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    I don't know what's in her blood or if it's going to damage my feeding patterns long-term but I couldn't get enough of her this morning. Her skin on mine. The taste of her. I can't stop thinking about it. I understand now why she lets everyone call her Nymph. Her real name is Noelle. It rolls right off the tongue but my favorite part of it all was the way she called out my name. I haven't been this infatuated with anyone since the succubus almost killed me.      "You again," I turned around and spotted the incubus from last night.      "Sorry, I didn't catch your name yesterday,"      "My name is Lythian. Lyte for short,"      "Ada," I extended my hand to him. He looked at it and then shook it.     "Did you get lucky with the witch, Ada?" he asked, falling in step with me.      "I don't kiss and tell," I smirked. He laughed, playfully nudging me with his shoulder. "What are you doing out during the day? I know your house prefers the night,"      "The same thing you are," he placed his hand on a building and released some kind of coldness into it. "You are definitely a woman. I've never seen a male vampire organize a single thing in his life,"      "Tell me about it," I laughed.      "It's what I like about your males. You aim and they fire. And they rarely miss. I'm glad there's a woman in their lives that can overpower their aggression with her own. Someone needs to show them that life isn't just about war," he looked around us, taking a deep breath. "There's beauty beyond blood. We should enjoy it just as you do, young Major General,"      "Are you one of King Edmund's Generals?" I asked.      "I am. General of the Eighth Incubus Armada," he bowed.      "Awkward first encounter, sir," I chuckled.      "Please, call me Lyte. You outrank me in political terms as the first Major General of your house. I firmly believe that awkward encounters often lead to the best friendships,"      "Alright, but you have to call me Ada. Maybe not in front of General Sterling. He's kind of a d**k. You can quote me on that," I agreed. He chuckled.      "Yet you love him,"     "I love a lot of things I shouldn't," I nodded.      "Vampires usually do," he chuckled as if he knew a few.      "I'll let you get back to work. See you later,"      "I look forward to it," he bowed.          I jumped back when he extending his massive bat-like wings and disappeared into the air. I felt a chill rush through my body and suddenly my n*****s were erected. He was feeding on me. Because of the energy, I get from the heat I didn't notice. Well played Lyte. Very well played. I finished marking the houses and checked to see if any of the ones I had marked prior to today were erased. None were. Why would they? No one expects their own to turn on them.      A-part of me feels for our soldiers. A lot of these men are victims of wars that were never theirs to fight. They did and seen things that probably still haunts them. Which is why I'm not going to kill them all. In fact, I chose three of them. Two men and a woman. The worst of them all. To set an example. The General told me he was going to inform the others. I thought he meant the soldiers but I see now that all the houses are involved, not just ours. This is probably not just happening here. It's happening all over Darkness.      After a nap, I got up and began to prepare for the night. My cadre is going to be out but I still need to be available for them if they have any questions. I opened my door to see the General leaning on his doorway. He looked up at me and laughed. I shut my door behind me shaking my head as I made my way down to the Throne room.      "Is that what you're into? Having your name called out at the top of the female's lungs?" he asked. I felt the heat of my body betray me and flush my face.      "Aren't you?" I asked. He laughed.      "Oh, yes Adaleigh. Just like that," he mocked. I shoved him before the two of us burst into laughter. "You b***h. I've been wanting a taste of that since I was nineteen,"      "She knows," I laughed.      "You two talked about me?" he asked surprised.      "Briefly," Nymph appeared in front of us just before we made it to the Throne room. "Maybe you can join us at dawn, General. Adaleigh speaks very highly of you," she looked him over before she turned her attention to me. "My queen requests your presence as well as your former's,"      "Ada!" right on cue Charlie slid over to us. The General steadied her before she smacked into me. I love her timing.     "In the infirmary. She's speaking with Lady Sterling," Nymph bowed and excused herself. I really hope Daegon doesn't take Charlie from me. I don't want to lose her, but I won't hesitate to let her go if she needs me to.     "Ada?" the General caught my attention. I turned my attention to him and flinched when his lips landed on mine. "I love you. I am definitely joining you at dawn,"      "What?" I asked him.      "Are you okay?" he asked.      "Why are you sad now?" Charlie asked. "Do you not want to share the General with her or do you not want to share her with the General?"      "Awe, please be neither," he looked at me disappointed. Right, Nymph.     "It's neither. I-uh. It's nothing. Come, Charlie. We shouldn't keep the Witch Queen waiting," I pulled her to me. The General stopped me.      "She no longer belongs to their people. She's yours. Ours. They can't force her to leave your side if she doesn't want to," he reassured me.      "I don't," Charlie stepped into me. "I don't want to go with the butterfly ladies,"     "Shout and I'll be there if you need me," he bowed and went into the Throne room. Charlie tightened her hold on my hand and got a little closer.      "Come on. Let's hear what she has to say," I pulled her along with me.      Charlie stopped me when we got close to the infirmary. She looked around as if she could see something I can't. I gave her a moment to collect her emotions. There are so many displayed on her features. She let out a squeal of delight and began to move towards the door. She let go of my hand and motioned me to follow. My chest tightened as I watched her barge into the room in complete bliss.      