
3194 Words
    Mourning is the least depressing thing vampires can do for their fallen comrades. Festivities all around, orgies, blood feasts. It's an escape from reality. I, however, don't like to partake in things I can get when I'm fine. What I need now is silence. Sitting at the top of the castle with Alex next to me and a massive vase filled with wine between us is perfect.      "You ever think about just walking away and starting over among humans?" he asked. I laughed looking down at my chalice.      "Never, guide me through it,"      "I mean we would be free. No masters. no mates, no war, nothing. Just the clothes on our back. The strength in our hearts and the long stretch of time,"      "Hmm," I smiled at him. "You love the war as much as you hate Millianne,"      "I don't hate her. Not anymore. I haven't for a while. It's just easier this way. I don't need her in my face all the time. I like it here. It's my home. If I accepted her the way she wants me to. She'd take me with her and do you know what's on that side of the world?"      "What?"      "Nothing. The new world is being built and she's on the side that doesn't even allow slaves,"      "You're an ass," I rolled my eyes. "What do you want slaves for? We have people in need of jobs. People who like taking care of others. I can't imagine anyone wanting to scrub my t**s for free unless I was sleeping with them. It's gross. We should pay extra for it,"      "They love that s**t. I'd scrub your f*****g t**s for you. You know if they weren't as big as they are. You can beat a human to death with those things, now," he laughed.      "It would be a happy death," I smirked. I hate his exaggeration.      "What the hell are you doing up here, Ada? This is your time to shine. All the females and the males are ripe for the picking. I've been hard since this started two days ago,"      "Ugh," I shook my head. "I don't like touching s**t that's been previously touched minutes before it got to me. I like a clean body. The pure ones taste better actually,"      "Are men just not enough for you?" he asked.      "It's not about the men or the women. I can have whatever I want. s*x is never about s*x. It's about power. Knowing that I can have whatever I want whenever I want is the fulfillment. Whether it be a man or a woman,"      "That's why you're into Sterling. It was his power over you when it started so you hated it. Now you can have him when you please and that does it for you. I think we're going to be great friends one day,"      "We're not now? We were just talking about your boner," I laughed.      "We're friends but we still don't know what we want from one another,"      "We're no longer talking about your boner right because I am not okay with the direction we're going in,"      "No," he laughed. "You're too big. I like a little vulnerability in my women. I'd like to be able to put a whole breast in my mouth not suffocate on one,"      "Enough with the breast jokes. I get it they're big," I laughed.      "What the f**k are you two doing up here?" We looked over towards the direction of the balcony we used to climb up here to see the general pull himself up to get to us.      "Talking about Ada's massive breasts," we all laughed.      "Nice," he sat down next to me. I offered him my cup. "It got a little crowded inside. Charlie has everyone eating out of leaves she grew out of the ground and has everyone's attention,"      "She deserves it," I nodded.      "Aye," they both raised their cups.      "This is over tonight, right? I don't think I can take another night of this s**t,"      "Six days of grief," the General sighed. "Aleksandrian tradition,"      "We have four more days of this s**t?" I groaned. "Alright, I am going home,"      "Darius manor home?" Alex asked.      "Yeah, I am going to convince my sisters to come over here. Most of the coven members have agreed. Some have already made the move,"      "Yes, the open field for your coven is filling up quickly," Alex agreed.      "Why aren't you with your coven now?" the General asked.      "Because they're doing the same s**t there. Except there it's nastier. We're going to have a flood of new purebred younglings in the next year,"      "I'll drink to that," Alex raised his chalice.      "I will see you guys in a few days,"      "Are you taking Charlie?" the General asked as I walked in the direction of the portals.      "No, she's your responsibility until I get back,"      "f**k," he called back. I stepped to the edge and looked down. "You're going to jump?"      "I am,"      "You can hurt yourself. We're really high up,"      "Suck my ass," I murmured under my breath. I jumped down. As I got close to the ground I released some steam, stopping my legs from breaking, and landed perfectly on my feet.      "That was great," Alex called from the top. The two of them are clapping their hands. "When did you learn how to do that?"      I bit my thumb making them both laugh obnoxiously as I made my way to the portal. I walked through and was met with the darkness of the barrier but I can feel that it's daylight outside. It's been a long time since I've walked through the main street. The witches are lively in the mornings. I was greeted like an old friend when I walked through the bleeding den doors.      "You look stressed out, Adaleigh. Becoming the Marchioness of Aleksander too much for you?" I turned around to see Morgana standing at the top of the stairs.      "Didn't you hear? I just lost half my armada,"      "We did. It wasn't your fault. The Queen has fits all the time," she got to the bottom of the stairs and raised her hand. My body levitated a couple of inches off the floor and slowly moved towards her before she set me down.      "Classic," I smirked.      "You're really growing out there," she looked down at my breasts. She undid the buttons of my top to reveal how pressed down my breasts are with this corset. "You're not a youngling anymore, Dragoness. What can I help you with?"      "I need a dragon scale," I answered.      "Hm," she nodded and motioned me to follow her. I slowed my steps to stay with her as I buttoned my top. "Are they changing color yet?"      "Yes," I nodded. "But I can't control them when they do. It's too hot,"      "Malting level for now?"      "Yes," I sighed. She began to rummage through the mess her workstation is. It's not exactly messy, it's just that she has so much in here that it looks like a mess.      "Aha," she pulled a box out from under a massive stack of books. "I know you have the money for his, that's not what I want,"      "I'm not going on a run for you. If I get caught, the General will hang me by my thumbs,"      "No," she smirked. "I actually need a favor. The blood kind,"      "I'm listening," I nodded. She pulled out a wooden chair for me and asked me to sit down. "I rather stand,"      "I need a vile of blood for a ritual. It's for a friend of mine. He's working on something big and I need the blood of a fire element,"      "What kind of ritual?" I asked.      "You're not one to ask questions," she sighed.      "No, I usually don't but vampiric elemental blood in magic is a really big deal. I'm not just some fire element. I'm as pure as it gets. If you're going to be using my blood I want to know what it is you're doing with it,"      "It's not my place to say," she sat down.      "Alright, then I'll be taking my business elsewhere,"      "Ada," she called after me. "Where are going to find a dragon scale-like mine?"      "I don't know. I'll ask Daegon. She's quite fond of my former," I shrugged.      "Take it," she offered it to me. "I get it. Working for Queen isn't easy and if word gets out that your blood was used in something illegal, you're f****d,"      "Exactly. I have people to look after. I know you do too," I pulled the bag of gold coins out of my satchel and handed it to her.      "This is too much," she shook her head.      "Not for me," I placed it on her lap. I stopped at the door and glanced back at her. I opened the box to see the red scale inside. "Extracting the blood right now would be difficult. It's thick. I have to constantly be feeding and eating to keep it leveled. I'm sorry I couldn't be more help,"      "It's fine," she smiled tightly. I slid the small box into my satchel.      It's awfully quiet here in the mornings. I used to sit on the rooftop of our shitty house in the mornings to watch the witches set up shop. To see honorary wolves walking around. Angels, demons, anything that can be out during the day. Most of them choose to be night creatures. The company of a vampire to them is sometimes better than the company of their own.      Vampires fight better, they argue better, they f**k better, and they love better than any other creature here. It's why they were chosen to rule over them. It's funny because we're in no way superior to any of them. We're limited by our genetics on this planet. We were meant to be in darkness. We wouldn't need to feed if it wasn't for the strain that the sun puts on our bodies. Sure we have vast power, but it can't match that of an angel or a demon. They're the ones who chose us to guide them and I never understood why.      "Ada?"      "My King," I bowed my head.      "Ada, I- wow," he shook his head. "Millie told me about your changes but I didn't think they'd be this drastic,"      "Trying to get used to them myself," I smiled.      "I didn't know you were coming in,"      "Oh, no. I'm not. I just needed a break from Grievance. I came here to try and convince my sisters to come home with me,"      "I see. How delightful," he nodded.      "Edmund," We both looked up at the beautiful succubus coming out of one of the witch shops. "Who's your friend, brother?"      "This is Lady Adaliegh Darius. The Marchioness of Aleksander,"      "Wow," her hungry eyes raked my entire body. The King chuckled. "I've never seen a fire elemental as strong as you and I've been here longer than most,"     "She's also the heiress to the Dragon throne,"      "Oh," she smiled. "That makes perfect sense. I see it now. You've just forgone your second transition in power. You need a release,"      "You have no idea," I sighed.      "I'd be more than willing to give it to you," she placed her hand on my hips and pulled me to her with one strong tug. "It will be quick for now," her long nails caressed my cheek, down to my neck. The buttons on my blouse all came undone without her touching them. "I promise,"      "I'd love that," I shuttered feeling the effect of her paralyzing glamor. "But I'd hate to hurt you. I don't know how to control it yet,"      "Take these back with you, Edmund darling," she handed her bags to the King. "I'm going to teach this girl a couple of things,"      "Forgive me, Ada but I think you'd benefit from this," he agreed. I stepped away feeling her all over my body already. "Take your time," he began to walk away. "I'll let the guard know where you are,"      "Not here. I have something urgent I have to attend to first. You can come home with me,"      "Anything you want, my sweet voluptuous Dragoness," she smirked.      My fangs are crying out for attention but I really need to get this dragon scale inside of me now. I took her hand in mine and led her back to my home. The doors were opened for us and I led her up to my room and shut us in. She looked around with a smile on her lips. I went over to the vanity and sat down in front of it. I pulled the scale-out and placed it on the vanity.      "Give me a minute," I sighed.      "You're losing your nerve," she came over to me and took the box from me. "This is gorgeous. It's been centuries since I've seen an actual scale,"      "I need it to help me control this,"      "You sure do," she undid my corset and pulled it off. I stood up as she removed my skirt and my top. I looked down at my chest and elongated my claws. "Allow me," she smiled. Her claws are thinner than my own. I groan when she sliced my skin open in between my breasts. She held the box up for me and I picked the scale-up. I pushed my flames into it activating its power. Then I pushed it into the wound. "Breathe,"      She pushed me back towards the bed and helped me lie back. My body is burning and for the first time in my life, I can feel its effects. I'm trying to keep my breathing steady but I've never felt pain like this before. The succubus is sitting next to me as my body adjusts to the scale. It was well into the afternoon when it finally settled and the pain slowly began to drift away. I sat up looking down at my chest to see the wound is healed but the glow of the red scale is bright under the surface of my skin.      "That is not at all what I expected it to be," I admitted.      "Come," she patted the bed next to her. I pushed myself up and laid back on the pillows. "You are a magnificent creature,"      "Thank you. You're stunning,"      It's not a lie. The woman is almost as big as I am. Her body is just as curved. Her dark chestnut hair makes her baby blue eyes glow. Her accent rolls right out. It's a very sexy Celtic accent. I've only ever heard it on a witch's tongue before.      "Are you thirsty?" she asked. My fangs answered on their own. I feel completely powerless. I've allowed this being to take complete control. It's not something I do very often. "Feed," she tilted her head exposing her neck for me. I growled tucking my hand in her hair. I pulled her down to me. "Yes," she moaned when my teeth scraped along her neck until I got to her jugular. "Drink,"      The sounds coming out of her mouth are really heating me up. I'm on the verge of cumming. Her blood feels ice cold in my mouth. I can feel it cooling me down as it flows through my body. I let go of her and sealed the wound on her neck feeling light-headed. She straddled my body and sat on my stomach with a massive smile on her face. I can feel how wet she is.      "What was that?" I asked.      "I'm an ice element," she smirked. "It feels good doesn't it?"      "Yes," I nodded.      "Good," she leaned into me.      Her lips are on mine. They're cold. She's completely cold. I can feel her all around me. The fire is subsiding as her hands take hold of my breasts. I need more of her but I can't move a single muscle as she feeds from me. I cry out as gently massage my breasts. She pulls away from my mouth and makes her down to them. I grip the bed's dressings tightly as I cry out again. She's pulling my essence out of me a little too fast but it feels too good for me to do anything about it.      "Ada?" I hear someone call out my name and suddenly the feeling is gone. The only thing left is her blood in me. I pull her to me and sit up. She wraps her body around mine trying to hide her embarrassment.      "Ash," I choke out.      "I'm sorry. I didn't know you were home," she giggled turning away.      "f**k," I pant. "I'll be out in a bit,"      "Okay," she laughed and shut the door. We both laughed when she pulled away.      "I am so sorry about that. She's my sister,"      "Don't apologize," she tucked my hair back. I shuddered as her hands caressed my neck down to my chest. She shoved me back into the pillows. Her mouth is on my n****e again as she massages the other one with her hand. I can feel the sensation of her feeding on me again. I'm well past my limit. I'm surprised I lasted this long. I growled as the o****m rocked through me. "That's all I wanted,"      "What about you?"      "My sweet child. I came undone the moment your teeth pierced my skin. Again when the spicy taste of your essence heated me deep into my soul. You are a lovely sight but I do not partake in this act with women. I just needed a taste,"      "Alright," I laughed feeling embarrassed.      "I don't mean to insult,"      "No, you're fine. I'm not insulted in any way. I feel good,"      "Great," she got off of me and quickly put her clothes on. I watched as she spread her icy blue wings and left.      "I didn't even get your name," I mumbled. I feel refreshed. Tired even. I yawned. I got up and pulled on a loose gown. Ash is waiting for me outside.      "I'm really sorry," she chuckled. I rolled my eyes at her.      "No. I should be the one apologizing,"      "Is your guest going to join us for breakfast?"      "No, she left. I'm actually really tired. I can use some rest,"      "Is that what I think it is?" she asked pointing at the glowing thing in my chest.      "Yes,"      "Why are you taller and why do your breasts look like you can crush me with them?"      "They're not that big. I mean sure, they're big but don't exaggerate. I'm starting to feel bad for having them. I get enough from Alex and Armad. I don't need that s**t from anyone else,"      "Alright," she put her hands up defensively. "Get some rest,"      "Thank you," I sighed.      "I just-" she lifted my bust with both her hands. "Like two small honey-dew melons,"      "Are you done?" I shook my head. She laughed pulling away.     "f**k you. I want breasts like these. They're beautiful,"      "I'm going to bed," I dismissed her.      "Sleep tight," she laughed.      "I hate all of you," I groaned into the pillows. My body is finally relaxed enough for me to sleep. Thank you mystery succubus lady. I love you. 
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