"Chapter 17" Let me close or embrace the death

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I beg you, don't do this to me, Sana cried. You are thinking wrong my precious Sana, he let out. Ho... How do you know my name? She asks. I know everything about you, my eyes are always on you, he said. This is your responsibility that you need to stay in front of my eyes, he whispered into her ears. Wrong, you are saying this just because you want me to be scared, Sana said. And if I say I am not wrong? He asks and she doesn't speak against If I scream? She asks. Then I will drag you with me, into the horrifying room of this world, Horrifying room? Sana asks. Don't worry one day you need to go through this because your fate is written with me, He seems so confident Now I am going and don't you dare to go away from me, close your eyes, he said and she did. Also, don't you dare to look behind, he said and slowly he let go of her body. Sana was squeezing her eyes harder, and suddenly she felt herself released, she turned around and found no one. Without wasting time she runs as fast as her feet can take her. She gets to her parking, gets in her car, and drives to her house. When she reached her house she closed the door as well as all the windows in her house. Thank.... Thank God, she said and went to her room she closed her clothes and was sitting in the hall. What is this? What is going on around me? Who is that man? Sana was perplexed and extremely scared. She was scared to stay in her house. She takes her phone and dial Emmy's number. Emmy, She take her phone on the first ring. Hey, Ma'am thank you, thank you so much for giving me these holidays, her happiness was on bloom. Nice to hear you are having fun, Sana said. Yes, Ma'am never been better before, thank you for giving me such a pleasant surprise, she said and Sana frowned. What surprise? She asks. What ma'am you just booked the most expensive suit for me and everything is so luxurious who can else do this for me, Emmy said and Sana went deep into her thoughts. She was trying to find out what was going on in her life, she was engulfed in her thoughts, suddenly a noise came from behind and before she turned and looked someone grabbed her mouth as well as her hands. Shiiiiii.......! Don't talk, don't talk, be quiet, he whispered in her ear she tried hard but his metal-like body was irresistible to move. Welcome back my love, he said then bound her eyes with black cincture, then her hands and then feet, grabbed her to the room, he placed her on the bed, Sana was crying like a mad woman, she was trying hard to grab herself from this situation. But his grip was captivating. He placed her on the bed and got upon her. She was struggling as a fish when she was out of the water. Calm down, calm down, he came against her face as his hot breath was touching her face. Your body is so mesmerizing do you know? He said and his breath was touching her face. He saw her getting out of breath and slowly removed the strap from her lips. Why are you doing this? What have I done to you, Sana cried. You have done everything and asked me what you have done, he said. I can't breathe, let me go, Sana cried but it looked like he was enjoying her struggle. You can't go anywhere, my grip is all over you, he said. Please don't do anything to me..... Sana begged and he wanted to ask a question desperately. Would you prefer my closeness and giving your whole body to me, or you would prefer to die? He asks and her breath stumbles into her throat. Tell me, my love, one thing can make you live, but another will let you die, he whispered slowly into her heart. Kill me....., her reply mesmerized him, he smirked and kissed her neck. Your everything is so beautiful, unique, and alluring, That's the reason I don't prefer you to work outside, he said. Please, don't do anything to me, Sana said. Don't worry, I am just here for your fragrance, he said and took his sharp nose to her neck. He deeply breathed in, and closed his eyes, he gasped in calmness. I never thought I would meet someone like you, he said. Who are you? Sana asks. Maybe the murderer of your imagination, He replied and her breath stopped. What? Her heartbeat stopped. Yes, my love, he laughs. Do you think I am oblivious to your movements? He said. You are writing this and I am going to make it true, your story just hit me badly, He said and she started taking short breaths. Where do you find it? Sana asks. I am following you while you are sleeping, do you know how you spend your night? He asks. You slept when I take you in my arms, every night you are sleeping in my arms and that's the reason I am known of your house, He laughed. I make you breathe a substance which makes you deep into your sleep, likewise unconscious, he let out and her pale skin was going bluish. Why are you doing this to me? Why? Did..... did you......, she asks. Oh,no...no.....no, I know what kind of girl you are, and not going to do this without your permission, he said. Do you remember when you sprayed out your home with pesticide? He asks. Sana remembers the days when she woke up and saw some brutal bruises on her skin. But those bruises never come on Emmy's skin. She thought her room was crammed with bigs and then she sprayed her house with pesticide. What .....what with that? She asks. That means, that was not bugs insects, or something other, that were those marks which I bestow you while you were sleeping gently, he said. What......, her jaw dropped. Yes my girl, are you underestimating me? He said. Why....why? She was trying to resist him but he was staying hard upon him. Let me go, let me go, what I have done to you? She was crying and struggling hard. Stop it, stop it, if you try in one more time then I will show you why people call me a serial killer, he let out and she stops resisting. Se... Serial .... Killer, She let out. Yes, my love, a serial killer, you are dealing with a serial killer, He said in rhyme. Then why are you doing this to me, kill me and give me relief from this pain, Sana said. She starts resisting again and he groaned. I said stop it..., he growled. Kill me, I am disobeying you, she let out, and he made a sad face. But there is a problem, he said and she stopped again. I can't kill you, but I will kill someone else and make you see the view, he said and she opened her mouth in fear. Now you understand, he said. I can't kill you, you are the reason I started to look for dreams, you are that woman I was waiting for, who lives in my dream, but is now shown up in this real world, he said. You ha.... You have.... Killed people before? Sana asks. Yes, many....., many, he laughs and she squints her body. How many? She asks. Not clearly remember but many, you know cleaning this world is my duty, he smirks.
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