing?" Charlie asked.      "Formers gather information on their blood for their masters. Not a lot of purebloods like talking to formers. So they bite them to get the truth," I answered.      The General grabbed the former and bit into his neck. It took him a minute to get what he needed before he pulled away wiping his mouth smearing the blood of the former across his face. The former stepped back into the first group. Since they're all siblings, they know the brutality of their father. They don't mind it.      "That's annoying," the general growled. "Head out. Give me what I want and I'll reward you,"      They all scattered. Disappearing into the night as if they hadn't just been standing there. Even the scent of that former's blood is gone. Like it had never been there. The amount of power they radiate together mimics the General's. He's given them the perfect amount of strength to work as a unit and as individuals. No more and no less. The distribution of power is amazing.      "Are you going to wait until they find all the dens?" Azazael asked.      "Yes, it would be stupid of us to move in on four. It would warn the others. You can be out in the daylight. I'll give you the location. Take your demons and scout them. See what we're looking at. Do not engage,"      "Alright, want me to let the fallen in?"      "Do what you want. Make sure they don't give us away,"      "And your little playthings?" she asked looking up at me. She jumped when a ring of flames surrounded her. She put her hands up in surrender and smiled.      "Watch yourself demon. I've killed your kind before. You're not as strong as the others. I'll send you straight to your lord below if you're not careful," I growled.      "Hmm, you're the Bloodhound's spawn. I've met one of your sisters," my blade was at her throat before she could continue. "How are you standing in the flames?"      I pulled them into me letting them light up my new markings along with my eyes and fire emblems under my skin. Her smirk faded when she understood.      "Touch one of my sisters and I'll slowly burn you from the inside out," I threatened.      "Sterling, your major general is lively," the man from earlier laughed. Abaddon. The first angel purebred.      "That she is. Guided by her emotions," General Sterling chuckled. "She's still young. Isn't even breedable yet,"      "No," Azazael shook her head with disbelief.      "Ada, you've scared the demon enough. Stand down," he ordered. "Come meet, the Fallen Prince. He's standing in for Lucifer for the time being,"      I stepped away from her. She gripped my arm and pushed my cloak away to see my flame emblems under my new markings. They're at my elbow still. I've been fighting them all night.      "You're still a baby," she sighed. "What the hell are you?"      "She's the heiress to the Dragon Throne. A direct descendant from the first male vampire," Abaddon informed her. "It's been a long time since I've come across a Darius with this power,"      "Not very many are strong enough to carry it," I shrugged.      "Your parents must be proud,"      "Major Darius fell at the end of the Lycan war," General Sterling interjected. "It's a sensitive subject to the girl. To both of them. The former is the last of his Kin,"      "Pity. He was a formidable fighter," he bowed his head slightly. "The Queen favors you. That's interesting. Dukes don't favor anyone unless they're useful. Be careful, little one," he patted my head with his massive hand. I pushed him away and growled hating the feel of his demonic energy. It's not like Azazael's there's a war waging inside of this man. Something he's not acknowledging just yet. "The Vampire Queen is a f*****g snake,"       The two of them spread their massive demonic wings and disappeared into the cloud bank above. I looked over at the General and sighed before I began to make my way down to the city. I had promised my aunt that I would visit the coven headquarters here. She's currently trying to convince my sisters to move here. If they do, I'm going to have to start staying with the Coven quarters. They're going to try and persuade me to find a suitable mate to give them an heir. They can kiss my ass.      "You didn't lash out at him," the General followed.      "I'm not in the mood," I brushed him off.      "She's not in the mood for Nymph either," Charlie informed him. I glared at her.      "What's going on with you, Ada?" he asked. Not being in the mood for Nymph is a big deal in his opinion.      "I'm tired," I complained. As of late, I've been feeling a little extra heavy. My fire is getting stronger and more difficult to hold back.      "Tired? Have you been feeding well? Maybe you've been inside too long,"      "That's not it," I waved him off. "My powers are acting up. I only came out tonight because it involved the Queen. I'm going underground for a few days. Until the flames die down,"      "You'll be vulnerable," he stated. I nodded.      "Are you going underground in the castle or in the Darius caves?"      "Neither. I have to go lower. When the fire emblems reaches my neck, I'll be taking in more than heat,"      "Magma?" he asked. I nodded.      "It's why I was talking to the Queen earlier. She was pointing me in the right direction. I am going to be vulnerable but there's no way for anyone to reach me. Not unless they want to risk frying up,"      "What is that going to do to you? I don't understand your power,"      "It's just going to make my body more resilient to heat. Not just the sun. I'll be able to release more flames at once. It might make my body a bit bigger. It's a lot of power to hold in my size now. You're not worried are you?"      "I've heard rumors from your coven members. Others have died in this stage. It can burn you out. Completely destroy you,"      "What?" Charlie grabbed my arm.      "It might. There is a possibility of me not making it. Regardless. The transition is on its way. I rather die alone than take anyone with me. Besides, I'm going to sleep and it'll be over when I wake up," I yawned.      "Let me come with you, Ada," he suggested.      "No, I need you to stay up here. The wolves are growing in numbers a little too fast. We need to get ahead of them or we're going to have another war on our hands. That's not the world I want her to come into,"      "Me either," he nodded. "You better come back,"      "You better keep your head in this. Take care of Charlie for me. Charlie, stay with the General," I instructed.      "Awe, I wanna go home," she complained.      "I know but the others aren't accepting of you just yet. Do as the General asks. Yeah?" I twirled the end of her braid in my hand.      "Okay," she lowered her head.      She stayed with him as I made my way over to the main house. I was greeted as I always am. There are more coven members here than there are back in the Heart of Darkness. I went straight for my aunt who's preparing the crystal coffin I'm going to be sleeping in for the next couple of nights.      "How do you feel?" Dana asked when I sat down in the first chair I came across. My body is burning up. I'm starting to burn through my clothes. I can smell burning wood under my hands. "Ada, you're so reckless," my aunt scolded. She groaned as she lifted me up and moved me over to the coffin. "This will hold the flames until we can get you underground. Try to hold back a little longer,"      "Okay," I nodded. The crystal is ice cold against my skin. It feels good but it's not going to last very long.      The first vampire male on earth was named Eilidi meaning a gift from the sun. Eilidi vanquished the Dragon Race in the great Pandorian War that led to the construction of mortals. There are many stories that surround my family but the most famous is the story of Eilidi and the Dragon Princess.      Eilidi the Dragon conqueror fell in love with the princess of the race he was supposed to terminate and in the end, he had no choice but to slay them all. Including the princess herself. When he emerged from the ashes he carried a little girl in his arms. He gave her over to Queen to raise claiming that she was his mate and that it would be wrong to raise her in his image.      Eilidi Darius wandered for centuries away from the Heart of Darkness in his aid to vanquish the old world into Pandora's box. He returned to the Heart of Darkness when the mortals walked the earth for the first time. The little girl had become a woman. She was the one who had the flame inside of her and she gave it to him when they fully mated. Together, they created the Darius clan.      Many were born with the fire emblem inside of them but many parished in transition. Vampires aren't supposed to be creatures of the light. Those who do survive the emblem, only live until their bodies give into the flame. We all keep journals. We keep the journals of those who were able to live the longest. I've already surpassed the last journal. I know what to expect if I come out of it alive, but it's up to me to continue giving instruction to the next person that is gifted this.      I'm a little scared. I don't actually want to die and the greater part of me knows I'm not. I know that all the things I'm leaving behind are in good hands. I just want to see how far I can take this. I've made so much progress. Sacrificed so much for what I want. I don't want the reason why I fall to be me or this thing that I've fallen completely in love with. The emblem is the greatest gift I could have ever been granted.      I can feel the fire building inside of me. The crystal is glowing red above me and the bottom of the coffin is bright orange. It's not as painful as it was the first time. I thought I was going to die and at the moment when my emblem roared to life, I welcomed the darkness that followed.      This is nothing like that. I had been alone then. I didn't tell anyone that my transition had begun. I hid from my father and my family because I honestly didn't think I'd make it out alive. It was when I decided that I would no longer box myself in a coffin every night.      