Chapter Twenty-Seven

735 Words
Max shook his hand in frustration, as the metal of the handcuffs clanked against that of the table he had been bound to. It had been hours since his altercation with Paulo, but the events still replayed in his mind on repeat. The battered face, blood splattering against his fists, the word 'Sorry' ringing through his ears, and all the while Paulo's eyes had been empty. They didn't show even a slight spark of fear, anger or contempt, just dead eyes. Max could feel the self-hatred seeping from his victim's body as he pummelled his swollen face. Lizzie was alive. Lizzie was alive? She hadn't died at the precise moment Max had once believed, but that didn't mean she wasn't dead now. Who's to say that Joey didn't torture her, force her to play out a long, agonising death. How could he possibly get his hopes up,? H couldn't bear to lose her all over again. There was no way he could survive it. "Max?" JJ called softly, with a hint of nervousness in his voice. Max couldn't meet his eye, "Hey, kid." "Paulo's awake." "Yeah?" Max said with relief. "That's good." "Listen, Max. He told everyone what happened. Everything. Joey, Lizzie, the pit, how he got out, the whole deal, everyone knows," JJ explained. Max nodded, "Good."   "No-one blames you for what you did, hey, I'm surprised you didn't kill him." "Don't credit me with that. The only reason he's still breathing is because he was the last person I know to see her alive," Max admitted. "Still," JJ continued. "It wasn't your fault. I said I'd come and update you, then they're getting those f*****g things off you." Max glanced at his handcuffs again, this time shaking them with more mockery that fury. "Then what?" he asked. "Paulo wants to talk to you. Alone." "I don't know if I can do that yet, JJ," Max sighed. "What do you mean?" Max looked him directly in the eye for the first time. JJ stared back at his friend's tortured gaze. "What if I learn something I can't unlearn?" Max whispered, teeth grinding together in a desperate attempt to keep the tears in. "We'll find her, Max. If she's still out there, we'll find her." "But what if she isn't ou-" "We'll find her," JJ repeated, planting a firm hand on Max's shoulder. One of guards who had been restraining Max not long ago entered the caravan, stooping to slide the tiny key into the side of the cuffs. "He explained it to you?" the guard asked. Max nodded, rubbing his aching wrist as it was finally set free from the metal binds. "Paulo's ready to talk. Caravan opposite when you're ready," the guard said bluntly before exiting once more. He was clearly against the decision to let Max go, after all, no-one here knew him at all. Dawson, Karl, Rodney and George were huddled around the door as Max rose to his feet. Dawson forced a smile, "How are you doing?" "I've been better," Max sniffed, unwilling to let the group see him in such a fragile state. "We didn't know, Max. You never said she was your-" "I know," Max interrupted. "Whatever you need us to do, wherever you need us to go, we'll-" "I know," Max repeated, this time his words radiated warmth. He glanced around the five sets of eyes staring back at his, and all he saw was love and concern. Five people who would walk through hell and back for him. A family. "Thank you. All of you." George tugged at Max's leg and through his arms around his waist. "Love you too, big man," Max chuckled, happy to see that his outburst of violence hadn't scared the young child. "You sure you want to go in there alone?" JJ queried. Max laughed, "Don't worry. I'll keep my hands to myself." "That's not what I meant," JJ grinned. "I know, I know. Thank you, but I'll be fine. I need to do this alone." "We'll be right outside," Karl assured. Max took a deep breath, unsure of what life-changing information could be hidden behind such a flimsy metal door as he eventually plucked up the courage to ease it open. Paulo stirred from the bedroom at the far end of the caravan, "Max? Max, is that you?" Max went to open his mouth, but the words were replaced with rage once more. He composed himself, then stepped confidently into the gloomy shell of a room. "You wanted to talk?" Max grunted. Paulo stared back with steely determination, "Indeed, my friend. We need to talk about how we're going to get her back."
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