The God of Glass

1748 Words
What are you gonna do, Darius? What's it gonna be? Lady Aurelia's electrified finger is an inch away from his chest and he doesn't flinch! "Argh!" he cried in pain when she electrocuted him in the chest. Ugh... that must hurt. But what is this? He's standing up and not hitting back! That look on his face... He's holding on! That's it, Darius! You can do this, Darius! "Argh!" he screamed after she electrocuted him again. He fell on the ground but to rise up again. "What is wrong with you?!!" stomped Lady Aurelia. "This is not what you are supposed to react!" She looks like a spoiled childish princess. Oh, wait, yeah she actually is. She's a princess, a child, and spoiled. "I'm gonna electrify you until you die!" she screamed. What? She doesn't mean that, right? She let out red electricity in her fingertips and lunged it towards Darius but why isn't he dodging? If he dies, this could be my fault because I am the who put him through this! I gotta stop her but I'm too late! "Stop it," said Lady Mila as she held her sister's hand. The electricity isn't bothering her - I wonder why. "Can't you see he's trying hard to behave for your sake?" Wow, I don't know that Lady Mila is this empathetic. Maybe I was wrong in thinking that she is all mean and scary. Darius is panting, maybe trying to endure not only the pain but also his temper that is hotter a hot metal fresh from Lord Blaze's forge. "I think he is doing it on purpose to tease me!" yelled Lady Aurelia. "No, that's what assistant deities are supposed to do," said Lady Mila. "If you keep doing that to him, the other deities will see you as just a foul, stupid, and abusive mistress, and nobody will like you or make friends with you." "Ngggrhhh!!!" she squealed in anger but then she folded her arms and frowned. "Hmmph! You're no fun!" she blurted at him. "Alright, let's just get out of here and have breakfast. I'm hungry." "Yeah," said Lady Juliet. "Let's do that." We walked to where the elevator is and I walked beside Darius while we followed behind the sisters. I whispered to him, "Nice job, Darius." Then he scoffs and says, "That's nothing for me." I just shrugged and said, "You said it." Then I just thought about how persuasive I was. I never knew that I could push someone with my simple words. Maybe this is just true for Darius because I know how he values being a "Man" and "Surpassing the Kings" very well when we fought. We entered the elevator and as usual, we three boys stood behind our goddesses. I was at the center with Darius at my left and Lord Hyeon at my right. Then there was this particular goddess that is about our age who entered the elevator with us. She has long ears, very flawless white hair, her eyes are green, and her clothes are of eastern make but not like how the Hayashi's clothes look. "Good morning, ladies and lords," she greeted with a bow before she entered. "Oh," said Lady Juliet while bowing. "good morning to you too, Jia." She smiled and I was suddenly struck although the smile wasn't meant for me. She stood in front of Lady Mila and I can't see her face after she turned around. They talked as the elevator descended. They talked about girl things and I can tell that they are good friends for a long time. I was a little disappointed because I want to see her face again so I leaned to the right and then Lord Hyeon noticed what I was doing. "Oh, sorry, Lord Hyeon," I apologized to him and stood properly. "Just call me Hyeon," he said and I was surprised. "You two can call me Hyeon. After all, you are now assistant gods like me so we are standing on the same ground." "Thank you, Hyeon." Then he nodded and I looked at Lady Jia's ears. Then I asked him in a whisper, "Why does Lady Jia have such long ears?" "Uh...-" "I'm from the Zhang family," she said and swallowed because I thought I whispered quietly enough so that even the three goddesses in front of us wouldn't hear. They all looked at me and I adjusted my glasses. "We are one of the Elven Houses," she continued. Elves? I've heard about them before but I never saw them even in pictures. I feel uncomfortable. "So, you heard his whisper," said Lady Mila. "I apologize for that because even I didn't-" "It's okay," said Lady Jia. "He was just asking why my ears are long. I'm Jia Zhang, the Goddess of Sound by the way," she bowed at me. "I'm Leonide Padine, the God of Gravity," I bowed back. I pointed at Darius as I said, "This is-" "Darius Ozan," he said. "The God of Wrath." And he did it with such confidence without bowing. Then she exclaimed, "Oh, you two must be the boys that everyone is talking about!" I rubbed the back of my neck because of whaaaat....? Everyone is talking about us? That's too much because I thought only celebrity deities get that much attention here on Olympus. I'm new to