Twenty- Two

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    Ash and Ana are sitting across from me expectantly. They both asked me a series of questions. I'm trying to find a way to answer all of them without sounding like a total i***t. They have every right to know what's going on with me. It's not like I can hide the thing in my chest until I get my abilities under control and I have to make sure I know exactly what I'm doing because this is going to be happening to Ash in a few years. It won't be the same but it's going to happen to her regardless of what any of us might think or want.      "First question. Yes, I did grow in height and everything else. Yes, it did hurt and I am having trouble getting myself in order. Second question. Ana, you don't have elemental power, and thank the moon for that. I'm not sure how this will affect you Ash, but we have a few years to figure it out.      "Third. Yes, I am here to convince you to move to Aleksander with me. The upsides are, we're finally going to be living together again. You don't have to be going through the portal anymore. I know that freaks you out, Ana. You get to be the first female coven leaders we've ever had. I can't be the Marchioness, Major General, and coven leader at once. I know that's not an upside for you but I could really use your help with this one thing. Also, I need you guys with me because I'm being targetted and I don't need anyone holding you over my head while I'm literally on the other side of the world,"      "Stop," Ash put her hand up. I sat back. "We know. I've killed two intruders already,"      "I didn't know that. Why haven't you told me?"      "We were told you were dead," Ana raised her hand. "While you were gone, we decided to move to Aleksander on behalf of the coven. We're relocating in the morning. Ash was actually going to check out your transition site to see if you were really dead,"      "Oh," I nodded. "You could have said that before I made an ass out of myself,"      "We thought you were dead," Ash sighed. "I also wanted to see how dumb you could make yourself look before we gave you the news."      "You're getting a reputation, Ada. Not a good one," Ana began to scold.     "The General, Nymph, that human, Charlie, now that succubus," Ash continued.      "That human was virgin and she's dead now. Nymph, that's never going to bother me. The General, well, he's not mine it doesn't concern anyone. What we do is private. I've never touched Charlie inappropriately. I bit her once the night I blooded her. That succubus was not a thing. She just wanted to feed on me and I needed a break from this new surge of power. I hadn't slept in days despite the wolves,"      "You're fighting wolves?" Ana asked worriedly.      "Yeah, some of the aristocrats aren't too happy about the Queen's reformation and they're getting the wolves to try and get to her,"      "All I'm hearing is you're in deep with the higher-ups and you're trying to cover all our asses in case you die,"      "Good, that's what I'm saying," I smiled at them. "Why haven't you two gone to Aleksander?"      "Ash?" Ana smirked at her.      "What's going on?" I asked.      "Do you remember a couple of weeks after dad died and we lost everything? The coven expected you to make your way back here no matter how long it took. That is the fate of the firstborn," she began.     "Right," I nodded.      "It took you four hours to put a roof over our heads. The next day, we all had coffins. Within a week, you were deep inside the Witch brothels. There was an Incubus. A Duke. You had to chase him out of the main street because he would kill those he would feed on. As the only daywalker, you were able to track him during the day in order to find where he would take the witches at night,"      "Where are you going with this?" I asked.      "There's a succubus. Not the one that was here with you. She goes by the name Malevia. She works for the King. Her father is that man,"      "And she's close to the Queen?" I asked remembering the succubus outside of the princess's room the day she killed those bounty hunters outside of my home. She nodded. "Do you think there's something going on with them?"      "I'm not sure, but I think there is. You taught me to never rule out the possibility and if you meet this woman, you'll know I'm right,"      "Alright, you finish getting ready here and I'll pay her majesty a visit," I offered. The two of them agreed. I walked out of the house to see the witches are already here to move the manor out. They bowed to me as I stepped out of the gate.      "That was fast," Up ahead the General and Alex are walking my way.      "What are you two doing here?" I asked.      "Things aren't as fun when you're not around," Alex shrugged.      "Where are you off to?" the General asked.      "You should go inside, Alex. I'm going to see the Queen,"      "f**k you," he sighed and walked through the gate. The General and I headed over to Duke Mountain.      The people are watching us. Ana and Ash were right, rumors are running crazy and it's annoying. They're all looking at us with respect but their mouths say something different. It's not so much me they're talking about, it's him. The Sterlings are warriors. They've killed their way into what they are, whereas, I was born into my status. From the very beginning, that Darius clan has been part of the royal allegiance, and them thinking I'm sleeping with someone like the General is cause for a Darknessian Scandal. Little do they know who the man walking ahead of me really is.      "Don't pay them any mind," he glanced back at me. I laughed.      "Me? I'm having a great time," I reassured him.      "What are we going to see tiny for?"      "Ash thinks there's foul play in the castle. Remember the succubus I told you gave me a bad feeling? The servant?"      "Yes,"      "Ash told me who she is. A few years ago, I caught her father selling out young witches to the elders. Since I wasn't allowed to kill him then, I ran him out of town. He's a crook,"      "And you think because she's his daughter she's up to something?" he asked.      "Ash is young but she knows what she's doing. She has good instincts. I trust her judgment,"      "Alright,"      The two of us made it up the castle. The front doors were open already. We looked at one another and made our way inside quietly. The sound of an infant's cry came from the library room where we usually meet with the queen. I stepped through first to see the succubus standing in front of the Queen's desk with the infant in her arms. She's bouncing her trying to get her to stop crying while the Queen is trying to get through the scrolls in front of her. The General cleared his throat catching their attention.      "It's cold in here," I informed her. I walked over to the succubus and took the princess from her. Her eyes stayed on me for a bit before she walked away. The princess immediately stopped crying and nestled in the warmth of my skin.      "Armad, Ada," the Queen greeted us. She waved us closer to her. I tucked the princess closed and took a seat. The General came over to me and smiled at her before tucking a strand of hair into the bundle of blankets she's in. "Interesting,"      "We're not here without reason, my Queen," I bowed my head. "You might want to warm your home until her affinity comes in,"      "Thank you, Ada. I never had this problem with the twins. They were always together. They kept one another warm. Kathy is a little different,"      "Not a bad thing. She'll be fine," I promised. I got up going around the room, lighting the fireplace and the candles. The lighting gives the room a very vibrant emotion. The smell of old pages and leather has always been my favorite and with the heat thickening the scent, it's hard not to think about my father.      "What can I help you two with? I thought you were all in mourning,"     "We are. I was taking the opportunity to help my sisters to Aleksander,"      "Your sisters," she smiled when I took a seat again. The room is a lot warmer now and the princess is calm enough for some sleep. I crossed my leg over my thigh and set her down on it so she can stretch a bit. "Ash had been coming around more often when you disappeared,"      "Yes, I know. She would have taken my place had I died during the transition,"     "I see, but I would have had a hard time replacing you just like that," she sighed. I smiled at her as I gently began to bounce my leg up and down to rock the princess to sleep.      "Ash told me a few things I feel I have to warn you about,"      "Please, tell," she encouraged me to continue.      "Malevia," I answered. She sat up straight.      "What about her?" she asked. She's going on the defense. I can see it in her eyes.      "I know this is hard to believe, especially because of her status and I assure you it has nothing to do with her position," I looked back at Armad who shut the doors behind us. Ice froze the door shut so no one on the other side could listen.      "I assure you, Ada. Mal is a good girl. Her father was killed twenty years ago. The King has taken her under his wing. She's a scribe,"      "I can assure you her father is not dead, my queen," I scoffed. This caught her attention. "Her father relocated to the Southern region of the fang. I know this because I put him there twelve years ago. He was here in the main streets selling out underaged witches,"      "You're one hundred percent sure he's her father?" she asked.      "You have my word and both of my sisters. That woman isn't here by coincidence. I advise you to keep a close eye on her. If you like, I can have Ash locate her father for you,"      "Ada, do you really think I'd let someone like her get the better of me?"      "That's not it at all, Lady Millianne. I know exactly who you are, my Queen, and I swear I mean no disrespect. I don't like her. I don't like her near you and I sure as f**k don't want her near the princesses or the prince. Much less my king. This woman is a threat. I feel it. I felt it the moment I first laid eyes on her and things are worse now that I'm not the only one wary of her. Let me bring proof. If I am wrong I will apologize and I will never bring it up again,"      "It's strange to see you so worked up about something. I see it in your eyes, Ada. Very well. Show me and I will personally allow you to remove her from here," she agreed. I smiled looking down at the princess.      "Thank you, my Queen. I will be back as soon as I can,"      "Armad, I'd like for you to restart your former army. You have my condolence on your losses. I apologize for what happened outside Aleksander. You will be compensated for your troubles. You both will,"      "I've never said this to you, Milly," the General sighed. "But you can go f**k yourself and your compensation. I told you not to do this s**t when the other houses started pulling out but as usual, you acted without thinking and I had to pay for it. Had it not been for Ada, I'd be dead. Your son would be dead. Alex asked me to pass this message on to you. I hope you f*****g rot from the inside out, you crazy b***h,"      I reached for the door with my heat and melted away the ice. He pulled it open and left. I looked down at the tiny sleeping princess. She looks just like her father. The dark hair, the pretty shade of pink in her cheeks. This little one is gorgeous.      "You like kids," she broke the silence.      "I do," I nodded. "I adore them. Especially when they're small like this. I'll never forget what it was like to hold my brother for the first time. Or my sisters,"      I got up and placed my hand in the baby's bassinet to warm the spot I'm going to set her down in. I placed her in the warmth letting the blankets open up so she's not swaddled in them. Her tiny arms immediately stretched upward and her tiny legs spread open as she stretched. We both snickered at how cute she is.      "Do you ever think of making some of your own?"      "I am way too young for this. I dream about war. I love what I do and there's no place for a baby in that right now. I can wait for my mate to come along and change my mind,"      "I love you," she laughed placing her small hand on my forearm. "You always speak what's on your mind. Thank you for looking out for me and my children. I will keep an out for it. Rest easy,"      "My Queen," I bowed formally and turned to leave.      Armad was waiting for me at the bottom of the mountain. I laughed when I caught up with him. He looks pissed off more than he usually does. It happens every time he's near Princess Edwardian. My sisters have Alex eating out of the palm of their hands. He's eating and has an endless stream of cognac at his disposal. He's telling war stories and my sisters are indulging him. It's funny. He has no idea that they're prepping him for a bite. Male vampires from other regions have no idea that they come here to the city to be sacrificed to the unquenchable thirst of females like us.      "You guys aren't allowed to bite him," I warned. His eyes shot to me. "You are not ready to be alone with any woman from the Heart of Darkness you spoiled giant man,"      "They're being nice to me so they can feed on me?" he asked.      "That's what formers here are usually for. Their blood is as strong as an elder's. This one belongs to the Queen and he's spoken for,"      "Awe," my sisters complained losing interest.      "They're definitely your sisters," he scoffed finishing his glass. "This is liquid fire,"      "It's one of the many things the Darius clan is known for. Cognac and Brandy," the General served himself a glass and took a seat. Ash appeared in the kitchen doorway with her eyes on me.      "You can't kill him. I want him alive," I nodded. She smiled taking a deep breath before laughing.      "Yes, f**k that guy. Peace," she flipped me off as she disappeared out the front door.      "What was that?" Alex asked.      "Personal business for the queen,"      "And you think your sister is prepared for it?"      "You are in need of a new teacher. Ash will be taking Charlie's place. The General and I will be heading out for the blooding of new formers," I cleared my throat. "Charlie is coming with us,"      "You're serious?" he looked between us.      "Orders of her majesty," he confirmed. "We need numbers now more than ever,"      "Did you give her my message?" Alex grinned.     "I did. She loved it. It was a heartfelt moment, my brother," the General raised his glass sarcastically.      "What do you see in this man?" Alex looked at me.      "That," I laughed.      "I forget. Peas in a f*****g pod," he slammed the drink back and got up. "I am going home. I feel used here,"      "Welcome to the Heart of Darkness," I nodded.      "f*****g vampires," he mumbled as he walked out.      "What are we doing here, Ada?" the General asked when we were finally alone.      "Let's go for a walk," I motioned him to follow.      "What are we looking for?"      "An acquaintance of mine ask me for a favor. She wanted my blood for an illegal ritual. If I just tell Daegon she's going to tell me witches will be witches but this is different. Morgana is the kind of witch that does things out of desperation. She knows she f****d up just by asking me but she didn't have a choice,"      "You have a lot to lose by getting tangled up in some bullshit like this with the witches," he reminded me.      "Which is why you're here oh favorite of the Queen," I smirked.      "The redhead?" he asked looking over at the tavern. The scent is faint, she's been here a while. He might be blocking it out since I told him we were going to see the queen.      "That's the one. Follow her. I'll see what I can get here," I stepped down to go inside. He grabbed a fist full of my hair and pulled me back to him. His lips are on my neck.      "You don't bear my mark anymore but if you let some ass hole bite you here, I'll kill him and hurt you," he warned.      "Here I thought we were past this,"      "I thought you were dead. Don't f**k with me, Adaleigh," he growled and let go. I watched him go after Morgana.      I laughed knowing that he's only acting that way because he probably caught onto the princess's scent without knowing and if he knows, he's choosing to ignore it more than he usually does. There's going to be a point where he won't come to this side anymore. I followed the scent inside to see her sitting in one of the private booths in the back. I walked past everyone and went straight for her. Her eyes went wide when she saw me take a seat.      "Are you here to take me back?" she asked taking the blood goblet from the table. Tiny f*****g monster. I love her.      "You see that man with the red band on his arm?" I asked. She nodded. "Those are blood w****s. Never feed on them. It'll make you sick. Stick to the newcomers. Redheads have the strongest magic. Thick blood. A couple of mouthfuls and you're good for a few days. Even at your age. Give into it unapologetically. Once they know what you are, they're going to open their mouth and you're not going to like what comes out of it,"      "You mean how they speak of the General?" she asked. I looked down at her and nodded.      "His blood may be pure but it'll never be what mine is. What yours is. You have to remember that in our world, blood means everything. Life and power. Without it, we'd die. It doesn't matter what they think, Edwardian. In the end, we are who we are. You can kill every single one of them in this room without breaking a sweat. Remember that they live because you allow it. Even if they forget sometimes, you won't,"      "Is it easy being what you are?" she cleared her throat.      "I have a target on my back, princess. The world I am protecting is jealous of my power and would rather see me dead. Being a vampire is never easy. High born, purebloods, aristocrats, hybrids. It's all the same. We're all just animals,"      "Show me your power," she ordered. I smiled at her. "Please, just a little bit,"      Can't exactly say no to a face like that. My eyes scanned the crowd as I synced my abilities to the minds around me. The scent caught my attention before his mind linked to mine. I growled opening my eyes to lure him to us. He stood up from the table he's sitting at and made his way over to us. As soon as she caught his scent I knew it was over for him. He slid into the seat next to her. I motioned her to go on.      She looks different from the last time we saw each other. Her hair is silver now. Her skin is a beautiful caramel shade. That probably means that the prince is far enough for their vampiric connection to be weak. This is what she would look like if she were just a succubus. Her father's little monster. Her silver hair, she gets from her mother.      Edwardian's fangs elongated as she stood upon the chair. Her skin is taking a light pink shade as her succubus abilities manifest. All eyes on are us as she viciously attacks the prey I provided for her. The smell of his fear and arousal swirled in the air. The other formers are willingly going to give her whatever she wants now. The witches know who she is and if she plays her cards right, she can have these hags eating out of her hands just like I had.      "Ada," Percy, Morgana's son sat next to me watching as she devoured the former. "Working for real money?"      "You know me," I turned my attention to him to give the princess a bit of privacy.      Edwardian killed him. Kicked his body off the chair done with the entire thing. She let out a cute little growl as her hair darkened and her skin turned a crimson bright red. Her coat is keeping her wings hidden. I pulled it off so she can stretch properly. She is insanely adorable for something as vicious as she is. Her glowing red eyes turned to look at me.      "Princess, this Percy. Percy, this is Edwardian Duke. The next Queen. She's not looking for work but she is looking for some fun. Take care of her for me. Show her the ropes. She's going to bring another little girl with her. Ava. She's Armad's little sister. If anything happens to them, the General will be back and he will burn this entire place to the ground with everyone in it and I won't lift a finger to stop it. Got it?"      "Loud and clear," he nodded.      "Edwardian, you need to learn how the people here work. Your studies as a princess are important but studying your people is of equal value. You help them and they will always help you. I know it's boring in your house now that your sister is here. Try to make good use of your time away from home,"      "Okay," she dropped down onto the chair. I placed two gold coins on the table. I kissed the top of her head and got up. Percy motioned me to follow.      "You sure you want her around us?" he asked when we got to his study. His room isn't the mess his mother's room is.      "I rather she learns how things work out here than for it to catch her by surprise. She's going to the camps in a few years. This should give her a swindling advantage to get out early. Your mother. What is she working on?"      "f**k," he groaned going for the cigar box on his desk. I pressed my finger to the end of it lighting it for him. His eyes met mine, he knew it was a mistake but I doubt it matters right now. He's in trouble. They both are.      "Tell me," I ordered. He looked down letting out a puff of smoke before taking a seat. I pushed the order in his head making him groan in pain.      "I'm going to," he panted. I pulled back without letting him go. "There's a demon named Uriel from the far east. He's dealing in hexes. They lure humans in and they buy their souls. Six-year contracts in exchange for whatever they please. Except they collect weeks after the deal is made. The souls are being harvested for the summoning of a knight of hell. I don't know which one. They need pure elemental blood to finish the ritual,"      "The knights of hell are in hell for a reason. If word gets out to Lucifer he's going to f**k anyone involved,"      "It's too late to back out," he ashed his cigar. "The sharks are here to collect and if we don't pay up. Lucifer is going to be the least of our problems,"      "You have a name?"      "I have a location," he wrote it down for me. I looked at the coordinates and growled.       "Witch Island?" I glared at him.      "Yeah, all the way up to the top, Dragon Flame," he nodded. "Get out of here, Ada. You should stop pretending you're some kind of savior," he puffed out. "That s**t is going to get you killed, kid," 
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