That Dream

3841 Words
Mario pov Well this stinks. Hector is going to be the biggest block on my plans for this trip. The only bright side is that we know we are fated, so all that’s left is my wolf! We still have the others from the USA, Texas, and finally Norway. So this is going to be a really wired roller coaster, but I can and will take their cry for attention with my own helping attention. I see my dad get out of the driving side, and so did Copa to then have my stomach drop as Jonathan turns to look at me with a face of “vete para la mierda” (go to shi*).” “Well kids, I am needed back in the Cotorra pack, so our Delta will be your mentor." We discussed this after our meeting. You are all in safe hands. See ya in a wail kids!” My dad shouts with way too much sarcastic excitement. My dad gives us and Copa the biggest smile as he holds onto the grip of the wheel. “They are in good hands.” I gulp but look at the ceiling. I’m going to die, I’m going to be blown out, and there won’t be a single way to fix this. Why me? Why does it have to be me? Putting my head to the top of my front seat from this embarrassment, trying so hard to think about how to survive this, I feel Jonathan’s hand move through my hair, helping me feel a bit better. Why me? Dale y avanza mijo! (Hurry and get here!) We sit all good. This is going to be one heck of a trip. We still have to be in the gatekeepers, which is basically the main pack house. They are the ones who allow us in. We need their approval and supplies for this to work. We were told it’s approved but not given the supplies, so we need to be there, plus sign waivers and stuff. We start our way there, I feel bad for Jonathan. He once again has to be seated in the window next to John, who is sitting next to Cierra, Auch. I have the same problem with this Hector, but I’ve been good with the way we are seated. Dad and Copa front, Cierra, John, and Jonathan in the first row, Xiomara, ME, Michelle in the second, Hector, Carmen, Felix in the third, and then Alvyn in the last row. I think of this as Jonathan helps me calm down the best I can get, I get myself fully back in and I don’t give a flying fu**, and we have a small debate. As Michelle watched me sit back in the seat. “Everything okay?” is all she asks with a curious look on her face. Jonathan looks back a bit at where we are. “Hunny, a bit more specific” was what my twin big brother asked for me. Michelle moves to be able to talk better to him and me. “I’m asking if Mario is okay. He seems bummed about something. " I breathe heavily, knowing I’m either going to be placed in the spot or actually supported. Jonathan moves his head a little to see me, “Aaaa okay, no he's dying internally, the Delta is our dad and they didn’t leave things back home on good terms.” I shoot my eyes at him to ask him to stop. It’s already killing me over here, but all he does is smile mischievously. “Thanks for the support, pep talk,” I say as I rub my hands on my face and hair. Jonathan giggles at my sarcasm and adds, “My most absolute happy pleasure, my little twin.” His smile gives me the motivation to smack him next Tuesday, but I can’t because I love him too much, and there are too many witnesses. I raise my head with my index finger pointing at him instead. “Don’t even go there, Jonathan.” I warn him with every source of no in my command. Jonathan placed his hand on his chest and sarcastically said, "Touchy." Well, I’m off to rest, need my energy and beauty sleep. Unlike you, who will be left blue? " She snickers, and I’m only seconds away from giving him a wet willy. Then I realize he said he needs his energy sleep with beauty sleep, I start to chuckle, and then ask, “John having a rough effect on you sis?” Jonathan looks at me with daggers, “At the very least I’m not high and dry my little twin.” Shots have been fired at me and the fight is on. John fails to handle his laughter and shouts “BURN! Oh, my gods, what a burn. Dang Mario, you got owned. " And that is how everyone in the guaga starts laughing at my misery, I groan at knowing I’m done with today, but I end his confusion with “No thanks to you!" And last night!” Cierra looks back with a face that if looks could kill I would be 6 feet under, “Yea, let’s keep that to our imagination and no public displays thank you.” She shoots that dart directly at my twin and my smile starts to grow from ear to ear. “Karma is a bi** big sister twin! I love you!!!!” I try to give Jonathan a hug but he puts a fist on me like he is about to punch me, I retract, knowing he will punch me if I try anything. Jonathan placed his fuzzy blanket over his face and said, “Night my lovelies!” And off to dreamland