Chapter 7 - The Attack

2799 Words

“I’m not sure if provoking Jordan was a bad idea or a terrible idea,” Brian said over breakfast, poking his eggs with his fork. “He’s been giving you dirty looks ever since that day.” Annabel took a sip from her juice, looking over her shoulder to where Jordan sat with some of the other recruits. He was already staring at her. “You should really be careful, Anna,” Claire joined, biting her lip. “He can be a mean bastard, believe me. And I’m afraid that he will do something.” She extended her hand, placing it over Annabel’s. Anna’s body grew tingly, her sight blurring. She was there and she was not—a shadowy figure in an ocean of gray. Claire emerged in the middle of the training hall, lying on the ground and moaning. They were in the training center again, half through the afternoon ses

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