"Chapter 18" You are a diamond in a trash

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Then let me go, if you love me then why are you chaining me like that, why are you not letting me see your face Sana contended. Cause if I don't chain you you will run away, and my face is too handsome you would never stop yourself from losing in me, he said. I don't think so, I would never fall for anyone......, because you have ruined yourself in love for some chunt, and now he is busy being pleased and appreciated but you are still standing here and waiting for him to come back, he cuts her off. Don't you remember how he humiliated your character? He asked. Say whatever you want, but I will stay on my promise, I would never stray from my promise, if I do it for once I will make it forever, she said. That's the thing I love in you, I really want you to be mine, but first I need to let you forget him, He said. You can't let me forget him ever, She said. Oh, really then let's meet tomorrow, I will show you, how much I can gain over you, he said and placed a cloth on her mouth after that Sana didn't remember what the next happen. Sana woke up and found herself alone in her room, she roamed her eyes all over the room, and her breath was going higher and higher, she took her feet down, and with a trembling body, she checked all over her house. She found nothing she gasped calmly and got to her knees. She cried so harder, as her screams were so high. Why? Why all this is happening to me? What have I done, why my life is full of miseries, first you left me, and now that murderer chasing me like an animal, he had a nose that only scent me, Sana was crying so harshly. Suddenly her doorbell rings. She slowly walks to the door and sees who is out there. She saw a postman, she opened the door and he greeted her. Good Morning Ms. Danial, how are you, he asks and gives her a letter. What is it? She asked and he showed her the description. This is a job interview letter, He said. Job, but I don't need it, Sana said. Ms. Danial, you should look into it, sometimes some things hit like surprise, he said and left. Thank you, Jorden, Sana said. Don't mention it, he said and left. Sana took it inside and opened it, she found a letter where she was appointed that was a big company and the salary package was huge. Why they are paying me this much? Sana asks and walks to the living room, she reads the letter while she turns on the TV, and the news hits her shockingly. Today we are going to listen to the rising star, Mr. Sana Danial, we are trying to contact her, but she is not with us, but today we try to connect with her, that anchor said and Sana's eyes widened. The roamer is that she is going to collab with a great production house, where that rising star is going to show her story on a big screen, he said and she can not believe her ears. Suddenly her phone rings and she takes it to her ear. Ma'am, did you see that? Everyone is talking about you, everyone requires you, Emmy was on the other line. Yeah, I just watched it, Sana said. So now, what do you think should I come back, you are not letting me do this, Emmy said. What have I done? Sana asks. You just bestow me another package now tell me how can I come over, Emmy asks. And she saw someone else was calling her. Stay on hold Emmy, someone is here, and Sana takes the other call. Hello, Ms. Danial, I am home you would have a nice sleep, but now you have to come for your interview, the person on call said. But, I don't have any clue why are you giving me the job. Sana asks. Because my lady you have become the most followed person on i********:, as well as on more than four big platforms you are going on trend with more than 600 million followers, on each platform, he blasted a bomb on her, she can't believe herself. What are you saying? She was shocked. Yes, Ms. Our company desperately wanted to hire you, he said. She cuts the call and looks at her i********:, she got millions of views on her every post. She was trying to come over, and all of a sudden she again got someone's call. Hello, Ms. Danial, why didn't you come, you need to do it fast, that person had a handsome charming voice. You need to hurry, he said and hung up the call. Sana was shocked but she quickly dressed up and so beautiful soft makeup. She was wearing a short dress that was Covering her legs properly. That dress was red, she saw herself in the mirror and commenced her steps down to her car. How can this be possible, how did I get these followers on my account, She asked herself. Anyhow she brushed off her thoughts and commenced to drive her car. She followed the address and found a huge building in front of her, her jaw drooped, and entered the building. She saw a woman sitting in reception. Good morning, I am Ms. Sana Danial, she let out and when she saw her face her happiness became uncontrollable. Ms. Danial, we were waiting for you, just take a lift and go to the first floor, she instructed and Sana did as she said. Sana goes to the same door that she instructed. Excuse me, can I come in? She said. Yes, a heavy masculine voice came from inside, she entered and closed the door. I was waiting for you, Sana tries to recognize that voice that is too familiar. He was sitting on the chair, and the chair was turned, Sana was only able to see his back. Hello, Mr........, she doesn't see any nameplate. Come and take a seat, he said and she did as he said. I am so glad that you appointed me, but don't you think the salary package you are giving me is too high? Sana said and heard him chuckling. I