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Tired by her raging emotional imbalance, Addisoj spoke after climbing over Zack, "Going through this is hard. It's almost like I can't take it anymore." With tears in her eyes, Addison rested her head on Zack's lap as she tried to talk her worries out. Since Zack realised that talking to her at that moment wouldn't suffice, he gently stroked her head while giving her a tender smile. They then went to a nearby diner. As Addison hadn't eaten anything since the morning, she was starving. She, therefore, hurriedly ordered food. Her order arrived in a few minutes. As she ate while venting out her accumulated torments, she saw Miss Natalie with an anonymous guy. The woman stopped in the middle after watching the couple dine. She had someone accompanying her. Almost immediately, Natalie's lips curled into a smile as she greeted them, "Good evening." Unsure of how to respond, both Addison and Zack kept staring at her. While Zack was hurt to see her being with another guy, Addison observed, 'What the hell? She has a guy with her at this hour. He looks kind of young. Who is he?" Breaking the ice between them, the guy accompanying Natalie asked, "Who are they?" While glimmering on the outside, Natalie tried to eradicate the awkwardness as she responded in her thin, feminine voice, "They are my students." "Students?" asked the man again. While nodding, Natalie confirmed, "Yeah. They study at the school where I've been working recently." While both Addison and Zack failed in greeting them properly, Natalie tried to slip right through the tense situation, "Our table is right behind you. You can call out to us if you'd need anything." As they walked away from them, the guy held Miss Natalie by her waist by placing kisses on her cheeks. 'Is he Miss Natalie's brother? For a brother, his love for the older sister seems a bit too excessive,' thought Addison but didn't say anything. As the guy dragged Miss Natalie away, she requested from both of them, "Since we all understand the importance of maintaining a social image, I believe you'd try to keep this a secret." While Zack froze and wouldn't say anything, Addison tried to remind herself that she couldn't judge Natalie for being out in the night since she was doing the same. As she observed Zack's face, she realised there were troubled much greater than worrying about her being out. Zack was frustrated to see Natalie getting all cosy and romantic with another guy. Addison thought that it would be best to avoid discussing it with Zack. Throughout the way, they didn't even utter a single word while returning to their respective homes. The next day, Addison met up with Zack during lunch break. Addison peeked out of the window and glanced at Miss Natalie, who seemed to be walking with Mister Silas while sharing giggles. It was at the moment when Zack approached her from behind and asked, "Spying on the duo again?" While maintaining her scrutinizing gaze at Natalie, Addison confessed, "I always knew that she was a fake. Why does Mister Silas trust her?" "No, you're mistaken," spoke Zack. Ruminating on the events of the previous day, Addison attempted to understand what was it that she misunderstood. Meanwhile, Zack stood beside Addison as he notified, "Well, I knew that guy Miss Natalie was with last night." "What? How come?" asked Addison. Zack tried to clarify, "I don't think he remembers me as I hadn't talked to him earlier. I'm pretty sure he's a student that she used to tutor just like me. I saw them picking out a reference book together once." Listening to him defend her, Addison asked, "And? By telling me this, what do you want to convey? Why are you informing me about that?" While attempting to defend Natalie's image in front of Addison, the guy further spoke, "He's just a former student. He probably just called her up last night to get her help or something. It wasn't what we had thought." After contorting her face while hearing Zack's inadequate reasoning, Addison walked away, concluding in her head, 'Love will make you blind.' As she walked further downstairs, she speculated, 'Just a student? Like I would believe something so ridiculous.' As she moved out of the school building, she couldn't help but question herself, 'Why? Why can't Zack see things like I do?" It was precisely then that she remembered that Zack called out Miss Natalie's name while she was pleasuring him the other day. It was then that Addison realized, 'I get it now. Zack and I haven't known each other for that long.' After placing her hand over her aching heart, Addison mumbled to herself, "It was my imagination that deceived me and made me feel that we had some connection. Zack, however, only loves that woman. Further, I must understand that he's a man and another individual. He's not me." As Addison walked towards the playground, she began analyzing her own situation, "Until now, I've thought of giving up on Mister Silas after seeing him settle for someone better than me. Presumably, that's why I feel at ease after finding out Miss Natalie's truth. I wouldn't have to give up on him anymore. Perhaps, the sense of ease hadn't sprung from love." After spotting Miss Natalie, Addison called out to her. While looking at Miss Natalie, Addison finally concluded in her head, 'This sense of ease sprung up from hatred. Without a doubt, I detest this woman.' While Natalie looked at her dumbfounded, Addison asked the lady, "Is the person you were with last night your boyfriend?" While holding her hairs that drifted in the direction of the