she, I mean he goes. I sit back but refuse to have him have the last word. “Mari*** (fa***).” Jonathan moves closer to the window to get comfy, “And proud! Now leave me to rest already. " He says it as he lays down resting, John has got to start going a bit easy on my twin. Then again, Jona asks for it too. Why am I thinking about this again? .. I'm curious though. Why is Cierra so mean now? I look at Cierra and get my head on her back, I tap her making her look back. “Why are you acting up Doña? (Madam)” I look at her in the eyes to be respectful. Cierra put her hand on the seat, laying it down. “They wouldn’t let me sleep last night. I get it, they are happy to learn to put a freaking pillow or something. " She shoots the killing look at John, and I get uncomfortably awkward at this. John looks at Cierra, annoyed. It is not our fault that the room is not soundproof. Blame the workers of that packed house. " He clears the air, but I get chills and the bad kind of goosebumps. Cierra doesn’t stop looking at him with a killing face, nor does she move, “You were never that loud when we were together.” I feel like my ears are starting to bleed. Oh goddess, ou gods make this stop. Jonathan, with his eyes closed and trying to sleep, speaks his last words before his soft snores start, “Because the G spots weren’t handled properly hun." Joy to my world to know yours a little, now shush.” Cierra gives him a murder look and John cracks up. This dude wants to die at the hands of his ex. John laughs harder as he tries to get his words out, “Burn... Jajaja!” Out of nowhere, my dad says, “A little too much for my imagination, guys... real graphic.” I couldn’t help but try and suppress my laughter. Jonathan answers like an autopilot. “Sorry, Daddy.” My dad doesn’t even look back. Damn, it really must have been a lot for him to learn in a car ride. "Jona" I’m cringing here. I can’t even look because of images,” he says as you try to find the radio station or something to distract his mind. "If he only knew the real nasty his son has done, that gives me ideas." “Thank you, now please no more. I need to sleep. " Jonathan says to try again to sleep. I stay quiet, trying so hard not to laugh till Alvyn just laughs out loud with no remorse, Cierra doesn’t say a single thing till he stops laughing. Cierra looks at him with the same murder face. Something tells me she couldn’t tell Jonathan she would be with Alvyn, so she looks a bit more and then asks. “Alvyn right?” Alvyn looks at her, laughing hard, “Yea?” Cierra doesn’t say anything till the guaga stops at a red light. “Okay.” That small conversation is a translation of “ I'm going to smack your laughing mouth at my burn when we get to our destination." Hans wondered why nobody other than him laughed out loud. I had to hold on or die trying. Things just got so good! I feel super happy. Well, since we have time, we will have to update you all on things that have changed. Starting with Hector. " Says Copa I'm in the passenger seat, and Hector wasn’t expecting to hear her at all. “Yea? That’s me. What do I do?” He is clueless about what she is asking. Copa takes out some papers and starts her job with questions. “You did the general update, I have to ask the same of you as I ask everyone else, John wake Jona.” Jonathan replies before he can even move a finger. “Don’t. I’ll answer with closed eyes. " And he does. Copa takes a big breath and starts with Hector. “Alright, good. Hector states, "Your full name, date of birth, and sex.” Hector takes his headphones off and starts to answer Copa. “Hector Lozado Ortiz, born on December 5, I'm a male.” Copa starts to write him off and follows up with Cierra. “Alright Cierra, state your full name, date of birth, and sex.” Cierra breathes a bit since she is really annoyed at Jonathan, but she states her responses well. “Cierra Tania Domingo Rollo, born on February 18, Female.” Copa nods at her. “Very good now, John. State your full name, date of birth, and sex.” John answers nonchalantly. “John Gabriel Morovis, born on December 14 and I’m male.” Copa nods and moves her pen to Jona. “Very good. "Jonathan, state your full name, date of birth, and sex.” Jonathan doesn’t move or bat an eye as he responds to Copa. “Jonathan Martines Soza, born on June 1, and I have a Dick.” Copa looks at the review mirror and shakes her head with an annoyed face. while everyone else chuckles at Jonathan’s last answer, before he went to sleep. Copa shakes her head from side to side. She massages the bridge of her nose as she continues with the questions. “Xiomara, state your full name, date of birth, and s*x, please.” Xiomara is hardly holding it together as she starts to