know you are really honest and don't feel any hesitation, you deserve it, you are going to be a billionaire because you are the most followed woman in this world, He said. But I don't want to, I think it's a huge mistake, I didn't even upload my pics on my account, not even use it, I don't how all this happened, Sana let out. Don't press your mind for it, just relax, he said and Sana really wished to see his face. Who are you? Sana asks. He turned his seat, and Sana curiously looked at his chair, she saw his face, and her jaw dropped as she fisted her hands, her face started to glow red, and tears started to come in her eyes. Sana sees a hyper-muscular man, tall and having golden skin, and wearing a black fitted suit. He was tall and handsome, having a handsome and hard face, his eyes were green, and he looked apologized, He has a sharp high bridge nose, juicy clean lips, His jawline was remarkable and his gaze was slaying. Micheal......., she whispered, and a tear dropped down from her eye. Yes....., he replied, they looked into each other eyes but then Sana couldn't control it she pushed her chair and stood up, he ran and secured the sides of Sana's chair with his arms and hands. Sana listen to me, he let out. Shut up....., don't... Don't let out my name from your mouth, She said. Please, once listen to me, just listen to me for once, he said. What do you want Micheal, what has been left behind, isn't it enough for you, isn't it enough for me to get destroyed? Sana asks. Let... Let me go please, Sana looks away and her eyes shed tears. Sana, please don't cry that was not my fault, that was his fault, he has a little, disgusting mindset, why are you blaming me for this? All I need to say is, please, stop it, I want to be alone, why are you coming again into my life? Sana asks. I am not coming but your ability and your hard work grab you there, Micheal said. You know Micheal, I would love to join a diminutive company, that doesn't pay me well, but I am going to be happy, but with I just left down everything so far, Sana said. Let me explain, let me explain for once, He said. She looked into his eyes and felt the warmth. I don't think I am okay doing the job here, Sana said. You will be, relax, just get away from your past, his words compel her to calmness. Because of you, I have endured much, still, I am doing, She said. But you know in this I do not have any fault, as well as you don't have any, so why are you blaming me? He asks. Because of that day, I just ruined my dream, I just ruined what I endured, Sana said. Come, Sit here, that handsome man takes her to the seat, she sits, and he knees down in front of her. Why did you come again? You know I am that same Sana, Sana asks. My eyes are always on you, how can I forget you, He said. Micheal, everything you did for me that was an enchanting phase of my life, because of you I got recognition, But because of you, I lost my loved ones, and because of you people blamed me for that thing which I did, what do I, I never thought of those, Sana look at me, those people are nothing, you are a diamond in the trash, and those trash people were jealous of you, Micheal said. I don't know why those jealous people target my character. Sana asks. You don't have any idea, but it hurts more than being assaulted, Sana said. I know what is going on with you, and I know how it affected you, but just look, those were toxic people around, and you get relieved without doing anything, She said. What relief, I got no one, no one around me, my nightmares are eating me, every day, Sana said. Your mind is producing those nightmares, Sana, I want to give you that job, not because I know you, but because you are worthy of it, and that money is high because you got high recognition in this world, He said. But I don't want it, I don't know how this happened, I don't even use any platform, and how I got these followers around the world, Sana said. This is the exact pleasure, this is enchanting that you are unaware who loves you and who prays for you, along with who plays with you, he said. I don't know why people do this to me, I always, everyone wanted to play with me, she let out and thought about that mysterious guy. Sana, are you okay? He asks. No, I am not, she let out. You can tell me, He looks deep into her gapes. I don't want to tell you a reason, but this thing is making me feel morbid and lifeless, I have endured many in my life, but last night I thought I just started, Sana said. What happened sweetie you can tell me, he asks again. I think I don't have to tell you, this is perilous for you, she said. I am not like others, I can turn over every perilous forte that is coming with you, I will always be with you, He said. You want to go home, he said and she nodded she burst into tears. That bastard did this to you, and you are doing this with your family, he said. I don't know what to do, I want to resist everyone who is connected to him, I just want to move on but I can not, I am saving myself to show them how I built my character still, she said. Your character is high all the time, no one can compete with you, he said and patted her shoulder. You know what, I don't want to see your face, but I am not that hard enough, Sana's words make him chuckle. You can't get away from me, because I am someone who understands you, He said. Whom you are living with? He asks. No one, she let out and he frowned. Did you know what our city is turning into? He asks. Yes, I know but what should I have to do? I have no other choice
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