I remember that day. I dug a hole twelve feet deep in the back yard, inside the shack where our blacksmith forged our weapons. He had been summoned to Aleksander on a mission. It was just my mother and Ash. I put my old coffin inside and instructed one of the servants to cover the hole before dawn. The hole wasn't deep enough. By the time it was over. I had to claw my way through the hardened earth and when I finally got out. I found that I had torched not only the shack and everything it, but half our yard. The fountain water completely boiled away overnight.      Not a single person knew why the earth had flamed up the way it had overnight and I wasn't going to be the one to tell them. My father would have beaten the ever-living hell out of me if he found out that I didn't take the proper precautions. He also had to replace a bunch of equipment and reimburse the blacksmith for the weapons that were lost.      Sleep is more than welcome. My dreams are erratic. They don't make sense. Memories of my brother are swarming around in my head. I miss you, Mathew. Would you be head of the Covens if you were still with us? Would you be mated by now? My eyes snapped open when something warm pressed against my cheek.      "You even worry when you sleep," he laughed. I gasped when his golden eyes met mine. His voice is ringing in my ears.      "Matt?" I whispered. "How?"      "I'm always with you silly," he offered me his hand. The coffin is now fully melted. I covered myself as best I could. My body is a bit bigger than before. "Don't fret. I've seen much worse in your... entanglements,"      "You're a creepy stalker spirit. Great," I laughed.      "You're my favorite sister and after Anna went back home. You're the only one that knows how to have fun," he chuckled.      "How are you here?"      "Your transition is a dangerous one. You're in-between states and this is sacred ground," he motioned to the spot where we had been. My body is laying in the malted crystal. The walls around me are melting all around us.      "I see," I nodded. He laughed. I turned to face him and smiled. "I miss you so much. There are things I wish I can tell you. Things I want to get off my chest,"      "So, tell me," he smiled.      "I did something stupid,"      "You mean like letting that bum, Sterling mark you?" he asked. I looked over at him and nodded. "I want to kill him,"      "Really?" I laughed.      "I understand you. I always have. So simple yet so very difficult you are big sister. I admire the lengths you're willing to go for what you believe in. Everything you've given up for the much-needed change. You're selling yourself short for it all. You don't need this,"      "No, I don't," I agreed. "None of us need it. I want it, no matter what I have to do to get it. There's a difference. You say you understand, Mathew but you don't. The only mistake you ever made was being born at the wrong time. As females, we don't have much of a choice. I'd love to have everything mother did. To be taken care of. You know what it's like out there for me. Even before you went to camps. Before father died. You saw the way I was treated. Like a usurper. The shame of the Darius Clan,"      "You have nothing to prove to anyone, Addy,"      "I do. Not just to them. To all the girls who are backhanded for wanting more than being breeders. For all the girls who are shunned for being smarter. A means to survive in a man's world isn't enough for me and it shouldn't be for them,"      "So acting like a man is better?"      "Don't do that. Don't look down on me because I like what I do. I never judged you for loving him," he looked up at me, surprised. "Oh, you didn't think I'd find out you died protecting the one thing you wanted and couldn't have?"      "He grows on you," he smirked. "It helps that the General is promiscuous himself,"     "You shouldn't have fallen in love with him,"      "You shouldn't have either,"      "I didn't. My attachment to him has nothing to do with love,"      "The princess?" he asked. "What do you want with her?"      "Nothing," I smiled. "I just-" I looked over at him and smiled. "I see a lot of you in her. She's a little savage but she doesn't want just the thrill of the war that comes with who she's supposed to become. She's lonely and it's only going to get lonelier before she gets better,"      "Always the bleeding heart, sister," he chuckled. "You're almost complete. The mark on your neck will disappear,"      "What?" I asked placing my hand on my neck.      "The Dragon's Flame cannot belong to someone like Armadian Sterling. The Dragon's Flame cannot be owned by someone as unworthy as him,"      "Unworthy of me?" I asked looking over at my body. He placed his hand on my shoulder. I can feel it as if he had never left me at all.      "You belittle yourself too much, Addy. You're letting them win by believing in the words of those who dare to try to hold you back. You're the Dragon's Flame. The second to survive passed the first transition and now the second. Never forget who you are. I am so very proud of you, Sister. I've never been better than I am now. I'll tell father you send your love," 
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