this so I just smiled and said, "Nice to meet you, Lady Jia." "Just call me Jia," she smiled and I saw the other goddesses smirking at me. What's their deal? Then the elevator stopped and the door opened. "Goodbye!" she said to all of us and we said our farewells to her. I suddenly felt heavy for some reason... The door closed and there was silence as the elevator descended until Lady Aurelia looked at me and asked, "You like her, don't you?" "What?!!" I exclaimed. "No!" "I can tell you're lying," she laughed. Then all of them giggled while Darius poked me with his elbow while smirking. "Hey, stop it!" I said. "Someone's in love...," he teased. "That's some 'love at first sight', right there." "Not funny," I said but they laughed at me except Hyeon. I'm not in love with her, I already have Macky and- Oh, wait.... what? What am I even thinking?!! I don't about Macky that way! We're just friends. Mother said I am too young to know about what is "Romantic Love"!! And why am I even thinking about it again?! "Well, it's understandable," said Lady Mila. "Jia is a pretty girl and I can agree with that. She is nice too and very popular among boys." "Yeah," agreed Lady Juliet. "She's smart too." "As well as a good fighter," said Lady Aurelia. "I'm even thinking of making her, my girlfriend." What?!!! "Hey, you're a girl," said Lady Mila. "You're supposed to like boys, ah wait... that came out wrong." She shook her head. "You are too young, so stop thinking about these things!" "What's your excuse? I know you like Lord Seok and here you are telling me that I should stop thinking about these things." "I don't!" she said while in a flustered manner and Lady Juliet giggled beside her. Lady Mila narrowed her eyes and said, "Never mind." The elevator door opened and we stepped outside. We are back in the lobby of the palace and it seems that there are so many deities here now. I've never seen so many gods and goddesses in a single place at once. "Yo," said a boy that approached us. "Hello, ladies!" He is overflowing with confidence as his long hair is so slicked back that it shined. He approached the goddesses along with the other two gods beside him with their eyes squinted a little bit while smiling as if they're trying their best to be attractive. They are elves like Jia and I find this particular god in the middle looking a lot like her. Except that he is a boy. Lady Mila said, "Oh hi, Shui." She turned to look at us. "Leonide and Darius, this is-" "Oh, allow me to introduce myself, Lady Mila." "Fine." He looked at us with an annoying face that boys like us Darius will hate because he is certainly acting like he is the coolest person in the world while flipping his hair like from commercials of shampoos. "I am Shui Zhang, the God of Glass," he bowed. Jia and he comes from one house. eh? I said, "Nice to meet you, I'm-" "Oh, that poor human and demigod!" he exclaimed with a smirk. I feel suspicious of him after that obvious interruption and insult that he gives off this kind of "I don't care who you are because I am better than you" manner. I looked at Darius and he is frowning at them and they looked a little provoked by his presence. Shui said, "Meet Han Fei, the God of Monkeys and Liang Mao, the God of Lions. Let's be friends." They are all bigger and taller than us as they stepped forward. Han looks slim and he's the tallest. His hair is brown he looks like a monkey as he is the God of Monkeys. He held out his hand for a handshake so I grabbed it but he quickly pulled it and I missed. I looked at him in the face as he smiled and said, "Sorry, I forgot my hands are sweaty." I get where he is going with this. So, you wanna joke around? Alright.... I waved my hand where I missed grabbing his hand and said, "Oh, I was just waving my hand here so the bad air won't come to me, my lord." I smirked at him and he looked at me provoked. "Bwahaha-" laughed Lady Aurelia but she covered her mouth to stop laughing. The other goddesses just chuckled softly. Hyeon just stood there stoically. Then I saw his other friend shaking hands with Darius and they have been shaking each other's hands for a while now. Liang is big and has orange hair like that of a lion. His hands were bigger than Darius's and I can tell that he is squeezing his hands very hard but Darius didn't flinch and just narrowed his eyes before squeezing back. Liang gulped as he felt Darius's strong grip. I fought against him. Contesting with strength against Darius is a bad way of beating him. Darius scoffed. "What's the matter? Can't handle this?" "Argh!!" he grunted in pain after Darius squeezed some more and let go of him. He retreated while massaging his hand. "You will pay for that!" he pointed but Darius just folded his arms as Liang charged at him.
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