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    "These are communication beads," the General explained as he handed everyone a black pearl. "You put it in your ear and your cadre can hear you. There is no way of making it stop so mind what you say. It was a gift from Daegon. A gift for our esteemed Major General. Thank her,"      "No need," I waved them off. "To business. I know what you're all expecting and it feels a little off because these are your comrades. Your brothers. Men we all look up to and hope to be when it comes to our virtues on the battlefield," they all nodded. "It's difficult to consider that what we are about to do is the right thing. We also have to think about the children. The women.      "They may not be heroes or laying their lives on the line the way men typically do. However, without females, we wouldn't have our heroes. Without them, we wouldn't be here. With that said, this task doesn't just implicate the men. Like me, we have women who are born stronger than some men.      "Their will is the same as their fathers and there are men who aren't warriors like you. This is for them as well. Remember, we all have our battles and it's easy to make fun of the man who became a healer. The man who prioritizes their children to the war in their veins. We need more men like that if we're going to survive. Women who use their power and their bond to subdue their men will be given the same treatment as the men. We're going for equality in our society's behavior. Equity in the needs of the people. No one is an exception to any law simply because of what's between their legs. Let's make our Queen proud,"      They all took a knee and roared to show they understand what they have to do. There are women on the list. Not as much as there are men but there are women who have done unspeakable things to their males and their children. They will be shown no mercy. I'll make sure of that.      The General bowed to me as he heads out with his cadre. Alexander and Helbourne walked over to me with our cadre. There are two hundred and sixteen men at my disposal. If I divide them into teams of four we can move in up to fifty-four targets at once. I moved between them and had them gather around me.      "For those of you who aren't familiar with me yet, my name is Adaliegh Darius. I am Major General One in the Queen's armada. Thank you all for being here," I rolled out the map Alexander handed me before we started the briefing and pinned it up on the wall behind me. "Before I start barking out orders, do any of you have any questions for me?"      "Is it true that you're the heir to the Dragon throne?" someone asked with his hand in their air.      "It is," I chuckled. Not what I expected.      "Is it true that you blooded your first former in the camps?" someone else asked.      "Partially. My father blooded her. I just took over as her master. She's right here. Charlie,"      "Hi," Charlie waved at them excitedly. They all chuckled.      "Are the rumors true? You f****d Amiri with plants for disrespecting the General's mother?"      "Yes, but not for that reason," I took a deep breath and let it out slowly. "That fucker had it coming,"      "Yeah," they all growled. I smiled at them.      "Anything else?" I asked.      "How old are you?" someone asked.      "One hundred and seven. Eight in a couple of months," I shrugged.      "You're a baby," someone mused. "Amazing,"      "Alright," the prince interrupted. He's smiling. "Major General,"      I took a quill from Charlie and my ink bottles. I began to write my plans out on the map as she set up my totems on the side of the map. Lady Sterling gave these to me. They're little butterflies sitting on a platform made out of clay and painted pink. Each one has a number on a wing and they have a sticky substance on the bottom that sticks to anything. Once I was done, I looked everything over to make sure I got it right. The General told me that they do better with a visual than me just telling them. They're soldiers, not scholars. I took offense to it but he assured me that I'd thank him later.      "Okay, this is the center of the city. I know a lot of you are from here and you know the layout better than I ever will. So, I want those of you who do to step to the right. Those of you who aren't, step to the left," they divided up. Roughly half. "Perfect. There are two hundred and sixteen of you aside from my personal cadre. I want you all to break off into cadres of four. I want at least one Aleksandrian in each cadre. The one with the most experience step to the front of your cadre,"      "We don't have all night, boys," Helbourne growled. They did as asked. I handed him the captain badges. He went around handing them to the cadre leaders.      "These are your captains," I informed them. They stood up straighter. "General Sterling is starting on the outskirts here," I pointed out. "It's why he has more men. More ground to cover. We will all be meeting in the plaza before dawn. The night of. If you have all your targets get to the plaza. Don't look around for anything else. This is the objective.      "I split you up into cadres of four. Take your target down. You will be placing this on them," I held up the silver pendants the General handed us. I have a few extra for demonstration. "You place the pendant on any part of your target's skin and press the gem. They will be instantly transferred to the cell belonging to the pendant's origin,"      "How do we know this will work?" someone asked. Alexander handed me a pig's leg. I placed the pendant on it and tapped the gem. It disappeared. It caught their attention.      "Nymph created these herself. I assure you that they'll work. It will only work when placed on the skin. So, try not to get the back of the pendant on you when you're using it or you will end up in a cell with one of these men. It can only take one person so even if they are holding onto you. You'll be clear. I shouldn't have to remind you who we're going up against.      "This is not a negotiation. You go in you place your pendant you get out. They will fight back which is why I broke you up into cadres of four. Look out for females and children who will try to stop you from taking their mates and fathers. To some of them, they are all they have. I know this is not your first raid, I just want to be through. Any questions?" no one said a word. "Alright, here are your targets," Helbourne handed them a scroll bundle with numbers on them. "On your scrolls, there is a number. The number is matched to your location on the map. Find it. This is where your targets are. There is a sketch of each target on there, memorize these faces. Captains, find the totem with your number on it and place them in your location now,"      "This is so organized," Alexander commented. "Where the f**k were you when we were fighting the incubi?"      "Not born yet," I smirked.      "Baby," he scoffed. All the totems are on the map.      "Perfect. You have the rest of the week to scout your locations. I know you all have your way of doing things as individuals. However, this is not a battlefield. This is our home and we need to take care of it. If you have any questions, I will be right here every night until the night of the raids. Work as a team. The men in your cadre are now your brothers. Protect one another. This is a confidential stealth order. Not a single word outside of this room,"      "Are you going to be scouting as well?" one of the captains asked. "I'm asking because I'd like to shadow you,"  The others looked around like they wish they had thought of it first.      "I will and I appreciate the offer. However, I will be scouting the areas during the day. I will be placing markers on the homes of your targets so you know you're in the right place. The marker will be on the top of the doorway. It'll be a white triangle,"      "During the day?" someone asked concerned.      "The flame of the dragon draws her strength from the sun. From heat to be exact, so she won't just be out there scouting. She's preparing for what is to come. Nymph will be out there with her. There is no need for you all to be worried," Helbourne reassured them.      "You are dismissed," I nodded at them. They all gathered around the map. They're talking among their teams. I can hear them forming strategies and commenting on how precise everything was covered.      "You have that entire map memorized already, don't you?" Helbourne asked.      "Yes," I answered. "And their scrolls. I paid special attention to ours,"      "You used to run for the witches," Alexander came over to me. Charlie is looking over the faces of our targets while eating grapes. She's laying on her belly swinging her legs back and forth. I'm going to kick her if she starts humming.      "I did," I looked over at him and smiled.      "No wonder Daegon is taking care of you. They hate Sterling,"      "Of course they do, he's an ass hole," I laughed. Charlie chuckled.      "That took a lot less time than I expected it to," Helbourne mused. "Have you been working on what I asked you to?"      "Yes, have you been working on what I asked you to?" I asked.      "Yes," he held up his scroll.      "Why don't you go check on the General?" Alexander offered. "We've got it here for now. He's still on edge,"      "Sure," I nodded.      The General has a very interesting way of handling things. He has more men and he's a lot more familiar with their work since he's been doing this for a long time. He has teams of two, and while I divided all my men, he lined them up to create a perimeter around the entire area. If his targets try to run the only way to go is towards the center. There is going to be a lot of property damage.      "Did you need something?" he asked when he released his men.      "No, sir. I'm just checking in,"      "You're done?" he asked.      "Yeah, you were right. They liked the visuals,"      "Good," he nodded. "What do you think?"      "I think it's going to scare a lot of people," I chuckled.     "Good," he nodded. "Let's see what you're working with,"      We walked over to the throne room and I showed him the map. He looked at me when he saw the butterflies and shook his head. He looked over at me questioningly once he was done reading it. My men are gone, probably getting an early start on their tasks. We're covering the entire area with no room for escape and since they are working in teams, it means fewer casualties for us and them.      "What do you think?" I asked.      "I think maybe I should work with your planning more often," he smirked. "Consider me impressed. However, the point is to scare them,"      "Right, not destroy their homes. I'm going to reshape their minds, General. Kill some of them in front of everyone. Not to mention that they're not being arrested and put into transfer carts. They're being teleported with witch magic and we're doing this overnight. Trust me, they're going to be scared shitless by the time we rendezvous here," I tapped the center of the map.       "Could have used you in our fight with the Incubi," he murmured.      "That's what I said," Alexander laughed. "She has a gift,"      "Clean sweep. Next time, we'll compare notes," he smirked.      "If it works the way I want it to," I agreed.      "If," they both nodded. "It's always different once we're out there,"      Being outside during the day after everything that's happened is a relief. I can walk around freely without anyone looking over at me curiously. Aleksander is beautiful. It's nothing like the Heart of Darkness. While H.D houses the best of us, this place houses the diversity of what Darkness really is. There are angels walking around. A succubus here and there. Witches. Humans.      I wish the others had this gift so that I can share this with them but so far, I've proven to be the only one. I've been noticing some changes with me. The markings on my arms are spreading and are almost to my elbows. Once they get to my elbow joints, I'll enter the next stage of my abilities. The color of my flame will be different. A shade closer to the potential it's supposed to be. I have my heart set on green but any color is welcome.      "You like being alone," Nymph finally caught up. I've marked about two-thirds of the houses I need today. It's close to dawn and I want to get some sleep.      "Don't you?" I asked looking over at her.      "No," she answered and handed me a scroll.      "What's this?"      "You former's origin," she answered. I opened it to see a family tree. I stopped looking up at her.      "You're kidding," I laughed.      "No, her majesty is on her way here to meet the girl. Daegon's bloodline is special. You are favored by our kind. You've saved lots of my sisters in the Heart of Darkness. Given to so much while we have given you so little," she bowed. She stepped into me placing her hands on my hips. She pulled me in and pressed her lips to mine. "Too little and personally, I'd like nothing more than to show you how grateful we are,"      "Not in the middle of the street," I laughed. She tastes like fresh strawberries. Her plump lips are soft with a hint of something electric. Her magic, maybe?     "Where ever you want, all you have to do is ask," she winked and began to walk ahead of me.      "Wow," I looked to my right to see an Incubus with a smile on his face standing to my right.      "Took the word right out of my mouth," I laughed. He smiled.      "I would have taken her now," he admitted. I looked down at the bulge in his pants.      "I believe you," I pointed it out. He covered himself and turned away.      "Forgive me, Major General," he laughed.      "This never happened," I mused.      "Thank you," he cleared his throat and walked away.     I began to walk back to the castle with a smile on my face. Nymph is one the most beautiful women I have ever met. I've heard rumors about her slapping the compliments out of people's mouths. Everyone respects and adores her. Which is why I never hit on her. She's Daegon's, the Witch Queen's, ward and is probably excruciatingly strong like Daegon herself.      "She tastes like strawberries," I touched my lips. Her magic is still buzzing on my lips.      "Who does?" I looked up to see the King at the entrance of the castle. I bowed formally, snapping back to reality. "You look great for someone who just gave up their virtue,"      "It's a matter of perspective," I shrugged. "I feel like I gained more than I lost,"      "Your confidence is amazing," he motioned me to follow him. I laughed and followed him inside. "You're getting stronger, Adaleigh. I can feel it in your soul. I'm happy about this. Milly told me what happened. What you are doing for us is-"      "I don't mind," I reassured him when paused. "A step forward for me is a leap forward for our people. The General will become the King and she will need him to guide her. There's a lot more at stake here than something as stupid as a virtue,"      "I can feel the loss in you, my dear," he stopped us and reached for the spot where the General marked me. No one will know it was him. At least, no one outside of us. "You respond to pain in a pleasurable manner. It's a trait passed on from Blood Hound to Blood Hound. Did you know that?"      "No, sir,"      "My people aren't as ravenous as yours. Milly scares the hell out of me at times," we both chuckled. "She does things that make question my sanity but I can't live without her or her insane perspective,"      "She's actually not at all what I expected her to be," I admitted.      "You're right, many expect her to be a monster after everything she's done. Like you, she's just a girl who had to become a woman far too young. I see it in the way she is with our children and those she cares about. I have a question,"      "I'm all ears," I nodded.      "How did you get Alexander to sober up?" he asked. I laughed.     "I didn't. We owe Charliegh for that. I think it's a competition for the two of them. For all of us. Since the General found out that I am still developing he's stepped up his training methods. We're working on the development of his flame. I honestly have no clue about his frost but I think we can add it into our training with Helbourne,"      "You're both training with Helbourne now?" he asked amused.      "Yes, sir," I nodded. He laughed.      "Competition," he nodded. "Yes, that sounds like them,"      "Was there something you wanted?" I asked.      "You are becoming quite the commodity among the houses. The witches are in love with you. My house is starting to ask about your conquests. The females of your own home are proud to be part of your race. With that said, I want you to be very careful. Jealousy can often lead anyone of us to do something stupid," he unclipped the belt around his torso and pulled a sword off his back. "This is for you,"      "Sir?" I asked looking it over. I know what it is and it's not something his house grants too often.     "My people are often pacifists. I know exactly what vampires think of that,"      "I know enough about your people to know that you're excruciatingly dangerous," I smiled.      I remember the first time I had to chase a succubus down. The way she fed on me was intense and an amazing way to die. Had I not been as well-fed as I was, she would have killed me and I would have died with a smile on my face.      "Correct," he smiled. "This is a Paramerion forged by my own essence. Carry it with you so that my people know you are welcome in my home. It's a top-tier weapon of war as well. If you need maintenance, there are a few places here in Aleksander that can help you,"      "I don't know what to say. I'm honored," I took it.      "It's not enough," he shook his head. He placed his hand on my shoulder and excused himself.      I looked down at the sword and sighed. Guilt is a strange emotion, isn't it? You f**k one future King and the world acts like you've committed the greatest sacrifice ever known. I laughed as I went up to my room.   Finally, in bed, I pulled the sword out to see that they used Darknessian steel. The most beautiful steel known to exist. Steel created to cut down an incubus in one sweep, by the creator himself. So they say. It works on vampires, demons, and werewolves. Anyone who rejects the power of God. Father, I know this is not what you expected of me, but I am having the time of my life. 
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