Jonathan’s Dream

1735 Words
Jonathan POV As I was sleeping, the guagua bumped the holes in the street. “Augh… what in the world was that dream all about…. Nice driving daddy.” I spat with annoyance, as I couldn’t get enough rest. “Well, it’s not a truck so off course it will act up.” Answers my dad with annoyance, he hates it when I call him daddy so I know I hit a nerve. “Want me to drive Delta?” Offers Copa seeing we are almost to the end of this fun trip, I’m so annoyed. I need my beauty sleep. “No thank you copa. Besides we are in the gate but we need to take a detour to the main pack house of our country to be fully up to speed. For all we know there has been some extra changes.” Informed my dad, seems we are going to take a while, and even with the detour I can’t sleep. Dad turns to the main pack where Alpha James and Luna Johanne live, it’s odd they have been Alpha and Luna for a really long time even before our own Alpha was born they were the ones leading us. Odd I had a long ass dream in like 2 hours, wow what a rush. Dad parks the car and we all get off to stretch our legs, we go in with the copa and dad to know where we are, the place looks nice, it looks like a Greek Revival architecture, Tall columns and pediments. The ancient Greek temple model, with its row of tall columns topped by a pediment, includes two of the most obvious characteristics of this style of historic home design. Geography in its finest. It should have a plaster exterior, but this one is made of stone. They were painted white. Horizontal transom, it sits over the front door, instead of a fanlight like the earlier Federal period homes. Moldings, bold but simple moldings, throughout the interior and exterior of the house, also exemplify the look of high-style Greek Revival. Embellishment, expensive, like framed dormer windows on the second story, with pilasters and pediments. It’s nice to live but I get the feeling this was much bigger, it feels like it was worked to cover something, maybe it’s just my imagination, I just woke up from a much needed nap too so I might be losing my sanity just a tad, I keep looking around but it’s so wired, then I was a hair away from turning ghost, no way in fantasy is this real….. is that Kol and Elin? Wait, how did I remember that?…. I start walking to them and I’m sorta scared to know if my dream was real or not, then I hear them talking, it brings goosebumps to me. I stop in front of the both of them and they stop talking to look at me, oh my gods. “Hello, is everything alright?” The man in all black speaks to me and I’m star struck, he is the same man I had a dream off. ‘Don’t get angry at me Hunny.’ I mind link John, he looks at me odd, I’ll explain it to him latter. “Is your name Kol?” I shoot with the direct questions, if he is the guy I had that dream with then there’s something I’m not being told and I can feel Johns grip getting tighter, I look at him annoyed. His eyebrows unit. “Yes it is. I’m sure you have heard it around, are you visiting?” He responds me but I have never heard his name in my entire life, I shake my head no. I look at John with confusion, why can’t I let this go. “Sorta…. I’m sorry I have to let this out. I have never heard of you but on my way here I had the most wired dream. All I want to know the most is that Frey is alright.” As soon as I said that they both stared at me with wide eyes, as if they had a big secret and I exposed it. Elin runs somewhere and Kol takes my hand a bit too tight, pulling me in, I’m terrified of this, I did nothing wrong. His voice becomes raspy and low toned “Now, how do you know that name and how do you know the whereabouts of that person?” “First thing is that I have no idea. And you’re hurting me.” John takes his hand off mine as I massage it, what’s his problem? “Answer my question!” He shouts that demand and I look at him with fear, all I tried to do was ask of that girl who was in so much trouble. I start to cry because I did nothing wrong and he was hurting my wrist, John overhears him and runs to me, I hid behind my soldier because I don’t want him to hurt me anymore. John looks straight at him with anger. “What is the meaning of this?” He retorts Kol. “He knows of something nobody is supposed to know, now answer me!” Responds with a strong aura and it makes me wines at him even John submits. I see a woman that looks just like Elin, is that Johanne, wow she really didn’t age a bit, I take my eyes at hers for a wail as John talks to Kol, Johanne puts her hand on Kol’s shoulder. “Let’s go into the basement, all of us. There’s clearly something here and we need to take charge of it, they mean no harm Kol, now let’s go and control your temper.” She tells her son as she smiles at me with a sweet smile. He exhaled a heavy breath “Fine.” He turns around walks with Erin to a door not far from where we are, I place my attention back to Johanne. “Thank you….” I said shyly, not wanting to get her angry. Johanne looks at me odd. “Who are you boy?” She crosses her arms in her chest with one foot tapping and her eyebrows down. I can feel she isn’t getting the puzzle pieces together. “My name is Jonathan Martinez Soza, from the Cotorra Pack, I’m here with 3 more of my pack and the delta with our co director. We are here for the program, I just had a wired Dreame is all.” I respond as fast as I can. “Well, that’s a giver, okay well, agh this head heck of mine. Ugh…. Follow me kids.” She says as she rubs her temples. Guess she has way more things in her mind then I knew, I hold on to John because I refuse to have more surprises. Marisol POV I sneeze out loud as I feel someone talking of me or maybe it’s just the cold AC in this hospital. “Seems dads talking smack about you mom jajaja” comments my eldest son and I smack his arm. “Ja ja ja very funny.” Was all I said to his funny joke, if Jose is being even more funny he is about to get a bigger surprise if I find this to be true. “Auch, you hit harder than dad.” He says as he keeps rubbing his shoulder, I roll my eyes. “Chango (it’s a Puertoriquen slang that means- complaining/being victim/snarky/dramatic) can’t even handle one playful smack from your own mother.” I smile at how sensitive he can be. “Well, no point in getting hit again. Ma, why are you here? Like why didn’t you go with pa?” He changes the subject to not get hit. “Carlos is still in recovery and I refuse to leave him.” It’s true my youngest needs me more then the eldest and his father has to make up for years of neglect to the twins. “But I can take care of him?” He indirectly asks me and claims at the same time. I look at my second eldest dead in the eyes. “I don’t trust your mate. She did this and I refuse to leave him with you knowing she will act all innocent because she is your mate, I’m not leaving him with Luis.” As I keep talking he starts to smile mischievously. “ He's about the be a dad and Carlos has to be taken seriously, I love your pa but I’m not leaving my son because of his decision. Just because we are parents doesn’t mean all our choices will be the same.” He chuckles at me and I finish my statement as I think hard on the win I just gave my son. “ Just because I love your pa doesn’t mean I have to be glued to him. Now be mindful of the responsibilities a parent has to go through, if you could finally have your own pup then you would get it, Luis gets it because he’s about to be a dad, when will you two get that done? Mmmm?” “Found out how you work as a doctor after your hookup?” Dam, I wasn’t expecting to be found out this fast. “Like a rabbit out of a hat.” I put my lips into a line as I reached for my wallet. “Jajajajajaja I told you he would pay up!” He puts his hand out and I put a sour face at him as the cash is out. I give my son $50. “Ah! You know betting is an ugly addiction.” I returned him the reminder. As he places the $50 in his pocket he smiles at me “I’ll let my ma know of this.” “Why you little un….” I’m about to hit his shoulder again till I’m stoped by the intercom. The intercom voice ‘Doc. Soza you're needed in room A22, I repeat. Doc. Soza you’re needed in room A22. Thank you.’ I look at my son running around the room, we put things back where they belong, take our cells with us, he takes his stethoscope, throws his food to the side and we both dart to Carlos room.
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