Chapter 21 Hot Pot Rollover Tragedy

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Cha Yifeng, the teacher who accompanied the car, appeared in Xu Tui's mental induction. Xu Tui didn't find any disgusting pictures in his mental induction, and then he felt that Zha Yifeng's actions were a little uncomfortable.    Xu Tui sensed that the first picture in the large compartment was that Zha Yifeng seemed to be eating. Cha Yifeng stuffed something into his mouth and chewed it for a while. There was something in his mouth that Xu Tui couldn't sense. But this picture is not only a little disgusting, but also a little weird.    What kind of hobby is Cha Yifeng? He likes to run to the toilet to eat. After a while, Zha Yifeng began to release water. Then after more than ten seconds, he walked out of the compartment.    Xu Tui did not leave immediately, pretending to pick up his pants somewhere. In Xu Tui's mental induction, Cha Yifeng seemed to be a little nervous, but after leaving the large cubicle, Xu Tui sensed that Cha Yifeng seemed to be slightly relieved.    Things happen for a reason and there are oddities.   Zha Yifeng quickly left Xu Tui's sensing range.   Xu turned his head back and used telepathy to check the large cubicle that Cha Yifeng had used. Nothing was found, everything seemed normal.    Xu Tui thought that it was because Zha Yifeng entered the large compartment but did not get a large one, and it was a little abnormal. But then he thought about it, there are many people who put water directly into the large compartment in daily life. This isn't even weird. However, Xu Tui felt that Zha Yifeng just showed more than a little weirdness. He got out of the car and ran to the large compartment at the first time. He didn't rush to release the water, but ate something, and at the same time he left the large room. In the compartment, his expression also seemed to be a little nervous. And he entered the large compartment just to put water in the large compartment.    These points together make it a little weird.    If this was replaced by Xu Tui before the follow-up and the milk tea shop incident, Xu Tui might not care at all, and he probably wouldn't even take a look at it.   Who would sense that a man is squatting on a tuba and is sick!    But after the incident with the stalking and milk tea shop, the idea of ​​Xu Retire, who has matured a lot, is different.   There are often deeper reasons behind many seemingly unreasonable actions.    For so many years, Xu Tui did not watch suspense-solving dramas for nothing. Of course, Xu Tui suspected some possibilities based on these alone, and it was unlikely, so Xu Tui didn't want to cause trouble for himself.    However, this did not prevent Xu Tui from paying more attention to the car teacher Cha Yifeng. Xu Tui took advantage of this short ten-minute break to observe the team. At this time, there were a total of 12 buses and 13 escorts at the supply station. He found that each escort vehicle has six security guards in military uniforms, and each bus is equipped with two security brothers, and their security force in this batch is as high as 102. These security forces are not included in the teacher on-board. And the worst teacher in the car is a gene liberator. He just didn't know whether the other cars had one teacher or two. However, this security lineup is very strong. This situation made Xu Tui feel a lot more at ease.    During the break, Xu Tui and Cheng Mo passed by Zha Yifeng, who was also taking the same break, several times, on purpose or not, and found nothing abnormal again.    After ten minutes, everyone got on the bus and set off again.    Xu Tui found out that this Professor An Xiaoxuean did not get off the bus. "Could it be that when you become a professor, is this storage ability different from that of ordinary people?"    Not long after the convoy continued to set off, Xu Tui discovered the reason why An Xiaoxue did not get off.    After everyone put the water in, all the students were drinking water, and there was free mineral water in the car. An Xiaoxue also had a mineral water bottle in front of her, which she took after getting in the car. She only drank less than two centimeters. An Xiaoxue just took a sip and moistened her own lips. Unlike him and Cheng Mo, who drink half a bottle of cattle at one time. An Xiaoxue seemed to sense Xu Tui's gaze, she looked back at Xu Tui, and continued to look down at the book.   Xu Tui's seat was slightly behind the middle of the bus, and Zha Yifeng, who was sitting at the front door, was just within Xu Tui's three-meter psychic range. However, since getting in the car, Zha Yifeng has not had any abnormality. His expression seemed calm. It's just that Zha Yifeng's mental state in Xu Tui's induction is a little more nervous than the mental aura released by other students. Xu Tui thought it might be the reason why the car teacher was responsible.    