The moment my eyes landed on the Witch Queen, I knew it wasn't a lie. While Daegon has black hair, darker than any shade of black I've ever seen, I can see the similarities of her features in Charlie. She can be her mother. Even if I hate it, if she wants her girl back and Charlie wants to go with her, I wouldn't stand in her way.      "Don't look so grim," her voice echoed in my head. "I'd never take this little princess from you. She now belongs to you," Charlie sat on her lap and let the witch run her fingers through her loose curls. "Gorgeous isn't she?"      "She is," I nodded. Lady Sterling excused herself without saying a word.      "Come in, Lady Darius. I don't bite," her voice out loud holds power. More than Queen Millianne's.     "She does," Nymph laughed. I didn't see her sitting on the other side of the room. I smirked in her direction.      "This is the first time we meet but I feel like I've known you for a very long time," Daegon motioned me to sit across from her. I took a seat where she wanted me to. "I remember the first time you walked into the Magic Cauldron. You were twenty-eight. In your arms, you held one of my girls. A wolf had attacked her and you, the young lady that you were then, killed the wolf to save her with no regard for the consequences it could have brought to you had someone found out,"      "I don't remember seeing you there," I remember that night.      "It was the only time I was there while you were. I instructed Belize to employ you. I knew who you were the moment you stepped foot into one of my buildings. I never thanked you for all of my sisters that you saved from the teeth of Darkness,"      "You're welcome," I shrugged.      "Charliegh is of my blood. Daughter of one of my blood brothers. It's been a very long time since I've encountered a distant relative like this. I understand that she is displaying rare abilities,"     "Yes," I nodded.      "Let's take a look," she smiled. She raised her hand and before she could put it on Charlie I had Daegon by the wrist and Charlie behind me. Nymph stood up. "I assure you, I will not be hurting your baby. I just want to see what you're going to be working with,"      "Will it hurt her?" I asked.      "No more than it did when you walked through the door," she promised. I let her go and looked over at Charlie.      "Oops," she chuckled. I rubbed my face feeling frustrated and sat back down. Nymph came over to me and placed her hand on my shoulder trying to comfort me.      Daegon placed her hands on Charlie's head who is back on her lap. She looked around startled before she laughed looking back at Daegon. I shook my head. Charlie has the best reactions. All she cares about is not hurting. She just wants to laugh and spread her happiness to others. There are times when she's so child-like that I forget she's an adult.      "You are a very good girl, aren't you?" Daegon asked her. Charlie nodded and then laughed when Daegon materialized a red apple out of thin air.      "For me?" she asked.      "For you," Daegon confirmed. Charlie thanked her and sat on one of the cots as she ate the big red apple happily.      "You've seen into her mind," Daegon can't take her eyes off of her.      "Yes," I nodded.      "Your father was a very dangerous man. Feared not just by your own but all clans. Many of us talk about him as if he was the very shadows that hunt us in our worst nightmares," she turned her attention to me. "Yet, you worshipped the very ground he walked on. She did as well. You knew his love as she did. She had salvation at the hands of the man who seemed to know nothing other than killing. It's very strange to see what we fear through the eyes of someone who adored the darkness as you two do,"      "What is she?" I asked.      "A little girl in need of the love you have to offer her," she smiled. "If used often, her link to nature will only grow stronger. Don't be alarmed if she speaks to the plants around her. They will speak to her. Adore her as she does them. Her clairvoyant abilities will be limited to the hues she sees. They will grow strong enough to see the souls of the departed move on.      "Her empathy is strong. Stronger than anyone I've seen and Lady Sterling is known to be one the strongest empaths of Darkness. It's why she sees the hues. Why her personality is child-like. With that said, Charlie will have a very demanding appetite for all things. Your attention, violence, blood, s*x, food. She's a bit of glutton,"     "She is," I agreed feeling better.      "For someone who claims they aren't in touch with their maternal instincts, you sure do know how to act like a mother," she stood up and came over to me. Her soft lilac-shaded eyes are strong. I can't hold them. "You are a very prideful creature. I admire that in a woman. Not very many of your kind are. It's not their fault. What you and Milly are doing is for the best. I will continue to assist you and your people. I have informed her it's because of you. Because you exist and have loved my kind as you love your own. No other reason. Milly is kind of a savage and a brat,"      "She's a Queen,"      "I am a Queen and I do not act like a fifteen-year-old girl who isn't getting what she wants. She takes too much. More than she can ever return. You have my allegiance, Major General. You always will,"      "Then your allegiance will be to her. I answer to my Queen and her daughter when she takes her place,"      "Of course," she sighed heavily. "Don't let them destroy all of you, Ada. You can say no. That's an option,"      I flinched when she burst into golden butterflies. Charlie laughed as she followed them as they fluttered away. I stood up feeling a little dazed. My mind is trying to piece together what just happened. It feels like a dream. Nymph came over to me placing her hand on my waist. I looked down into her soft rose and smiled. I think being around witches has always felt unreal. The stronger they are, the stranger being around them gets.     "You okay? I know she's a lot to take in," she chuckled.      "Yeah," I nodded. I looked over at Charlie who is laying down playing with whatever it is she sees.      "You have white butterflies," she looked over at Nymph. "She has pretty gold ones,"      "What is she talking about?" I asked. Nymph laughed.      "Our hues are different to others of Darkness. While yours remains in your body, ours flutters around freely. Takes the shape of who we are. Most Kesem descendants take the shape of butterflies,"      "Is that your surname Noelle?" I asked. Her face flushed pink making the shades of her eyes stand out against her pristine skin.      "Yes, it is Adaleigh," she giggled. She excused herself, leaving Charlie and me alone.      "You are a flirt," Charlie accused me as she came over to me.     "You're one to talk. You have Helbourne wrapped around your finger,"      "Yeah," she giggled. "He's so pretty. He tastes so good. He feels so good,"      "Come on and don't talk like that in front of the General,"      "I know. And I thought papa was a hard ass," she scoffed. That's what she called my father.      "He was. If he found out what we've been up to. We'd be lashed," I laughed. "And slapped around. We'd probably have to arrest him like the other bad men we're going to arrest,"      "Unhand me you filthy cunts," she shouted trying to mock my dad. I burst into laughter when she turned around to face Armad and Helbourne. I covered my face unable to control my laughter.      "Oh my god," I choked out feeling tears slide down my face.      "I hate you right now, Ada," she complained, stomping her foot on the floor in a very bratty manner.      "I didn't do anything," I laughed even harder.      "Bye," she rushed off without looking back at us.      "What was that about?" Helbourne asked.      "My dad," I answered wiping my face.      "I'm done asking," he smiled. "I'll go get her,"      "Have fun," I nodded. She can be very stubborn.      "How did it go?" the General asked on a more serious note.     "Good," I smiled at him. "Daegon told me what I already knew. She just wanted to meet her. She looks just like her,"      "I didn't make the connection before but now that you mention it. I see it," he nodded.      "Do you think I'm a flirt?" I asked.      "No, at least not with me," he smiled. "Why?"      "Charlie called me a flirt when I made Nymph blush earlier,"      "I love when she's flustered. It makes her dark pink eyes stand out," he smirked. I smacked him on the stomach. "What?"      "It must be killing you that I had her first,"      "It is," he growled at me playfully. "I'm letting it slide because I'm going to have you both. Not even in my wildest dreams have I imagined that. I'll look for something I can repay you with,"      "For-getting you laid? Again," I laughed.      "The human was your idea. She was lovely but I had to hold back with her. They're breakable. I just went along for the ride,"      "Shut up," I elbowed him.      "I'm glad you're in better spirits. I was- am worried about you after what I did,"      "Pink," I smiled.      "Excuse me?"      "My favorite color is pink. It looks amazing against the jade in my eyes. It was the only color my mother liked to see me in,"      "Alright," he chuckled. "Pink,"      "I am going to see if Helbourne is having trouble with Charlie. She really embarrassed herself," I laughed.      "What was she doing?" he laughed. His face lit up like I've never seen before.      "She was mocking my dad. We were talking about what he would do to us if he found out about our little tumbles,"     "Tumbles?" he laughed. "He would have killed you two including Helbourne and myself,"      "Yes, he would have," I agreed. We both laughed.      "I have to run an errand for my mother. I'll be back later," he smacked my elbow before walking away.      I made my way up to my room. Charlie's door is open, before going into my room I pushed it open a little to see her on top of Helbourne completely nude as she describes what happened with Daegon while he bounced her up and down. I shut the door as quietly as possible and decided that I am actually going to stay in the Throne room for the rest of the night.      "You okay?" Alexander asked.      "What are you doing?" I asked needing to forget what I just witnessed. I shouldn't be surprised and I should also think before doing things like this.     "Going over the council tasks,"      "Need some help?" I sat down across from him.      "Sure," he pushed half the scrolls over to me. "Where is Charlie?"      "With Helbourne," I laughed unable to help myself. He sat back amused.      "Did you walk in on them?" he laughed.      "I did," I put my elbows on the table and covered my face.      "You know she doesn't shut up-right?"      "You slept with her?" I asked surprised.      "I didn't mean to and I regret it," he sighed.      "Alex-"      "I know," he stopped me. "It just feels filthy for me. I was all instinct as a human. I knew I was bound to die eventually but now that I'm this. Now that death has turned her back on me. I feel like chasing my vices around is kind of childish,"     "I see that," I nodded. "I've read about your life as a mortal. You were magnificent. You still are. Milly has a short girl complex,"      "A short girl complex?" he asked.      "Yes," I chuckled. "She thinks she can make up for what she lacks in height by belittling those bigger than her. You are the tallest man I have ever seen in my life. Your ego, by what I've read was bigger than hers and her mother's combined. The tiniest and most ruthless vampire in existence chose you for this because she knows how valuable you are. There will never be another Alexander the Great. Centuries will pass, millennia and you sir will be remembered as the greatest King to have ever lived. Millianne Duke will one day be overshadowed by a little girl named Edwardian Pierce. The Savior of Darkness and greatest Queen Darkness will ever know. Her tininess will never be able to take that from either of you,"
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