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Edwardian:      "We have to talk about this, Edy," Raj called after me.      I rushed into my room and shut the doors behind me. Now that I'm away, I am very well aware of what just happened. My mind has had time to process the predicament I am in currently. Fate cannot be this cruel to me. There is no f*****g way in hell that this happening. It has literally been months since he died. Months. I don't know what to do.      "My Lady?" there's a tap on my door. I know that voice. I spent a long time listening for it among the guests of my home. General Ada Darius. I stood up instantly letting her in. Her big amber eyes look down at me a little surprised to find me in this state. "Forgive the interruption. I can come back later,"      "No," I motioned her to come in. I shut the door as soon as she was through. "Did you see Raj out there?"      "No," she smiled. "Are you hiding from her?"      "I want to hide from everyone," I pressed my back against the door exasperated.      "Yes? Would you be interested in taking a walk with me?" she offered.      "A walk?" I asked pushing off the door. "Is it a long walk?"      "It can be if you like,"      "Okay, I'm going to be a little tired from flying all night so just maybe shorten your strides?"      "Of course, my lady," she laughed. She placed her hand on the floor and shut her eyes. "We have incoming. Hold on,"      She scooped me up into her arms and walked us over to the balcony. We both looked back at the door when my brother knocked on it. She chuckled to herself and jumped. A little squeak echoed in my throat as she rushed past the front gate. She stopped right outside and set me down.      "That never happened," I laughed. She smiled at me genuinely and motioned me to follow her. "How are you so fast?"      "Limber on my feet and longer strides," she smirked.      "I've always wanted to ask you questions about you being a Dragon,"      "I'd give you the journals my lady but I'm afraid they're written in-"      "Draggonian. Yes, I've heard about that. I want to know less dramatic things. Do you have dragon wings?"      "Right to it," she grinned. "No, I do not but I can use flames to mimic the effect or show off,"      "Really? Show off," I encouraged.      "Small ones," she agreed. Massive dragon-like wings made out of flames erupted from her back and flapped behind her releasing a strong gust of hot air.      "Those are small?" I didn't mean to shout. She laughed.      "Yes, it takes a significant size to get me off the ground. I only use them in battle. The bigger they are the faster I can go,"      "That's amazing. You've always been really great to me. I've never really thanked you for that,"      "You don't have to. I'm honored to," she shrugged shyly.      "Is it because of him?" I asked placing my hand on my abdomen.      "No, my lady. It's not. He's become a reason for it as of late but no," her playful tone is a little serious now.      "Do you miss him?" I asked, getting caught up in the moment. Her pretty flame-like eyes are on me. I would have picked her if I'm being honest. She's kind of perfect and she seems like she's genuine.      "I do. However, I have a feeling that we don't miss the same person,"      "Yeah," I nodded. "I bet you've also missed him for a lot longer than I have. I kind of took him from you,"      "Not in the slightest, Princess. He was never mine. I never really wanted him to be. He's kind of a d**k," we both laughed.      "I saw you guys together a couple of times. You seemed happy together,"      "That's because we were comrades. The two of us went through hell and back a few times. We looked after one another. He had my back and I his. Like you and Ava,"      "I never slept with Ava,"      "Did you want to?" she asked boldly.      "No, never," I looked up at her wanting to know what would warrant that kind of question, and then it hit me. "Are you into women?" I whispered. "I shouldn't have asked that,"      "It's alright," she laughed. "I have had my fair share of them, yes,"      "So, that rumor about you and Nymph?"      "True,"      "You and my aunt Mae?" she asked.      "Half true and I didn't know her name was Mae,"      "How is that one-half true?"      "She only fed on me," she turned away bashfully. Okay, I guess I see why she and Armad were friends. She's basically him with an amazing, well-built, feminine structure.      "You and your former?"      "Never, she's essentially one of my sisters,"      "Hmm," a few disturbing images flashed in the back of my head and they really made me upset.      "Do you know what gypsies are?" she asked out of the blue.      "No," I answered.      "There is a kind of human that isn't as civilized as others. They live off the land and travel until their heart's content. These gypsies, I believe are the immortals who bred with humans upon our arrival. Some of them became highborn because of the increase of power and bred the human blood out. I think gypsies are the dormant product of those who didn't have power like ours.      "They have abilities such as foresight, sensitivity, and clairvoyance. The first time I ever blooded a human, it was gypsy. He was young, twenty-four. Humans were different then. They were less experienced with the shadows, even more of the ones Darkness cast. I was hunting out in the open when I saw him. Our eyes met and he immediately knew what I was. Well, he knew I was dangerous and he ran,"      "Did you chase after him?" I asked.      "Of course, not. The most fickle beings always wander into the wrong places at the wrong time. Most have the sense to leave right away and pretend none of it ever happened but not these creatures. See, they're a lot like you and me. Their curiosity gets the better of them. Fear and excitement are what motivate them. It took him four nights to find me. Impressive for a human. He came into my home looking for work and brought a couple of others with him. Another man and a woman.      "I tested them and they passed most of my tests. They were rather simple for our kind. A task a youngling can finish at the age of three when their vampiric traits begin to develop. They had no vampire abilities but they had the skills to figure out each task even if it took them some time to fulfill. They were cunning little humans. So, I kept them,"      "Why are you telling me this?" I asked.      "Making conversation so you can clear your head of what's truly bothering you. You are hungry?"      "Always," I nodded. She took my hand and pulled me with her.      That was such an Armad thing to do and say. She led me into the main street. We began to walk towards a bar. She opened the door for me. I walked through and it felt like walking into another world. The walls are lined with bright silky tapestries. Gold lines them in pretty shapes and swirls. There are tables low to the ground with massive poufs around them for people to sit on. They have lamp things with tubes attached to them and a knob that releases sweet-scented smoke. There are silk thread chandeliers and rope hanging from the high ceilings.      "Jugs," a man called out from the other side of the room. Ada growled at him.      "We've talked about that," she sneered at him.      "Don't be mad, master. I'm just happy you're here. Who's the kid?"      "Not a kid," she looked down at me. "This is Edwardian Pierce,"      "f**k," he straightened up instantly and adjusted his very debonaire attire. "Forgive me, princess,"      "It's fine. Are these your formers you were talking about?" I asked her.      "They are, my lady. Yes,"      "You talk about us to other people?" he asked placing his hand over his chest, touched by the information.      "I was trying to distract her," she rolled her eyes.      "You're pregnant," a woman rushed out from an archway behind him. "I felt it the moment you walked in," she rushed over to me and placed her hand on my belly. Ada growled at her and pushed her back. "Sorry,"      "What have I told you about touching people without consent?"  Ada scolded her.      "Forgive me, Master. You know I love pregnant ladies," she shrugged lowering her head. "Why don't we get you two out of the smoking area and over to a private booth? We can make you the house special,"      "Thank you," I nodded.      "You're very welcome, sweet face," she beamed and rushed off with the boy.      "Forgive them, they can be a little too much,"      "My best friend is literally the Spawn of Satan. A little too much I can handle. Where is Charlie?"      "She's with my sisters. They're all back in Aleksander. They're all fussing over Aviera and Alex. They think they can mend their mating,"      "Ugh, good luck with that. Ava is in fact related to Armadian Sterling," I scoffed. We both laughed.      "They absolutely loathed each other outside of the battlefield. He's already in love with her. He's a cold man but he loves powerfully,"      "That sounds like a nightmare," I admitted.     "It must have been for you," she agreed.      "Was he like that with you?" I asked.      "Yes, he broke my jaw a few times. Lost control once or twice. We both nearly killed one another continuously. Do you want me to tell you why?" she asked calmly.      "Yes," I nodded.      "He was like me. A dragon. There are four dragon elements. Fire, Ice, Wind, Lightning. The King was the Dragon of the North. Ice,"      "What? Was he not a fire element?"      "Yes, he was but his fire was different from mine. His was cold. So cold it burned like mine. Your son has inherited that trait, my lady. I can feel it inside of you,"      "I didn't know," I placed my hand on my belly. I can feel him moving in there.     "We didn't want anyone to know. He himself didn't know for the majority of his life. Power like this brings jealousy. A lot of the time we were fighting, we fighting because I was the target intended,"      "My mother put that target on your back," I shook my head feeling angry.      "Your mother kept me from death. Had she not put me where she did, I would have died on the streets. I wouldn't have given everything I have to my family. I would have been hunted like a dog for being what I am,"      "What could be so bad about being what you are?"      "I'm a threat. My power, the power of your unborn baby. It can rival yours. I know you can wield four elements. I've seen your power but it'll never be as strong as mine. I have perfected one. I know everything about it. I've trained against the one element that could hurt me. My entire being goes into it. It's not split with anything else. While you have to switch your concentration and level of strength between each one, I have control over the element you dabble in. Now, in knowing that, what is the first thing that comes to mind?"      "Can you melt this place without using flames?" I asked. She laughed looking me over.      "I can, yes. That's what you're thinking about after what I just said?"      "Now, I'm thinking, oh s**t. I want to kill you because no one is going to take s**t from me," I admitted.      "Exactly," she smiled satisfied with that information.      "Do you want to take something from me?" I asked.      "Of course not,"      "Hypothetically, if you killed me, you'd take my place. That's the rule of combat,"      "We'd have to publically challenge one another for that. But, why would I want to take your place? I can come and go as I please, kill at your behest, feed on whoever I want, and do whatever I want. If I were in your place, I'd be stuck making decisions all night. It would take me back to the rooftops and I don't want to go there ever again. It's not as quiet as you'd think. Even in the day,"      "The rooftops? You would escape to the rooftops during the day? Of course, sunlight is heat. Heat makes you stronger. Angels, demons, and incubus?" I asked.      "Yes, flying around all day long. There is no escape," she laughed.      "Believe me, I know. Especially when he was around,"      Having her this close is oddly comforting. It's like having a conversation with him. Ada indulges me in whatever I want the same way he did. There are things she doesn't like that she keeps to herself where Armad would have chewed me out for without hesitation she just averts her gaze to furrow her shaped eyebrows.     A part of me is envious of her. She got to know General Sterling better than anyone else. I understand just how different my mate was from her friend. He didn't have to impress her. They were equals. The General and his Major General. What I got was the King. The man who knew the people and what they needed. The man who stood behind me every step of the way, helping me and pushing me to get to where I needed to be. This is everything we worked for and I am disrespecting him and this woman who worked too hard to get him to me. They wrote a new history so that I would be able to take my place properly.      "You're crying, my lady," she reached for me catching my tears.      She licked them off of her fingers and crawled over to sit down next to me. Her hand patted my head gently before she pulled me in for a hug. I wrapped my arms around her and began to cry. She makes me feel completely safe the same way he did. I had once sworn I would kill this woman but here she is, holding me in her arms, making me feel safe after being on edge from the moment he left me.      "Put it down and get the hell out of here, you snoops," she growled lowly without letting go of me.      "Ada, are you staying here, or are you going back to Aleksander?" I asked pulling away.      "My duties are to Aleksander, my lady. However, I can stay here for as long as you need me. I am your General and you are my priority at the moment," she held me at arm's length while I wiped my stupid cry baby-face.      "I don't want you to go out of your way for me,"      "We're still friends are we not, Edwardian?" she asked me. I looked up at her remember the first time she offered me her friendship. It was one of the times I felt territorial about anything. She had bounty hunters on her and I killed them to protect her. To protect him.      "We are," I nodded.      "Then as a friend, I'll stay here for as long as you need me to," she reassured me.      "Thank you, Ada. I feel at ease when you are around,"      "That makes me very happy. I am very humbled by that,"      "You're weird. Humbled? Armad didn't teach you that,"      "No, there was nothing humble about that man. He was arrogant down to the very core of him," she scoffed.      "Not to defend him or anything, but he was born to be a king," we both laughed.      "Man did he milk the hell out that when he found out he was the Dragon of the North," she laughed. "That was partially my fault. I often had to stroke his ego when I wanted to get my way,"      "That would have been convenient to know," I glared at her as I reached for the food.      "Oh, sweetness. You apply that one to all men. Especially, the ones that know who they are. With the right words, you can make a man start a war for you," 
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