After this break, the 30 students obviously relaxed a lot. The atmosphere in the car became more lively, and the sound of the car clack began to increase. In all, from the start of boarding to the present, although only three hours have passed, it has actually been more than four hours. At this time, many students were already feeling hungry, and they began to eat and drink water. Although there are also biscuits to satisfy hunger in the car, most of the students have delicious food prepared by their parents at home. Due to the different tastes of the big guys, all kinds of fragrances are mixed together, which is very exciting. Xu Tui thanked fortunately that there were no classmates who loved stinky tofu and durian, or else this car classmate would have been sour.   Youth are the easiest to get along with. In particular, Cheng Mo's self-sufficient temperament is not to mention, the food he brings is large enough, the amount is large enough, and the people are generous enough. With Cheng Mo's shout, this kind of eating alone soon turned into a dinner party. Everyone took out their delicious food to share, and it was considered to get acquainted in advance. At this time, if we have a microphone for everyone, and everyone shouts a few times together, we can have a party. Xu Tui naturally had to come up with something, the fragrant sauce beef, the bright red braised pig's trotters, and the pickled sour, spicy and crispy cucumbers. In the end, Xu returned to take out soybeans and started delivering them to the students. "Hey, my mom made it by herself, it's crunchy and fragrant, it's a snack on the road, try it!"    However, the female classmate Gong Ling expressed hesitation and some concerns. Apparently she was concerned about some of the gas that came out after eating soybeans, especially on long drives. "It's okay, just eat less and taste it." Xu Tui was very enthusiastic. Xu Tui distributed the soybeans in the bag, and most of the classmates in the car received some soybeans more or less.    "Teacher Cha, do you want some?" Xu Tui laughed. "Thank you, no need!" Zha Yifeng refused succinctly. "Professor An, do you want some?" An Xiaoxue shook her head.    Xu Tui and Cheng Mo had a great time with a group of classmates for a dinner party. Tong Qi and He Mingxuan, who had turned on the mocking mode before, naturally became estranged from them. Xu Tui and Cheng Mo naturally wouldn't greet them. So these people obviously feel a little deserted. It's not a good feeling to be isolated.   So He Mingxuan couldn't sit still, he immediately took out his bag from the luggage rack and took out a large box. "Come on, a few brothers, one for each person, my mother is busy, and I love hot pot, so I prepared some self-heating hot pot for me. There are all kinds of flavors, you can choose by yourself." He Mingxuan brought six or seven copies of his own. Hot pot, which was originally his meal for two days on the road. But at this time, in order not to fall into the field, the greeting was very warm. Three boxes were sent out in a blink of an eye.    "Teacher Cha, do you want some?" He Mingxuan asked, "Thank you, no!" Cha Yifeng still refused. "Mr. An, what about you, do you want a box?" He turned and asked An Xiaoxue again. "Thank you!" An Xiaoxue also refused.    Then He Mingxuan tore open the package of the self-heating hot pot and began to pour water into it. A few minutes later, the self-heating hot pot of He Mingxuan and others began to steam and emit a strong aroma, especially the spicy one. Everyone feels that they don't know how explosive it is in their mouths, and the smell is numb and spicy.    "Huh, this is spicy enough, and it's delicious enough to eat." He Mingxuan deliberately proclaimed loudly, with a sense of showing off. Seeing a few hot classmates swallowing their saliva secretly, He Mingxuan, who was full of sweat, stood directly in the aisle and ate in the direction of Xu Tui and Cheng Mo. Eat a sentence, praise a sentence.    This appearance makes many students feel that it is not tasteful. You are just eating a self-heating hot pot, is this necessary?  "Hey, He Mingxuan, be careful, stand so high, the car is still moving at high speed, be careful that the self-heating hot pot spills, it will be bad if you burn yourself." Xu Tui suddenly reminded.   He Mingxuan didn't care, "How is that possible."    "The basic point of my genes is the comprehensive improvement of strength and speed. My hands are now as stable as Mount Tai." He Mingxuan was bragging when suddenly, the car overturned. The self-heating hot pot in his hand suddenly poured inward. He Mingxuan dodged instinctively, but he was bragging. He didn't expect the car to roll over, so he dodged a little slower. The red oily hot pot soup poured down He Mingxuan's chest. Fortunately, not too much was poured on his chest, and most of it was poured on the shoes. He Mingxuan wore a pair of obvious little white shoes today. Then, I saw that the shoes had changed colors, and the surface of the shoes was covered with red oily soup. And there was a bunch of green peppercorns hanging on his chest. This situation made He Mingxuan dumbfounded, and it seemed that his expression was a little dazed!      