answer. “Xiomara Vazquez Rivera, born on September 12 and I’m female.” She ends with a giggle. Copa nods and then stops to take a big breath as she looks at me, I smile at her from my seat. “I'm afraid of asking you this, but I have to be sure it’s you. Mario. "State your full name, date of birth, and sex.” I stretch my arms and think for a second. “My name is Mario Martines Soza, I was born on November 3 and I too have a dick.” was my response with a big wide smile. Copa shoots me a murder face while everyone else laughs and giggles. Even my own dad just chuckles hard. “Michelle, please state your full name, date of birth, and s*x for me.” The laughter starts to quiet down a little. She smiles at Copa and I’m curious as to how she is going to respond. “Michelle Gerena Aguiar, I was born on May 24 and I’m pretty sure I have a vagina.” The laughter and giggles came back with volume. Copa had to take a break for a bit because we were being creative with our responses. I love this mate of mine. Copa took a deep breath, and after a few minutes, she returned to continue her questions. “Charming, let’s continue. Alvyn, state your full name, date of birth, and sex.” Alvyn was holding his stomach from laughing as he responded, “Alvyn Lopez Rami, born on May 17 and I’m male.” “Alright, let’s finish this a bit faster. "Carmen, state your full name, date of birth, and sex.” We all tuned out the laughter to finish up a bit faster, Carmen answered with a snort, “Carmen Nilia Burgos Costal, born on June 7 and I’m a happy female.” “And lastly, Felix, state your full name, date of birth, and sex.” We looked at Felix for his last answers. "Sorry, I’m not this funny." My name is Felix Lopez Lopez, I was born on January 10 and I’m a male. " “I’m fearing this part of my job. Alright, now Delta. "State your rank, position, full name, date of birth, and sex.” My dad puts on a wide grin on his face as he keeps driving us. “Alright, let’s see if I still have it.” Copa actually punches his shoulder. “Prieto don’t even dare. Oh, my gods, this is the source of Kiko and Jona for sure. No Prieto. Just answer it as a Delta would! No dad jokes, please. " Copa pleads to him and my dad shakes his head. His smile doesn’t leave and he starts. “I can’t help it, alright. I support Jona’s claim, I’m Delta of Cotorra, pawn intended. " It took me a few seconds, but when I registered it so did John, Jona, Copa, Cierra and I, we laughed hard at that one, Cotorra pack is run by the family Cotorra, he plays double meaning in that. “ As for my position, I have many positions that Marisol could tell you about” I see Copa praying to Selene to end her misery. I’m dying of laughter with this and so is Jona. We all laugh at that one. “But to follow up. I’m co-administrator of group B and I’m glad I never had to use plan B on any girl.” I didn’t expect to hear that my dad was an active wolf in his time from what I heard in the streets of my hometown. I guess Copa was the friend who refused to believe his friend is that guy. She smacks him again, but with the clipboard. “Prieto!!!! Oh my gods, please be discreet for gods sake! " “Auch Copa" I don’t like the pain, but that reminds me, Selene protects us all on our road trip to do our job as a proud pack. Amen. " We all agreed and said Amen at the end. “Now, my name is Jose Martines Garcia, but it’s okay. You can call me I’m your Prieto any time. I haven’t forgotten how to call you your Prieto I’m honored. "She hits him again and we laugh. We also cringe at that one. My dad's humor is finally something I can get on board with. Copa looks up at the ceiling and shouts, “Jose! dioses líbrame de este perro! (gods free me from this dog!)” My dad doesn’t stop there when Copa stops her prayer, my dad adds. “I was received on July 27, but Ma....” Copa moved her hands on top of my dad's mouth and I can sorta make what he says, dad is a pervert for sure jajajaja. My dad laughs while Copa has her hands on his mouth. “That’s enough out of you!” He looks at her innocently. “What I do Lou?” while driving. “Don’t say things about my best friend like that, you have tainted her enough.” Copa answered and that had me curious for a moment, I had no idea Copa and Ma were close. My dad looks at her with a knowing face. “You sure about that? Guess you forgot Fernando’s achievement party. That was a blessed achievement for me. " I’m curious as to what my dad did, but I missed the groaning sounds of disgust from Copa. “Why did you..." oh my Selene I forgot about that so badly... I will never recover mentally from this old memory... " "She says as she puts her hands on her eyes and massages her temples." John beats me at asking my dad. “What party? I