
3344 Words
     The scent made its way inside of me, making my senses wild. I can feel the flame in me burning brighter than ever before. My fangs are aching, my chest is hot. I feel completely parched despite having fed last night. I rotated my shoulders and my neck trying to ease my tension but this is ridiculous. I didn't expect this to happen. There has to be some kind of restriction from the barriers.      "f**k," the General looked me over. "This is really your first time this close to humans?"      "Yes," I growled. I covered my mouth trying to get a hold of myself. He grinned as he pulled up ahead.      "We have to go into the city. You can take whatever you want there, just clean up after yourself. You can have tonight and the morning. Cover that up," he pointed at my chest and my arms.     "I can't. The more I try to cover it up the brighter it glows. I have to be completely relaxed.       "I don't glow like that," he laughed.      "Not yet. You might need to be in the cold. You did amazing in Siberia. We should head to colder places. If you are like me, you're going to need to be in your element when you're resting,"      "I want to know why she felt she had to hide it from me or who she's hiding from," he got off his horse and took my lead and his as we approached the edge of the town guiding both my horse and his. "Stay on the horse, Ada,"      I tucked myself into my cloak as best as I could to cover up my markings. Despite being covered with my hoodie they're all staring. Not that I care. The General seems to be used to the attention. Everything here is so much different. The thick scent of mortal blood in the air is mixed with a variation of other smells. Death, decay, and fear. I gripped the saddle tightly trying to hold onto my sanity. The General is having the time of his life knowing that at any given moment, I will jump off this animal and kill one of these mortals if they make any sudden movements.      "Lord Alexander," a man stepped out from on the bigger buildings. I looked back to see if Alex had followed us.      "Mister Louis. How are you?" the General greeted him. This should be fun.      "I am doing quite well, my lord. We haven't seen you in these parts for a very long time, sir,"      "With good reason, this is my wife," he pointed back at me. The man's eye lit up with excitement.      "My lord. A celebration is in order," the man bowed. I pressed my lips together trying not to laugh.      "That won't be necessary, Louis. We're headed up to the main house. How is everything?"      "Clean, sir. If you give me some time, I'll have them make up the master bedroom for you and the misses. Perhaps you'd like to show her the renovations to the garden to fill the time?" the old man is bold.      "You finished it?" the General mused without flashing his teeth too much. Interesting, they're friendly with one another. I did not expect that from him.      "Yes, sir. We made the adjustments you suggested and finished a few months ago," he bowed.      "What do you say, Ada? Would you like to see the garden?" he looked back at me trying to hide his grin.      "Sure, I can use a walk after the long trip," I agreed, playing along. Is it not playing for him? Is who he really is? There are morals under that armor. Who would have thought?      "Excellent. I'll have a late dinner served in the gazebo. It's a beautiful night," Mister Louis bowed before disappearing back into the building. The General came around to help me down. I placed my hands on his shoulders. I jumped down into his arms looking around to see everyone still watching us.      "Are you going to tell me what's going on, Lord Alexander?" I fussed. He helped fix my skirt.      "Yes," he laughed. A couple of kids came over and took the lead from him. They took our horses as the General guided me away.      "Your horse is in good hands, Lady Aghion," one of the boys promised.      "We're Jews?" I laughed. He look back at me and laughed.      "That's right. An honorable family from Egypt. My first time here, I killed them all and took the youngest son's place. He arrived the same day I did. Unfortunately," he cleared his throat. "This town was plagued when I first got here. There was no money, a civil war in the major cities was spilling in, and the people were dying,"      "So, you bought everything and made yourself a little home outside of home," I concluded. Not meant to be the King my f*****g right fang.      "That's right," he grinned. "I can do as I please here,"      The garden is beautiful. I've never seen flowers like these. They go around the entire garden like a barrier. They're vibrant, tall, bright yellow. The smell is divine but it only masks the scent of decaying mortals. It makes their blood much more delectable. Refines the senses much like cleansing the pallet after a heavy dinner with something cold and refreshing. I think I'm going to like it out here. Blooding mortals doesn't seem so bad anymore.      "What are these?" I asked pointing up at the tall flowers.      "Those are sunflowers. It's difficult to sustain them in the barrier," he explained. "The first time I was here I save a family from some soldiers. The young girl handed me one of these. It's strange but the fragrance is strong enough to mask emotion. Not completely but enough to dull the senses so we can learn from them,"       "Lord Alexander, dinner will be ready shortly. Lady Estarosa is here. She's been waiting for you for a few days now. As if she knew you would be coming, sir,"      "Thank you, Louis. We'll be up in a bit. Why don't you serve dinner inside tonight?" he suggested.       Louis walked away with a court bow. Humans are interesting. That one feels no fear. Perhaps he trusts the General. Not even a gentle trace of it is in the air. If anything the man is relieved he's here. He was even happy when the General informed him who I'm going to pretend to be.      "Not the Estarosa right? The alpha female of Northern Alexandria?"      "The very one," he smirked. I laughed.      "Are you w*****g a wolf?" I asked leaning into him. He pulled me close and glanced behind me to let me know we have eyes on us.      "I was but I'm a married man now," he shrugged. He pressed his lips to the top of my head and took my hand. I rolled my eyes at him as he turned away to lead us inside. Louis walked away bothered when we arrived. He is a cute little old butler.      Estarosa Viterbo is one of four reasons why the wolves were kicked out of Darkness and here this mother fucker is treating her as his personal doggy blood bag. With the smell of fear and death gone, my markings are gone. The scale inside of me is calm. When one of the ladies asked me for my cloak, I let her remove it. She gasped at the sight of me. Although my arms are covered and none of my rank marks are visible, she's completely taken back by my physique. Probably my breast and my wide hips. Whichever, she is in absolute awe and it's not helping that their minds are so easily accessible.      "Thank you," I redirected her attention to my eyes. Not better.      "Forgive me, my lady. I've just-" she swallowed hard. "I've just never seen a woman so beautiful before,"      "I take it as a compliment then," I smiled at her. Her heart is racing. She's barely able to breathe with the sound of my voice. She nodded and rushed off before she could say anything else.      "Ada," the General called from behind me. I turned around to face him.      Behind him is Estarosa Viterbo. Her copper-toned hair makes her features look fairer than they really are. Her bright jade eyes almost glow with the dancing flames on the candles around her. She's dressed in male attire. Her hair is pulled back and she looks like she's been rolling around in the garden. I can smell the earthy scent that wolves release. She was the one that turned the wolf I left for dead.      "This is Major General Adaleigh Darius," the General introduced us properly after making sure no one's within ear's reach.      "You?" she asked coming over to me. I smiled as she paced around me sniffing my skin. "This aristocrat a killer? Don't make me laugh, Armad,"      "Maybe I should walk around smelling of s**t like you, b***h," I growled.      "Ada," the General laughed. "Calm down. Remember she's not of Darkness. She doesn't know better,"      "Hmm, get it away from me. This dress is new," I shrugged away from this dog.      "You have a strange taste in women, General Sterling," she scoffed.      "I'd say," I agreed, looking her over. She growled at me. My hand wrapped around her throat tightly before she could move. Her eyes are glowing red. "You have no power here, Alpha Viterbo. You have no way of knowing what it is that stands in front of you. He can try but he'd never be able to save you in time and well, he won't be upset about you being gone for too long,"      "Stop playing with her," the General placed his hand on my waist and pulled me away from her. She stumbled back holding her neck as she gasped for air.      "What are you?" she growled. There's blood on her neck where my hand cooked away at her skin.      "You burned her?" he asked.      "Me?" I asked sarcastically. He laughed pulling me closer. "What does it want?"      "You killed my alpha and his heirs. I raised that boy-"      "I didn't kill him. I killed everything that meant anything to him but not him. Did you have the heart to give him the peace he deserved or did you have someone else do it for you?"      "He succumbed to his injuries,"      "He didn't. I gave him a drop of my blood. He would have been fine once it got to his spine. I want you to know that he fought valiantly. I told him what you sent him and his family there for. You raised him? You raised a f*****g i***t. Perhaps I'm not one to talk. I am a tool for my queen myself. Unlike him, my queen is worth dying for,"      "You and your men killed a lot of wolves," she sneered.      "They shouldn't have been doing what they were. My General lost a lot of me himself. I lost a lot of men. If I didn't respect the General as I do, you'd already be dying. Slowly, painfully, from the inside out. What the f**k do you want? An apology? If you can't stomach it, walk away. Let the real animals tear each other apart,"      "I am twice your age you arrogant leech. You have no idea what I've seen or done for my people,"      "Nor do I care. Have you lost your conviction already? What is it that you're fighting for, hmm?"     "Freedom," she growled stepping to me.      "You were kicked out of the prison that Darkness is. You are free you stupid b***h. What more do you want? Do you want back in? Do you want to be ruled by a girl who has lost everything to a place designed to keep us locked in like animals? That's what Darkness is. The world is yours. Why are you still fighting? You've won,"      She stumbled back. Her eyes are erratic as she looks between the General and me. Realization struck her hard as she lowered her head and tried to compose herself. The General pulled me closer to him and motioned me to walk in the opposite direction. He let go and went over to her.      "Go home, Estarosa. This is no longer your war. Don't let them drag you back. I didn't stop them. She did and she did it alone. There are four others like her working for the queen. The war against the House of Lycan is done. You can't go against these vampires. This new generation was bred for this specifically,"      "What is she?" she asked.     "The Dragon of the South,"      "The Dragon's flame. The rightful heir to the Darkness world is serving the Dukes? The true vampire royalty is rolling over in their graves,"      "What graves?" he scoffed. "Not a single grain of sand was left of that world. Get out of here before she decides these humans aren't sufficient. Believe me when I say she wants you to give her a reason,"      "My lady, dinner is ready. Will you and the master be having a guest?" the girl from earlier appeared ahead.      "No, she was just leaving. Help her out, please," I smiled at her but her eyes are on the ground. Smart girl. "What is your name?"      "Noelle," she answered sweetly.      "Noelle. That's a beautiful name," her eyes shot to mine and her face flushed bright red. The rush of blood in her face made me step away from her. "Go on, I don't want her here anymore,"      "Yes, my lady," she bowed and disappeared behind me.      "Your resolve is incredible. That girl is asking to be bitten. If you're not going to kill them you have to compel them to forget," the General came up behind me. "You did exactly what I thought you were going to do,"      "You set it up that way," I shrugged. "Is there anything I should be concerned about regarding the food?"      "No, I've never had a problem. Seasoning is a little more intense. Spicier,"      "That's fine," I brushed the entire thing off. If he wants to carry on the subject. He will.      Trying new things has always been my favorite part of going to new places. I've been all over Aleksander trying the different foods, looking for pretty things, and meeting people. I love the way people light up when asked about something they are utterly passionate about. It's beautiful. The warmth that rushes through them is amazing. The people of Aleksander are very kind when they want to be.      Dinner was in fact delicious but it did nothing to quench the thirst I feel since I stepped out of the barrier. I was escorted to the room while the General was entertained with things that need to be taken care of by the lord of the city himself. He's pretentious alright.  My things were brought up. I went over to my traveling trunk and opened it up. I changed out of these clothes after securing the door. I really need to feed and I don't want to do it here. After all, the General did say I could have some fun.      I didn't waste any time in getting out of here. I covered the garden in seconds and headed towards the smell of decay. The further I got from the manor the stronger the scent gets. My senses are wild. I haven't felt this way since the night I transitioned the first time. My thirst was unquenchable and I needed a release. This is what that feels like. Is this why we've separated ourselves from them? How do the banished live out here? Is it maybe addicting?      I stopped at the top of one of the highest towers. There's a sweet scent in the air. My jaw is locking up with the craving of having this blood cover me from head to toe. I jumped down. It's so much easier to move out here. There are no restrictions from the barriers. I can move better, faster, stronger. These poor things have no idea. No sense of danger. Are they all like this? Surely, there are humans who can put up a fight. Soldier's possibly?      The source of the sweet scent is getting closer. It's a man. A single mortal man had caught my attention from miles away. My body is trembling with anticipation as he gets closer and closer. I shut my eyes concentrating on his mind. His mind is completely open. This is completely unfair. I pulled him to me and he willingly walked up to me and away from the light of the street until he stopped right in front of me. I reached for his face. He's so warm. So soft. So utterly fragile. I pulled him to me wrapping my arms around his waist. I didn't stop until we were cloaked in the darkness of the tower.      He's absolutely silent. His mind is blank. He has no defenses. Yet, the man is unbelievably beautiful. I released his mind. He gasped for air looking around until his eyes met mine. He stumbled back against the bricks of the rooftop. The scent of his fear is waking me up. It's marvelous. I can't get enough of it.      "What? How did I get up here? Who are you?"      "Answer one of my questions first," I countered. "What's your name?"      "Allan," he answered in a hurry. His voice is trembling.      "Allan, you're going to die if you keep moving around like that. Relax. Look behind you,"      He shakenly turned around to see what's behind him. The entire view of the city. No matter what direction we look in, there are people and buildings. The night sky is magnificent from up here. It's so close. The stars and the clouds among them are the most beautiful thing I have ever seen.      "Is this a dream?" Allan asked.      "It feels like it doesn't it?" I asked him. "It's so open. So, untainted by the Darkness we hide in,"      "It is," he agreed. I looked down at him curiously. Does he know about Darkness? I reached for his collar and checked him for marks. There are none. Perhaps he means something else. Something human.      "Tell me about yourself, Allan," I turned away from him and sat down in the shadows of the tower so no one can see me from below or a window from around us.       "I live close by," he sat down next to me. "My father is the lord of the stable down there," he pointed at them. "We breed horses and raise them. We have some of the fastest horses in the world,"      "That's cute," I smiled.      The poor kid believes that. I don't want someone who is blind to the truth of the world. This kid has no concept of fear or reality. That means he's spoiled and weakened by the triumph of his father's struggles. The way he's dressed, how he smells, how he's eyeing me up. Yeah, this kid wouldn't make a good former. I leaned over to him. He didn't bother moving. His lips were on mine instantly. His grabby hands are feeling me up as I got closer to straddle his lap.      "You are so beautiful," he panted unsure of where to put his hands.      "So I've heard," I growled. I covered his mouth as I bit into his neck.      I wasn't disappointed in the slightest. The instant his blood rushed into my mouth euphoria erupted through my body making me shiver. He's struggling and trashing are only feeding the urge to have more of him inside of me. My body is on fire with delight. I've never had human blood this pure before. Untainted by the fangs of any other vampire.  He doesn't know the ecstasy of being fed on. It's just pure human fear and emotion feeding the fire in my soul. I am in love with the world outside of the barrier. It's beautiful. It's eccentric. It's alive. 
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