wind, Natalie was quick to debunk her speculation on the subject. "No, he was just a friend," responded Natalie with a smile so kind that it could fool even the pope of her innocence. Addison was appalled to see that Natalie didn't even speak of the guy from the other night as a former student. She straightaway regarded him as a friend. While looking at the woman in utter shock, Addison pondered while looking at her face, 'If there's nothing between them, then why did she asked us to stay quiet about it? Why does she need to keep it a secret? Most importantly, we both have a person in common whom we'd prefer not to tell about the last night. By looking at her face and that smirk, I can tell that she knows that I wouldn't tell Silas about her because I want to hide my truth as well." It was then Natalie began to walk away as a student called out to her. Addison, however, understood that though Natalie presented herself as naive and ignorant, she knew about her feelings for Mister Silas. Addison, therefore, was conflicted to think, "If she can sense my feelings about Mister Silas without even talking to me, then why doesn't she consider Zack's feelings for her as well? What about Zack? She taught him for such a long time. Why didn't she ever figure out about him?' Watching her peering at her, Natalie asked before leaving, "Is something the matter, Miss Addison?" Before Addison could ask anything further from her, the bell rang. Natalie then excused herself, "As I have a class with that I need to teach. Let's talk more about this after school, okay?" Just then, Addison noticed that Natalie smelt faintly of cigarettes while running away towards the school building. Furthermore, she was wearing the same outfit that she had been wearing the previous day. (Natalie's P.O.V.) Well, it could be that I love myself way too much. I don't prefer to be associated with anything that labels a person as belonging to someone. It is not believably my fault that people are attracted to my individuality. There is no point in striving forward for anything unless you feel important and wanted. I see no reason for formulating bonds or giving attention to things unless I feel wanted. Well, what can I say? I love attention more than the oxygen I intake. While confronting that stupid girl Addison, I remembered an instance when I from my childhood. During my senior year in high school, I had a silly friend just like Addison. She had a crush on this guy who used to walk right past our class during the lunch break. Every time he'd pass through our class, my stupid friend would peek from our class to catch a glimpse of him. One day, I went ahead and intentionally dropped my freshly fragmented handkerchief in front of him. The guy ran towards me while carrying the handkerchief. With a gentle smile, the guy spoke, "You dropped it on the floor." Very wittingly, I managed to do this while my friend observed us from the class. Honestly, I thought they'd make a good match. But, there was something about how neatly that would fit, and it bothered me somehow. Therefore, I smiled as charmingly as I could and let out, "I am a bit out of it today. That's why I ended up dropping it." Honestly, I wasn't even interested in that guy. But, I was interested in the attention that the guy received from my friend. It made him worthy of getting my attention. I tenderly touched his thumb while I took my handkerchief from him. Though it hurt my friend, my ego was satisfied. There is just something about being appreciated by people who are the object of affection of others. When I returned to my friend, the silly girl spoke, "I'm sorry that I ran off like that. It is just that I was just a little surprised. I think you two would look good with one another." With tears in her eyes and cheeks all red, the girl said, "I hope this doesn't hurt our friendship. I'd appreciate it if we could move past through this as pals." At that moment, the feeling that I was getting was something new. Neither was it guilt nor was it a sense of superiority. The only thing that ran into my mind was that I'd rather die than see myself getting exploited like my friend or Addison. I guess that was the day I realised that I enjoyed exploiting people. What's so wrong with me in loving that? I'm just so jealous. Being able to love someone other than yourself, that's something I can't imagine. As I stepped on the stairs to get to the class, I realised that I might as well break things off with that student of mine. Since he broke up with his girlfriend for me, nobody desires him. For now, I will stick to playing with Mister Silas.  I can't tell how good someone is until I hear it from someone else. It is just comical when that silly Addison stares at me whenever I'm around Silas. She must really love him. That's why I will do it today. I will end her. Before calling Addison to meet me, I've arranged a meeting with Mister Silas. Wjen she’ll come to see me, Silas will already be present there. Precisely then, I'll give Addison a traumatising memory by crushing her heart into million fragments. Addison, you had the audacity to come to me. As a teacher, I must resolve all of your queries by today. "Man, I can't wait," slipped right out of my mouth as I entered a classroom to teach. If anything, it will be a pleasant day for me. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ AUTHOR’S NOTE ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Show your love to the author by adding this book to your library. Thank You. 
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