know what you mean, but when because Ferdinando has had quite a few. " Dad smiles as Copa recalls that event. “It was his very fourth achievement, the capture of the black centaur. He had a good party, I did a Mario, but instead of 1 knocked up girl, it was 3 and me. Mind you, I had no idea they were knocked up when we were doing it. And when Copa walked in, my smile that night was worth it.” My mouth opened and I was speechless. My dad is a player, it's true, then after what the gamma told me, why am I reacting like this when I knew it was true from the very beginning? I guess one thing is hearing it another is being heard by the actual culprit. Copa starts to pull down the window a bit. “My stomach is doing the flips again.” John placed his hands on my dad's chair. “What?!?!!! You vs. 3!? My hero!” Jonathan shoots up after he registered what dad said and yelled “What?!!!” And all I could do was look at him with a wired face of, “for real?" John was more than curious to know more about his dad. I’m not even sure I am ready for this side of Dad, id I'd rather hear the Gamma tell me instead. I’m with Copa, I’m never going to recover mentally from this. Now that I’m really thinking about this. Dad looks back. “Why so surprised, Jona?”. Jonathan looks at him with an obvious look. “Well, because I have never heard a single person talk about you like that?!?!!!” I nod in agreement. We never heard of anything he ever did with anyone who wasn’t ma directly in front of him. Copa kept massaging her temples. “That’s because he did it all before Marisol. Once they learned they were fated, everyone backed off.” Dad smiles like a Cheshire Cat. “Yeap, going against me is a death wish, and then being in Marisol’s bed is a killer move, pawn intended.” He places his hand to defend his shoulder when Copa attacks him again. “Ou for the love of bones, Jose, seriously?!?!” She shouts as she keeps hitting him. Dad laughs at her. “Too easy, Lou, jajajaja” I laugh at that pawn, I want to know more about who my dad is now but I also don’t want a single thing to do with him, I’m changing my mind more than a girl changes outfit now, but I wasn’t expecting this. Alvyn looked at his dad from his seat as he asked. “Who is Marisol?” I look at him from the side. “My mom, and if I was you, I wouldn’t go there.” Alvyn smiles like he’s about to make a joke and asks, “Why?” Before I could answer my dad answers him. “Because I will make sure you hear your mom instead.” His face went from wanting to make a mom joke of my mom to being embarrassed and slammed into the ground. Everyone laughed so hard at my dad’s response I was crying, Alvyn was so furious it killed me so hard how my dad did this. Ou now I really want to get to know my dad! Ou my gods this is beautiful. As my dad kept on driving we just simply made small talk with each other but mostly we ended up doing with Jonathan and which was falling asleep and before we knew it we were in front of the sunflower pack. Looks like our day is about to get a little bit more interesting, it looked just like the last time I was here which was when I was a kid, it’s a humongous mansion type, that is surrounded by a lot of other little houses that are bright colors neon green neon yellow neon pink and all of that stuff. We were supposed to get out of Guagua but since we were also sleepy inside the Guagua only dad got out of the car and started taking out the luggage to put out inside the humongous pack house I mean everybody was sound asleep even Copa was sound asleep. I look outside of my window to see if I can talk to my dad for a couple of moments but I see that he’s walking inside the pack house so I won’t be able to ask him directly. Instead I decided to mind link him. ‘Hey dad do we stay here to sleep or do you need help waking us up?’ I ask him thru the link. ‘For now just stay in the guaga, we might need to wait for the Governor and his family to apear before we can do anything.’ He responds to me with a good vibe. I close the mind link and look to my side to see that my mate is fully in early sound asleep making me feel a lot more at ease, to think that I would find my mate sooner than later this is got to be the happiest day so far. I see that Jonas still sound asleep and I want so badly to give him a wet Willy that I would just wait for it to happen. Dad enter his bag inside the car and he goes to the side to park the car once he parks the car and everybody starts to like wake up I attacked Jona. After I give him a wet Willy I run for my life out of the guaga. “ Run John! Save yourself from Jonas wrath!!!” I yell as I run our the parking lot.
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