Chapter Twenty-Six

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"Just be ready any day now, okay?" Dr Saunders instructed as he carefully eased the blood from Lizzie's veins. "You've been saying that for a week now," Lizzie whispered harshly. "Look, if this is something you can't do, then just say." Dr Saunders shook his head defiantly, almost as if he was trying to convince himself as well as Lizzie. "No, no...I can do this. I just need to wait for the right moment." "And what makes you think that moment is coming soon?" "Joey's more preoccupied than usual. I've never seen him this stressed. The Brotherhood are putting more pressure on him by the day, if there's ever a time to deceive him it's now." Lizzie nodded, the logic made sense, and after all, it wasn't her taking the risk here. She would more than understand if the Doctor pulled out, he still had everything to lose. God knows what Joey would do if he caught him. "What is the plan exactly?" Lizzie asked. "I think plan is a bit of an overstatement. I have to sneak the keys out of Joey's room, beyond that I'm afraid we're just going to have to wing it," Saunders admitted. Lizzie chuckled, "Wing it? That doesn't exactly fill me with confidence. Have you got an escape route in mind?" Doctor Saunders pondered for a few seconds, "Don't get me wrong, I know which hallways and which passages are least likely to be patrolled, but with the Brotherhood as unpredictable as they are at the moment, I don't know." "Do you not think that could play into our hands?" Lizzie theorised. "What do you mean?" "Well, if like you said there's an uprising on the horizon, could we not use that to our advantage?" "I don't know. Possibly, yes, but the longer we wait, the more chance Joey has to smooth things over. I think we have to move soon," Saunders explained. Lizzie smiled, "Hey, I'm locked up in a cell 23 hours a day, you have a far better idea of what the f**k's going on than me. I trust you." Doctor Saunders forced a feeble smile in return, riddled with nerves, "Just be ready okay, I promise it won't be long." *** "What do you mean 'we have a problem'?" Joey seethed. Richard's forehead was glossed with sweat, the beads dripping down like light rain on a cool autumn morning. "I...I just mean that I'm not entirely...comfortable with this," Richard stumbled, averting his gaze to anywhere but Joey's fiery eyes. "Oh, you're not comfortable with it?" Joey clarified. ", Sir." "Oh, you should have said something. I'm sure Dwayne here would happily swap places with you, is that something you'd be interested in?" Joey asked in a sarcastically caring tone. "No, Sir." "That's what I thought," Joey grinned, clapping his hands together and rubbing them. "You know, I've met a million people like you Richard. Brave to a point, until you really have to put your balls on the line...then you crumble into the pathetic cowards you are." Richard gulped, unable to formulate any kind of sensible reply in his head. "What don't you have, Richard?" "B...b...balls, Sir?" "Exactly! Which is ironic, because Dwayne here is probably about to lose his!" Joey cackled. "Do they eat the balls? I don't know, maybe. I guess we'll find out!" Dwayne screamed through the tape covering his mouth, but his inaudible pleas could not be heard over Joey's laughter. "After you, my little Asian friend," Joey said, ushering Richard through the door ahead of him. Richard grabbed hold of Dwayne's arm as loosely as possible, desperately trying to show some form of compassion to the man in his final moments. Richard finally plucked up the courage to shoot Joey a look of part hatred and part desperation. "Oh, I am sorry. Asian friend, was that a little racially insensitive? You'll have to take it up with HR," Joey winked. Richard hesitated for a split second longer, enjoying the last few moments before his morality would become even more tainted with the foul stench of Joey. He eased Dwayne in front of him, pushing him gently through the doorway into the main hall where the Brotherhood were gathered. Only fifty or so of the group remained after the disaster at the pit, with a few newcomers who had joined along the way. "Good afternoon, gentlemen," Joey called, his voice echoing around the tall stone walls. Naturally, he took a seat at the head of the table, looking down the two rows of disgruntled faces. "I have been notified of your recent...distress, and I have come here to assure you of change. I realise now that this castle and all the wealth within is nothing without a satisfying meal in your stomach," Joey announced, nodding to Richard after he finished. Richard tugged Dwayne into view, marching him up the length of the stretched wooden table to the chorus of smacking lips. Mumbles broke out between Brotherhood members, but Richard could only catch the odd 'flesh' or 'dinner' here and there. "While I do need the majority of you to stay here, to defend what we have worked so hard for, I have decided to allow a small party to leave the compound in order to hunt each day. You may bring back whatever, or whoever you find, and if I deem them unimportant, they are yours to do with as you wish," Joey continued. The mumblings instantly became more positive as excitement coursed through the very bones of every man and woman sat at the table. "I commend you continued loyalty, and I hope that this gesture of good will conveys as such." One of the Brotherhood members cleared his throat, and rose to his feet, which was met with instant silence from his compatriots. "I think I speak for everyone here when I say thank you for your...gracious offer," the man said, unable to spot himself licking his lips at the sight of Dwayne. "We accept your offer." Joey smiled, "Brilliant! And everyone feels the same?" he opened up to the rest of the room. A string of murmured agreement confirmed this, with all eyes transfixed on the shivering wreck stood next to Richard. Dwayne's legs had given way as he screamed through the tape binding his lips. His eyes were filled with fear and tears as he looked pleadingly at his old friend Richard. Richard met his stare for a split second only, anything more was too painful. "Then I will let you enjoy the rest of your down time," Joey concluded, rising from his chair. "Oh, please do promise me one thing. Season him, you're not savages." Joey exited the room to raucous laughter as he couldn't help but smile and admire his own brilliance.   
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