Although the scalding is not too hot, because the self-heating hot pot does not heat for a long time, the temperature continues to decrease after eating. But what about the top, the pants, the shoes, the socks, and the wet panties? What's particularly terrible is that the clothes and shoes are all in the luggage compartment of the trolley, and the luggage compartment of the bus is put in the luggage compartment of the bus. If the car hadn't stopped, he wouldn't have been able to take out his luggage and change his clothes.   He Mingxuan's mouth twitched in frustration, looking at Xu Tui who had just reminded him, "You you." "Hey, He Mingxuan, I already reminded you, you are still so careless. Pack up quickly, do you want a tissue?" Xu Tui said. The students who were full of cars were also a little stunned. Xu Tui's mouth is too much of a god. Just reminded that He Mingxuan had an accident? But everyone thinks this is because He Mingxuan is too flamboyant. Eat a self-heating hot pot, are you exaggerating like this? Well now, he's in trouble. Everyone can only say in their hearts, yes! He even had the strange intention of reminding him to retreat just now. This time, everyone felt that He Mingxuan's character was not very good. Be careful with this person in the future. Many savvy classmates made a note in their interpersonal notebook on the spot. At the same time, Xu Tui and Cheng Mo are worth interacting with. When interacting with He Mingxuan, you have to be careful.    Just when the attention of all the people in the car was on He Mingxuan, the female researcher An Xiaoxue's gaze traced to the foot of the chair beside He Mingxuan. It turned out that there was a soybean lying on the ground, and this soybean was stained with a little red oil. It seems that it should have been stained when it hit the self-heating hot pot just now. Seeing He Mingxuan's embarrassed appearance, An Xiaoxue raised her head and looked at Xu Tui, who was grinning straight and happy. "This kid has a heavy heart for revenge." Although An Xiaoxue didn't see it just now, she heard a vigorous voice amidst the loud noise. The source of that swift wind was Xu Tui, and the end was He Mingxuan's self-heating hot pot. So it's very clear that He Mingxuan's self-heating hot pot was knocked over by Xu Tui with soybeans. However, even if she knew, An Xiaoxue had no evidence.  Because  At this moment, many students have soybeans in their hands. "It's Xu retreating, so I'm very cautious." An Xiaoxue came to another conclusion. However, don't say there is no evidence, even if there is evidence, An Xiaoxue will not expose Xu Tui. Because of this He Mingxuan, she didn't like it either. Not even sympathetic. "He Mingxuan, clean up the ground." An Xiaoxue said softly, and helped Xu Tui to make up for it.    "Ah" He Mingxuan grimaced and glanced at him, but no one in the entire carriage stood up to help him. The classmate who ate his self-heating hot pot just now didn't make any movement at this time. Especially Tong Qi, who was sitting closest to him, didn't have any intention of helping him at all. In the end, a few female classmates relented and held hands. Even so, it took He Mingxuan half an hour to deal with the battlefield of the overturned self-heating hot pot. The whole compartment exudes a strong hot pot smell, and He Mingxuan's body is even stronger. The same seat next to He Mingxuan disliked it and went to sit with the security guard in the military uniform in the last row. He Mingxuan wanted to cry but had no tears.    Not far away, Xu Tui, who had already had enough to eat and drink, was throwing soybeans one by one into his mouth. Take a bite. Boom crispy! fragrant!   After eating and drinking, and getting tired from the car, many students began to sleep. When everyone slept, time passed quickly. Xu Tui was also squinting, but he always kept his spirits and paid attention to Zha Yifeng. But Zha Yifeng did not show any abnormality. Suddenly, Zha Yifeng's voice sounded again. "Classmates, wake up, the second supply point has arrived. This supply point can not only release water, but also provide light meals. The students have a total of fifteen minutes, so don't wait for it to expire." After that, Zha Yifeng pulled Open the door and be the first to get off.    He Mingxuan, who had endured all the way, jumped out of the car for the second time and went straight to the luggage compartment.    Xu Tui grabbed a handful of Cheng Mo, who was still eating, and followed closely in the direction of Zha Yifeng with Cheng Mo.
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